Ok...Vamo or Provari?!

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I'm planning on upgrading from my lavatube and while I was planning on saving for a provari, here comes the vamo! Everything the provari does and VW to boot. So I'd like to hear from people who have both. And please...lets not get into a vamo or provari bashing lol. I'd just like some general observations please.


Vaping Master
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Nov 30, 2009
Richmond, Va...Right in Altria's back yard.
Isnt going to be much of an upgrade if youre getting something at the same price point as the Lavatube is it?

If youve already started out on VV and dont plan on switching resistances and devices you arent going to find much need for VW. If youre into rebuildable atties, and change resistances/juice delivery systems and juice on a regular basis then go for the VW.

For my money Id buy the Provari every time. Im already starting to see scattered reports of problems with Vamos, might just be poor quality control with certain units but at any case problems with the Vamo seem to much more prevalent.
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ProV, no doubt!! The Vamo works but it is still just a cheap looking and feeling Chinese mod. I am very underwhelmed with the Vamo, I bought it to see what VW is all about. When I go from carto tank, to Vivi Nova, to DUD I need to change wattage to get the vape I want anyway so whats the point. I thought it was supposed to vape adjustment free, but for me it doesn't. When I hold it I have to remind myself it was cheap or I get a bit bummed that I bought it.

The ProV is going to last at least a year with no more money out of pocket due to the warranty. It feels good in my hand, and it is very consistant, from full charged to dead battery it vapes the same drag after drag.

The Vamo in shorty mode is the same size as a full sized ProVari, with both in 18650 mode the ProVari is about 3/4 inch shorter.


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Oct 26, 2011
You're going to get mixed opinions on this subject so it really comes down to your preference.

There are people here who use the Vamo as a backup to their Provari and there are people who now use their Vamo and their Provari is the backup. Both devices get the job done well and provide a satisfactory vape.

Provari is smaller and lighter than the Vamo.

Build quality of the Provari is the golden standard. Build quality of the Vamo is amazing for the price (pretty heavy mod). Both are pretty darn durable as well.

Vamo has a 2 button menu system making it very quick to access info and settings while the Provari uses a single button, taking more time and effort to access info and settings.

Vamo does VV and VW while the Provari does VV only. Accuracy on the Provari is dead on while the Vamo is more like 98%-99% accurate. (They vape pretty much the same on any given voltage)

You have to pay for extension caps for the Provari, the Vamo comes with multiple battery mods.

Provari has better quality control due to Vamos being mass produced right now. Regardless of company or device ... lemon devices can occur. Neither device has a 100% non-faulty record on this forum.

With the Provari you're dealing directly with the maker. With the Vamo you're dealing with a reseller. You're going to get a longer warranty with Provape than you probably will with a vendor selling the Vamo. (You're paying for that extra warranty in the price of a Provari as well).

Vamo can be found from $30-$50 ... Provari is $160.

I recommend checking as many reviews as you can and weigh out the pros and cons for YOUR needs.
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Dec 14, 2012
I dont own either but from what I have read this question is like saying I am going to buy a car should I get a Toyota or a Ferrari? Money is the only reason I could see someone choosing a vamo over a provari and if that's the reason then go with the vamo. Not like the provari is going to load your juices for you, make sure it's battery is always charged for you or magically make crappy juice taste good.
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Vaping Master
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Jul 14, 2012
New Zealand
I'm planning on upgrading from my lavatube and while I was planning on saving for a provari, here comes the vamo! Everything the provari does and VW to boot. So I'd like to hear from people who have both. And please...lets not get into a vamo or provari bashing lol. I'd just like some general observations please.

Either would be an upgrade. Both the Provari and Vamo will give accurate vv. The Vamo will give accurate vw as well. I don't find the Vamo feels cheap myself - but they have challenged the price point of mods by putting it out at a lower price than traditionally charged for variable voltage mods.
Provari weighs 4.2 oz, Vamo stainless steel weighs 4.76 oz. Provari is shorter, but Vamo can be used in small mode with an 18350 also.
Variable wattage is easier to use - like cruise control, and the Vamo menu system is easier to use. You won't accidentally go into the menu system if you fire the button quickly successively, and on the Vamo the fire button is separate from the two smaller menu buttons.

Variable wattage suits a range of users, whether you like to use a lot of different attachments or juices, or just a few. Its just easier to use since the pv will adjust the volts for you automatically to suit the ohms of the attachment. If you haven't tried vw then the Vamo is a good pv to try it with.
Since you say you are saving for a Provari then perhaps get the Vamo now - and continue saving for the Provari if still interested.


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Nov 30, 2009
Richmond, Va...Right in Altria's back yard.
Good luck with your choice either way. I do have to clear one thing up though....ease of use is subjective. I rarely if ever change the voltage settings on my Provari. I dont have to because I use the same resistance cartomizers every single time and stick with one juice throughout the day. In that regards Provari may be a better choice for people that like to keep things a little more simple.

If youre more complicated then by all means get VW but its not necessary for everyone. One other thing worth mentioning, I only own 2 PV's, 1 for my main and 1 for my backup, with a Provari I dont need anything else.


Vaping Master
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Nov 30, 2009
Richmond, Va...Right in Altria's back yard.
Green or Blue would be a nice change. I'm surprised to see you can get em added to the blemished. Makes sense but didn't expect it.

I love the blue led in my polished chrome. Seems like someone wants to argue this morning so Im going to be the bigger man and walk away from this thread now. Its just simply not worth it.

To the OP good luck with whatever you decide on and I hope it works as well for you as mine does for me.


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Jan 6, 2013
Arlington, TX
For me, Vamo has been a great upgrade. Plus, since it only cost $45, I have plenty of money to buy a hand-made mechanical for the price of a Provari. Then, I'll have an electronic VW to beat around daily, and a more presentable device for steamrolling on the couch or going out.

Vamo: 4 clicks and I go from 8 watt to 10. Soooo complicated ! ;)


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Dec 30, 2012
Easy answer to an easy question...

Both are great... Provari is built much better... Vamo is hit and miss with build quality...

If you have the coin, spend it now and get the Provari, and be worry free.

If you want to save a buck, the Vamo is probably the best thing going for under $100, and lucky for us it's MUCH less than $100.

I have the Vamo, and I like it... it does well... But it's no Provari, that part is certain.
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