Lung pain

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
Caveat - I am not a doctor. See your doctor if you are sick.

What nicotine level and what PG/VG?

medium or high nicotine in 100% PG can be very irritating. Nicotine is a skin irritant. it even warns of skin irritation on the nicotine patch. PG lets through the most flavor and nicotine TH but also lets through the most nicotine irritation. People can get sore tongue, sore mouth, sore throat or even sore lungs. Add to that the drying effect of vaping (dry mucus membranes can be irritated more easily) and alcohol is not a good hydrator. You need to drink fluids and stay hydrated.

I think nicotine irritation is most likely since most new vapers start on 100% PG liquids and some get extreme in their nicotine choices. Extremely high nicotine would be even more irritating, as well as over-doing vaping (which you also may have been doing).

Tanks generally work fine with 20-30% VG like 70PG/30VG 80PG/20VG - buy some good juices from real juice vendors. The VG dulls flavor and TH some but also helps buffer the irritation. I used to use 70PG/30VG on atomizers. Now I use cartomizers and I prefer 80PG/20VG and 90PG/10VG (but my nicotine is also lower than when I started vaping).

Also be aware of the symptoms of too much nic - common symptoms are headache, rapid or irregular heartbeat, cold fingers, overall hazy sick feeling. Use moderation, stay hydrated, eat well, and it doesn't hurt to take vitamins when switching to vaping.

For right now - if all you have are 100% PG juices, you could buy the Humco Glycerin at Walmart (near rubbing alcohol) or the Wilton Glycerin in the cake decorating stuff at Michael's Crafts and add a bit to some of your juice (try 10%-20%). It will reduce the flavor and nicotine by that much but also smooth it out and add more vapor.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 24, 2011
If it is too much nicotine or PG, which others have stated it as an irritant. And you are probably chain vaping while drinking as I do as well, you could keep around two stashes of e-liquid.
A set for the weekdays with a higher more satisfying nicotine level
And a set with much lower nicotine and perhaps more VG for chain vaping.
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