*** Let's Have A Saber Touch Midi Giveaway Contest! ***

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Dec 26, 2009
Let's Have A Saber Touch Midi Giveaway Contest!

This should be fun for all!

Get your cameras and PV's ready to take some pics
Out in Public... vaping!

I will be giving away this One-Of-A-Kind
Saber Touch Midi!


All you have to do is to post some pics taken of yourself,
vaping In a Public Place!

Here are a couple of me that you all have already seen...


Bush Gardens Williamsburg & Oriole Park at Camden Yards
(sorry they are so big! I hate the way I look in Pics!)

Here is more info on the Saber Touch Midi...

So... All you have to do to enter is to post a pic of yourself,
vaping in Public...
Make sure that you have subscribed to my Youtube channel...
And Maybe ask to be friends on Facebook (Vapor Moon)...
And tell why you would like to win this Saber Touch!

You can enter as many times as you would like.
You can make it a funny pic, or show somewhere you would like to vape.
Use your imagination to win the hearts of the viewers, Me, and my son Max!
You can also comment on people's post as well... keep it fun!

As a bonus, you can also save 10% OFF a Saber Touch order during this contest.
Use code midi10 at checkout.

I will let this contest go all week until Friday Night, 7/19/13, 10pm EST.

Good Luck to you all!
Have some fun!

Keep On Vapin'!


Krazee Kat Laydee & Guru-X2.5
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 3, 2010
SoCal, USA
OMG!! That would go just purr-fect with the flashlight attachment I won from you... :wub: LOL!!

But seriously, I guess I'll start things off with a pic that I'm sure a lot of people here have seen before, but it has brought me Luck... and sadly, my all-time favorite Postman (who took the pic for me) is retiring at the end of this month... cray-1.gif


It might not be 'vaping in public', but it gets me my vapemail on time!! :D

Thanks for the chance to win one of your incredible mods!!
(and I have posted this link in the Contest thread to help spread the word...)
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 21, 2013
Minas Tirith, Gondor
Thank you for the contest, I will get right on that.

Man, I wish I'd thought to have my upset wife snap a pic of me next to the Hope diamond when I was stealth vaping in the geology exibit at the Natural History Museum on the 4th. Shoulda, coulda, woulda


EDIT: added pic of us there and me NOT vaping in public because my wife would've been all like, "you're ridiculous with that thing"
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