Is anyone out there???

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Vaping Master
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Jun 13, 2013
Nashville, TN
A couple of things I tried that helped me power through those craving times were 1) having a juice that is a higher nic level than what you vape all day. Vape that higher nic level for 15 minutes or so and that used to cut those cravings. 2) keep your mind and hands busy. Do something that will involve you so much you don't think about smoking. 3) Stay on ECF and post and read. Explore more forums and threads. Find a couple of threads where you can connect with people and get and stay in touch. It works.

You will do fine. Everyone has those times when they really want a cigarette. I would get a higher nic level juice for those times. If you are still having a lot of cravings after trying that for a bit, you can also look into WTA juice. That is nic with whole tobacco alkiloids left in it. Best place I can think of to find out about that is search for the Aroma Ejuice thread here on ECF.

Hang in there. You are doing great. A month is a big milestone.
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Robert Cromwell

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Feb 16, 2015
I ahve 2 cig flavors of 16% nic that I keep for cravings. They are really like cigs. One is Clayton tobacco the other is Buck Naked american tobacco flavor. None of the tob flavors that most like scratched my itch like those two do.

clayton juice is available in most tobacco shops and many gas n gos. It is Chinese, the Buck Naked is US made in NC. I also got it in a tobacco store, but it is avail online from the maker. Google it.


ECF Guru
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  • Apr 16, 2013
    Arkansas, USA
    Not sure where that came from but it was the worst night so far. Doing much better today. Thank you for the suggestions. I do have one tank set up with misty juice in 12 mg and I am down to 6 with everything else. Where is the best place on this forum to meet new friends?
    Have you tried the Lounge? :)
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    Ultra Member
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    Apr 10, 2013
    PA, USA
    Hey Zirf,
    Don't be so hard on yourself. I remember when I was still kinda new to vapeing. I hate to admit it, but to be honest, the urges came, sometimes I found myself at the gas station. Especially during times of stress. I would walk out with a pack of my old brand, smoke one, think that's what I needed. Then I would toss the rest. Not out of protest, but I soon realized I was over it! My flavors in vape were honestly better. Not to sound like I'm on a high horse, I would venture back for awhile. Smoke one or two, toss the rest. I finally realized it was a waste of money. Two smokes for $7.00! Now in time, I realize I don't need that anymore. I love what I read here once. "Don't count the cigarettes you smoked, count the ones you didn't." I was where you are once, it passes. The time will come that you don't miss it or need it. Just stay with it! And don't beat yourself up!
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