I am not a police officer

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Supplier Associate
ECF Veteran
Mar 22, 2011
Panama City, Florida
Agreed about prices never matching exactly. I think all or most all of the GG consumers recognize that there are going to be variances in the exchange rate. I also agree that no seller should be required to sell anything at a loss.

That said the dreaded and over-used terminology of "reasonable person" which is so prevalent in laws of virtually all Western countries comes into play. If the Euro took a 30% hit over the course of the next month, is any "reasonable" person going to expect a 30% across the board cut in existing GG stock items? I should hope not.

It's not so much about the small or accessory items although that can add up. I do think we have reached a point though that this is something that needs to be looked into. By "looking into" I only mean finding a way that the price guide can be reasonably used by the consumer.

My thougts run to an agreement that the base price of items are extablished at the time of shipment. Every shipment. If a shipment of 100 Stealths go to a seller today, the current exchange rate is 1 Euro = 1.29 USD. Any room for profit that Imeo has established with his sellers would be based off the exchange rate for whatever currency at the time of the shipment.

If the exchange rate is 1 Euro = 1.15 USD 3 weeks from now, that doesn't mean the seller takes it in the shorts. Imeo works his behind off for his customers but it isn't like there are daily shipments. We're not talking about a seller having to make adjustments for every popcorn fart from the financial world.

It would be a start at least. Problems and errata not readily sorted in quick time can be dealt with as the process matures. The real issue right now though for both consumers, sellers and most importantly, Imeo, have something in place as a start to resolution.

And lest there be any misunderstandings, my hypotheticals as to shipment quantities, exchange rate fluctuations, etc were random numbers pulled out of the air for illustration only. My only concern is that we get some groundwork laid that begins to address this. It's like the proverbial splinter in your toe.

In and of itself, it is no big deal unless it is ignored and not attended to. As we all know, that little splinter left unattended can become a problem for the whole body. Let's get out the anti-septic and tweezers now while we're just dealing with a splinter. ;)
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 25, 2009
San Juan, PR
We know you have our backs Bruce, and we have yours!

120% agree with 10mmshooter!!!

Bruce, This Bud is for you!!!



Supplier Associate
ECF Veteran
Mar 22, 2011
Panama City, Florida
I have to say, the GG Family is amazing! We are our own policeman!

I want you all to know, I have 100% commitment to Imeo and the GG Line.
Pricing, customer service, fast shipping, online presence and lots of Parts!
I am always here for you!

Couldn't agree more Bruce my friend! Like many others I can vouch for your commitment to the GG series and to your customers! :thumbs:

For me, Imeo's dedication and passion to his work on our behalf and the great service and help we get from sellers like yourself makes it even more vital the issue be handled quickly and decisively.

I am not privy to anymore direct information than anyone else but to see our friend Imeo being frustrated to this point by one or two at most makes me mad as hell. As politically incorrect as it sounds, seeing his love for this being frustrated by greed makes me wish I could reach through the internet and choke someone down. :D

Since I can't as it would only land me in jail if I could, I will settle for helping the community to make sure that the one or so at most "bad apples" get sorted or replaced. We owe that to Imeo at the very least! :)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 23, 2011
GG, Austria
Is it just me or are we talking about different things here?
Currency exchange rates are one thing. There will always be a daily change of exchanges rates and sellers just can try to get close to the defined pricing targets. And some of us have to deal with double exchange rates, like Euro-GBP / GBP to local currency. This can cause a difference of 5-6% or even more. I don't really care about that because such can happen at international deals as long as the exchange rates are not phantasy rates.

Another story is if GG sellers are asking different prices (beside exchange rate differences) for devices & parts as Imeo defined them.
I don't know the contracts or rules & conditions between Imeo and his sellers, but I would expect this as a violation of rules.
This works not only for higher prices - also the other way around, like selling below defined prices or giving hidden discounts without permission (I'm NOT talking about COV).
If done with products of other companies like Apple, IBM, BMW - you name it, they would loose their seller licence immediately and have to pay huge fines.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 2, 2010
I have to say, the GG Family is amazing! We are our own policeman!

I want you all to know, I have 100% commitment to Imeo and the GG Line.
Pricing, customer service, fast shipping, online presence and lots of Parts!
I am always here for you!

Your the best Bruce I can attest to that as well as others


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Dec 19, 2010
My first go-round with the GG world didn't go well, and I think it was due largely in part to the supplier. This was before CoV got the GG, and when I had a problem the previous supplier wasn't very helpful, to say the least. Unfortunately I took my frustration about this out on Imeo when I first posted in this forum almost a year ago.

I'm not sure where I was going with all that. A little hung over, I guess... :)


Supplier's Manufacturer - Offline
ECF Veteran
Jun 18, 2010
Land Of Corruption
My first go-round with the GG world didn't go well, and I think it was due largely in part to the supplier. This was before CoV got the GG, and when I had a problem the previous supplier wasn't very helpful, to say the least. Unfortunately I took my frustration about this out on Imeo when I first posted in this forum almost a year ago.

I'm not sure where I was going with all that. A little hung over, I guess... :)

Nothing like a pounding head to bring regrets to the forefront!!! LMAO!!!:lol::lol::lol:
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