File this one under - It looks like they are smoking and they're enjoying it so it must be bad.... or under politically correct gone wild

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Mar 29, 2011
Rhode Island

This is taken from the Patriot Ledger and it's referring to Cohasset, MA

Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, do not contain tobacco, tar, or any of the harmful chemicals packed into traditional cigarettes. But these modern-day nicotine delivery devices may soon be outlawed in certain parts of Cohasset.
The town’s board of health will ask town meeting voters on May 12 to amend the community’s smoking bylaws to ban the use of e-cigarettes in all locations where traditional cigarettes are not allowed. This includes business offices, restaurants, athletic fields, bars, train stations and other spaces where crowds typically gather.
“It’s a new-make tobacco product,” Cohasset health inspector Tara Tradd said of e-cigarettes.
If voters approve the new by-law, Cohasset would become the first South Shore town to implement the ban on e-cigarettes, according to the non-profit Massachusetts Municipal Association. Nineteen cities and towns in the state, including Boston, have adopted the ban by inserting e-cigarettes into their respective anti-smoking laws.
In recent years, state and federal health officials have raised concerns about the unknown effects of e-cigarettes. Tradd said scientists haven’t researched the products, invented in 2003, thoroughly enough to conclude whether they are harmful.
Many critics of e-cigarettes also claim the devices can lead non-smokers, including children, to smoke traditional cigarettes. Although there are nicotine-free e-cigarettes, many people use the devices to get their nicotine fix without having to inhale the chemicals from traditional cigarettes.
According to the Massachusetts Municipal Association, 28 cities and towns in the state, including Kingston and Hanover, have adopted new laws restricting the sale of e-cigarettes and other nicotine delivery products. Most of these changes prohibit the sale of e-cigarettes to minors.
At the May 12 town meeting, Cohasset’s health department will also propose by-law changes that would ban the sale of e-cigarettes to minors. They also want to prevent the town’s three stores with pharmacies from selling tobacco products, including e-cigarettes.
Cohasset’s selectmen and advisory board have unanimously opposed the board of health’s proposed changes. Selectmen Chairman Ted Carr said the board was divided on the e-cigarette debate, but he said the members were wholeheartedly against any new restrictions on local merchants.
“I just think there are other ways to promote health without affecting the economy,” Carr said.
Health officials in Weymouth and Braintree said they haven’t considered any new restrictions on the sale or use of e-cigarettes. Gerald Maher, chairman of Marshfield’s board of health, said his committee hasn’t tackled the issue either, but he said he can understand the reasoning behind Cohasset’s proposals.
Although Maher said there is no proof that e-cigarettes cause harm, he said they could create disruption because they look so much like cigarettes.
“It’s like someone drinking ginger ale out of a beer can,” he said.
Patrick Ronan may be reached at
READ MORE about this issue.

Read more: Cohasset to consider ban on electronic cigarettes - Quincy, MA - The Patriot Ledger


Ultra Member
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Oct 7, 2010
there is no proof that e-cigarettes cause harm, he said they could create disruption because they look so much like cigarettes.
“It’s like someone drinking ginger ale out of a beer can,” he said.

I fully understand the problem of it looking like smoking, but an important question lingers!

Do they have a ban against drinking ginger ale out of a beer can?


Vaping Master
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Jul 23, 2009
Green Lane, Pa
you will never convince the dough-heads around these parts of anything the liberal agenda will always rule...don't know why I still live around here

lib·er·al   [lib-er-uhl, lib-ruhl]

1. favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
2. ( often initial capital letter ) noting or pertaining to a political party advocating measures of progressive political reform.
3. of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism.
4. favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.
5. favoring or permitting freedom of action, especially with respect to matters of personal belief or expression: a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.

I find nothing liberal about liberals, perhaps Communist or, to be more PC, leftist would be more appropriate.


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Dec 29, 2011
Lynn, MA
spiral let's keep the red sox out of this the last time the season started like this they won the series and I'm still reeling from the bruins (just remembered why I live here it is the sport teams) :) and rothenbj i think it's more socialist than communist but you are right liberalism would be an oxymoron


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
"She's a witch!"
"How do you know she's a witch?"
"She looks like one."

More like:
"Oh! She's not a witch!"
"How do you know she's not a witch?"
"She drowned when we tied her up and threw her in the lake."

That's what would happen if the ANTZ got their way and we waited 20 years to know the long term effects of e-cigarettes and ignored the obvious short-term effects and the fact that there is no way 3-4 GRAS ingredients could possibly be as dangerous as inhaling smoke. By the time the ANTZ would get around to admitting that e-cigarettes are not evil, hundreds of thousands of smokers could have been saved from disease and death. What will they say? "Oops. Our bad! Guess they weren't evil after all."


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2010
Smoke and Mirrors (pun intended)

Those opposing e-cigs are opposed to anything that would remind them of smoking.
Health concerns are nothing more than their "flavor of the day".
If tomorrow e-cigs were proven to be 100% safe ...
They would just switch to "Save the Children"
When and if that slogan won't fly anymore ... They will come up with something else.

I've said it before ...
Their ultimate goal is to erase even the memory of tobacco
from the face of the planet
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Vaping Master
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Jul 23, 2009
Green Lane, Pa
Petrodus, I'm not sure I agree on the ultimate goal of the ANTZ, other than that portion of the group that are truly psychologically imbalanced. Yes, there are avid prohibitionists, but I don't see them as more than a small faction of the entire group.

When you're adding nearly a quarter million people to the global population a day, what is the real societal concern for life extension of the segment of that population that costs the most? Let's face it, we are not adding to the GNP and we are supported, in part, by those that are. I joke at times with my younger friends, "Keep working hard, you're now working for me".

The ANTZ have a much more important function, keep the status quo. They have recognized the major addiction and it is not nicotine. It's the money generated by the tobacco wars. Why in the world would they want to slow that train down. Instead of supporting the development of products that remove 98% of the dangers of tobacco use, they fight vehemently against those products. I suppose it would be difficult to continue the war if they had to say, "Tobacco use leads to 9,000 preventable deaths per year" as opposed to their 443,000 computer generated ones (6662).

This war will continue for the good of the few- BP (they win twice- bad quit smoking products and then treatment of the diseases caused by the smoking they didn't "cure"), the ?non-profit?"health" associations that market BP's agenda, government at all levels and the medical industry just to name the major winners. The losers? You and me and the other 30% of the population that uses some form of tobacco or, in the future some form of tobacco derived product.

There will be additional losers in the future, they just don't realize it yet. Stay tuned for the Fat Wars, they have the blueprint.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2010
Rants AKA Preaching to the Choir

Interesting subject ... Not so much for the content but for what
often "triggers" a rant. Facing the reality that "powers to be"
couldn't care less and there's little to nothing one can do about
it is frustrating and will often trigger a rant.

E-cigarettes save lives ... just and noble cause

When and if BP issues orders to the FDA to enact laws to limit
Nic in e-juice to 4mg, will trigger rants. We will see a "call to action"
suggesting futile email and electronic petition campaigns.

Disclaimer: Only speaking for myself
"They do what they want" ... I guess that's a rant
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