Do I have a problem with my cartos?

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 22, 2011
San Bernardino area, So. Cal.
Or do I have a problem with the way I'm doing it? I have a Riva 901 and have been using Ikenvapes LR 901 cartos. To start out with I fill with 10 drops of liquid, spin, add 10 more drops, spin, then top off till the top of the filler looks real wet. For a few hits, the TH is really strong and harsh, have to take it real easy for a few hits, then it gets to be about right for a bit. After a few hits the flavor and vapor starts to taper off, then back to the bottle for topping off with 5 or 6 drops. At this point I may as well be dripping. I must be doing something wrong here, I'm still in the learning process, so is there something wrong with what I'm doing? Thanks. :(
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