Diary of a Transition Period

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2010
People's Republic of Illinois
Day 1

So, today was my first day to seriously start trying to transition to the e-cig. After reading dreamweaver's excellent post (e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/new-members-forum/67764-how-i-got-off-analogs.html) as well as some other good advice on this site, I decided not to even try to avoid cigarettes just yet. For me, part of this is a mental thing; I get that. When I tried the patch, I didn't crave the nicotine, but I did crave the smoking experience. This led me to fail, as well as giving me a mild case of nicotine overdose when I smoked, too.

I've been a smoker for more than 20 years, and I've smoked a pack a day or more for almost that long. Cigarettes are my crutch, and there's a part of me that's just not willing to give them up completely yet.

I decided early on today that I would try to alternate smoking and vaping. Since I normally smoke about once an hour, that put my cigarettes two hours apart. I gave myself permission to vape as much as I wanted between cigarettes. (Again, a mind game, but all's fair in love, war, and quitting smoking.)

Oddly, I didn't truly crave the cigarettes. I smoked them, because I'd promised myself I could have them. :oops: And twice, I freaked out about trying to quit, so I allowed myself an extra cigarette (only half in one case) just to remind myself that I *can* smoke if I want to.

Total for today: 12 cigarettes. I'm considering that not bad for Day 1. Tomorrow, I plan to continue alternating on the same schedule. I know me; if I give myself cause to freak out about this, I will smoke two packs tomorrow.


Full Member
Jan 29, 2010
Vancouver, WA USA
I'm the same way. While vaping completely negates my URGE to actually smoke an analogue, I still want to. There is no urge, no need. I have them, I want to smoke them.

I've managed to cut down to 1/3 of what I used to smoke a day, both days I've been vaping. :) Take pride in cutting down! And don't be harsh on yourself for not giving them up right away. If it was easy, you most likely would have quit a long time ago. And making yourself feel bad about still having a few analogues will just make you smoke more.


Super Member
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Jan 28, 2010
Las Vegas, Nevada
Day 1

So, today was my first day to seriously start trying to transition to the e-cig. After reading dreamweaver's excellent post (e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/new-members-forum/67764-how-i-got-off-analogs.html) as well as some other good advice on this site, I decided not to even try to avoid cigarettes just yet. For me, part of this is a mental thing; I get that. When I tried the patch, I didn't crave the nicotine, but I did crave the smoking experience. This led me to fail, as well as giving me a mild case of nicotine overdose when I smoked, too.

I've been a smoker for more than 20 years, and I've smoked a pack a day or more for almost that long. Cigarettes are my crutch, and there's a part of me that's just not willing to give them up completely yet.

I decided early on today that I would try to alternate smoking and vaping. Since I normally smoke about once an hour, that put my cigarettes two hours apart. I gave myself permission to vape as much as I wanted between cigarettes. (Again, a mind game, but all's fair in love, war, and quitting smoking.)

Oddly, I didn't truly crave the cigarettes. I smoked them, because I'd promised myself I could have them. :oops: And twice, I freaked out about trying to quit, so I allowed myself an extra cigarette (only half in one case) just to remind myself that I *can* smoke if I want to.

Total for today: 12 cigarettes. I'm considering that not bad for Day 1. Tomorrow, I plan to continue alternating on the same schedule. I know me; if I give myself cause to freak out about this, I will smoke two packs tomorrow.
I am right with ya. I am down to about 15 analogs from 30 and I am taking it easy on myself. Take it easy. I think once we get this vaping thing down the transition will just happen in a zen like way.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 30, 2010
I purchased the Firelight which is an M401 (I think) and with it I wasn't getting a very strong vapor/throat hit. Well decent but not what I was expecting and so I would smoke cigarettes sometimes throughout the day. But I was 1.5 packs a day and with the Firelight I was smoking no more than 5. When I broke down and bought the BB and saw and experienced the vapor and hit it produced I have been completely cigarette free. Now I've gone nuts buying flavors and accessories. I want to ween myself down little by little in the nicotine department and eventually just vape out of the enjoyment of vaping with 0 nicotine. From there I will probably quit all together.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 16, 2009
Centralia WA
It took me 3 weeks, but it did happen in a zen sort of way for me. I have been cig free for almost 3 weeks. I went from 2 pks a day down to 10, then to 6, then to 4, then to 1, then to NONE! I still have an occasional craving, but it always passes(I will snus if I have to, but I have had 1 of those in 4 days).
I am very happy to have found the ecig, or did it find me? In any case, I'm not looking back. Only forward to a tobaccoless future, and I thought I'd NEVER be able to quit. *grin*
Good Luck you guys.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 30, 2010
It took me 3 weeks, but it did happen in a zen sort of way for me. I have been cig free for almost 3 weeks. I went from 2 pks a day down to 10, then to 6, then to 4, then to 1, then to NONE! I still have an occasional craving, but it always passes(I will snus if I have to, but I have had 1 of those in 4 days).
I am very happy to have found the ecig, or did it find me? In any case, I'm not looking back. Only forward to a tobaccoless future, and I thought I'd NEVER be able to quit. *grin*
Good Luck you guys.

I have friends and family that smoke and the smell of cigarette smoke is already nauseating to me. Are you experiencing that?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 21, 2010
Keep it up, Jo! You can do it!!! :D :D

My transition was fairly easy: I smoked exactly 2 cigarettes after I got my starter kit. But I was ready. I hated cigarette smoking, and had only been doing it for about 3 years.

The trick for me was to learn to enjoy the new experience. The "kick" is slightly less than with a tobacco cig, but all the other elements are there -- minus the nasties in the smoke.

So take your time and adjust. :) Sooner or later you'll love the vaping experience, and you'll cringe at the thought of smoking an analog.



Full Member
Feb 6, 2010
Rochester NY
I started my journey Jun 09. So I got this 'e-cig' and basically would substitute one or two of my smokes during the course of a day. Worked for the one or two but I couldn't bring myself to the transition day. I would always have a reason. Then I found this forum in November, read a lot, and decided to go for it. So for 5 weeks now I have 'transitioned'. I have had a few analogs yes. But what I am finding out now is I prefer the vape. One thing that is working for me is NOT telling myself I CAN'T have a real cigarette. Really reduces the internal stress .

You are doing great and will get there..
36 years of smoking--last 10+ years a can a week of handrolling tobacco (equals a carton a week w/no filter). 4 days of vaping/smoking analog combination--then ran out of papers. I decided to try just vaping and not buy any papers. I'm into my 4th week w/o analogs and have no cravings. Just buying lots of mods and flavors.........


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2010
People's Republic of Illinois
Thanks, y'all! It was very nice to hear from those of you at roughly the same spot as me, as well as those of you farther down the path. I have high hopes now for the eventual "zen like" complete transition to vaping. I don't feel bad for going slowly with this. I feel like that's why I've never had success with quitting before: most methods expect a person to quit cold turkey while just receiving nicotine from another source, and I never could. And when I've just tried to slowly wean myself off smoking, trying to break my addiction and my habit at the same time made me a nervous wreck. I know it was all in my head, but that doesn't make it less real. :)

I want to ween myself down little by little in the nicotine department and eventually just vape out of the enjoyment of vaping with 0 nicotine. From there I will probably quit all together.

This is my goal as well.
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