transition from tobacco to e-cig help

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Full Member
Sep 20, 2014
just start vaping 7 days ago ,I have been smoking 8 to 12 analog cigarettes daily for 15 years now. I have smoked 1 to 3 cigarettes since I started vaping . usually when I wake up in the morning I have a very strong urge to smoke analog cigarettes ,especially since I ran out of tobacco flavor that came with my litejoy starter kit,i reckoned it be cheaper to use the e-liquids so I bought unbranded ego ce4 e-cig and blueberry e-juice but that doesn't do it for me in the morning although I can vape the rest of the day on this but I crave for analog cigarettes in the morning.i'm craving the tobacco flavor of analog cigarettes. when I woke up today morning I had no urge to smoke analog cigarettes but in the evening when I woke up from my nap I had a very strong craving for analog cigarettes I felt my chest tightening , my heart rate increasing and all I could think about was smoking just one analog cigarettes I had to struggle and fight myself to not leave my house and go buy one and smoke it what I did instead is start vaping big time until the craving weakened but its been 1.5 hours since that feeling i'm still feeling a fast heart rate.i used my Samsung s4 with azimo heart rate monitor and it showed my heart rate at 90 bpm and azimo stress check showed my stress level as 95 percent, this was in the evening while I felt the strong urge to smoke,and I had just woken up from a nap as its a holiday today..has anyone else felt like this ?how can I bring my heart rate and stress levels down and better deal with the craving?


Ultra Member
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Jul 2, 2014
Pearland, TX
welcome to quitting ciggies!

hey I smoked one with coffee for a week whilst "quitting"

Joe's right, I kept a 24mg (and now a 12mg) for that first "with coffee morning vape" or at times when I crave I grab some of Ed's 18mg, I can tell you that four months in (today actually!! yeah!!! *happy dance* *lol* )I rarely get a craving, unless there' s some sort of stressor that crops up and that's a learned behavior so I just grab the vape and it goes away as fast as it showed up.

this too shall pass...ride it out,vape, meditate, do some sort of physical exercise (plus it'll make you feel better) your serotonin/dopamine levels (the body's feel good hormones that when are low make you feel bad/depressed) are dipping since you're not smoking, so figure out some natural highs that make you feel good, music and coffee or sitting on the patio (when it's cooler it's just starting to dip out of the 90s here) take a motorcycle ride, go to the dog park, to feel better.

smoke one if you have to and don't beat yourself up, every ciggie you don't smoke is a success!!!

Congrats and hang in there!! (yeah I know that just ruins a good manicure) but it'll pass. Vape!!:vapor:


Super Member
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May 9, 2014
willmar MN
6 months and still sometimes wake up with an urge for a tobacco cig. I just grab a cup of coffee and start Vaping. I Vape 2.4% nic juice that helps but I was a pack aday smoker + chewing tobacco[ I use Herbal Chew made up mostly of Chopped up Mint Leaves with some flavoring and added nicotine instead of tobacco chew] Funny thing is PG is 1 of the ingredients in the Brand of Herbal Chew I use.


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Jul 21, 2014
Massapequa Park, NY, USA
The other approach you might want to check out is whole tobacco alkaloids (WTA). Sometimes it's not just the nicotine we're addicted to, but other components of the tobacco smoke, and some people have very good success using WTAs to ease the cravings. There's a couple of good suppliers here if you search - I think Mother's Milk makes them, also Aroma e-juice. Also remember that vaping causes your blood levels of nicotine to rise more slowly than a cigarette would. Make sure you hold it for a little while, then exhale through your nose to get every last drop of nicotine out of that juice! Best of luck!


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Aug 27, 2014
Center of Texas
I was the same way. I continued analogs for a week or two, maybe 2 a day, then cut to one a day. Don't get me wrong I still get the wants but ignore it. I started with 24mg juice and it worked great. I'm just at 18mg now the wife dropped to 12 last week. I'll happen from time to time. We have a half pack in the house but haven't touched it in a couple of months. There's no temptation there just knowing the pack is in the fridge. Upgrading gear has helped a little not the end all game changer but the mods gave us alot of flexibility. Stay with it things get better with time. There's alot of mental hurdles to beat and alot of habits to break from the analog days but it will happen.


Senior Member
Aug 10, 2014
Oakland, MI
Yeah you start out with the higher 24-36mg juice then cut down to 18 to 12 etc over time. having something that feels like a cig is good too I started using a mark10 and refilling that with 36mg e juice for a month then i cut down to 24 for a few weeks then I went down to 18mg to 12mg...lately I have been trying to jump to 4-5mg vaping, but it just seems I vape more often. So there is a level on nicotine you are used to that you have to keep reducing over time.


Full Member
Sep 30, 2014
Pine Grove PA
I feel your pain! but believe me it gets better.. After smoking 1 pack a day for 30 years, tired of the cost, the smell, but actually enjoyed smoking. A friend turned me on to vaping. I was amazed with all the flavors and still kept the sensation of smoking. I had a few cigarettes along the way but seriously I don't like the smell of them anymore. Keep the nicotine level on the higher side and always have a battery charged. Stay with a nicotine flavor in the beginning. I've come to depend on my ecig just like the old nasty salem I smoked. The money saved on cigarettes was quickly spent on vaping. Oh well. Invest in the best vaping supplies you can afford. It makes it easier and you wont be discouraged in leaking tanks, bad juice, etc.


PV Master & Musician
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May 22, 2010
Central GA
I started vaping 4 1/2 years ago and didn't really think about how many cigarettes I smoked. At the end of the first week I was down from 40+ a day to about 6. I smoked one after each meal and one or two with coffee for another two years while vaping. One day I started vaping while I was smoking my after dinner cigarette and comparing the two. The vape tasted good and the cigarette tasted like an ash tray. I realized that nicotine was all I needed. I finished that pack and didn't buy another. There were no cravings and no desire to smoke again. That was 2 1/2 years ago and I haven't smoked since.

Taper off and try again. There's no harm in smoking a few a day if needed while you are in transition. Taper off and THEN quit. Cold Turkey isn't a very good way to stop smoking. Let the vapor do it for you over time.


Full Member
Sep 26, 2014
Taper off and try again. There's no harm in smoking a few a day if needed while you are in transition. Taper off and THEN quit. Cold Turkey isn't a very good way to stop smoking. Let the vapor do it for you over time.

I think the other thing that has really stymied me is the issues I've had with this thing and the tanks I've gone through. I used a protank II and III and I had the leaking, gurgling issues that have been fairly commonplace. I upgraded to a nautilus aspire last month and it was great, but I've been having the taste issues with dry hits. I found that the Nautilus has had issues with that too. I switched to the vert coil to see if it helps. Plus, this mod has been kind of wonky. I'll be upgrading it to the provari III when it comes. Already did a test run at my B+M last week and I'm pretty much sold on it.

I kinda miss my ego and cheap cartomizers that just basically worked and were disposable. I had the most success with them.
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