Captain Black (Black Cavendish) Pipe Tobacco NET - DELICIOUS!

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ECF Veteran
Sep 16, 2013
The PG extract tasted like Cpt Black tastes when smoked, versus how it smells. It smells very sweet like caramel and vanilla cavendish, but if you smoke it, it has a harsher, less sweet flavor. The PG extract was like that ... the same taste as smoking it.

The VG extract tastes exactly like Capt Black SMELLS. Sweet and wonderful.

I use the PG extract at about 15% in DIY juice with other flavors and it's my favorite mixed juice.

I vape the VG NET pure on a dripper.

It's weird b/c I read NETs will taste like the tobacco SMELLS... and that was true of my VG NETs, but my PG NET def tastes like how the tobacco tastes when SMOKED and not how it smells. YMMV!!

Do you get the "smoking" effect with the PG extract right from the beginning?

I wonder if your PG extract have more plant/vegetable stuff in it and actually burning more on the coil? Or maybe more sugars came out from the cured tobacco and that might also perhaps cause fast gunking of the coils. With some NET juices when the coils start gunking, I start getting pleasant "smokiness" taste. I vape 1-2 more and then I stop -- I know stuff is getting burned off the coil, too similar to smoking :)

By the way, you probably have seen this thread

I might try this next. I think it's more controlled "cooking". When I nuked my last extract in VG in a shot glass, the internal temperature of the mixture was getting too high and it didn't feel like the heat was evenly distributed in that small volume. I also like the idea of at least overnight steeping.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Mar 28, 2013
ECF is acting up so I can't quote the above message, but thanks for the link, I hadn't seen that thread. That looks like a very interesting method!

The PG took a week to develop its full nature in my case. When it was done "evolving" it was a harsher more tobacco'y flavor like when CB is smoked. This is not from the coil burning residue, though I know what you mean. But the PG came out honey colored and it takes a couple tanks of the mix to gunk a coil. The VG is actually the one with more sugars, etc, that is black and gunks the dripper coil pretty fast. (Not that the PG doesn't also have sugars in it.) But the 'smoked taste' is just how the PG one came out, and I feel (could be totally wrong) it's because the PG cook was hotter and 'more acrid'. When it was cooking it had a really nasty smell that could almost choke you if you inhaled the fumes. And that bitterness had to steep out of it when done. The VG cook, however, make the whole house smell WONDERFUL like CG smells.

I realize you probably want the smoked taste in your case and not the smell of the tobacco. I never did another PG extraction so can't say if it was dumb luck or what.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 16, 2013
ECF is acting up so I can't quote the above message, but thanks for the link, I hadn't seen that thread. That looks like a very interesting method!

The PG took a week to develop its full nature in my case. When it was done "evolving" it was a harsher more tobacco'y flavor like when CB is smoked. This is not from the coil burning residue, though I know what you mean. But the PG came out honey colored and it takes a couple tanks of the mix to gunk a coil. The VG is actually the one with more sugars, etc, that is black and gunks the dripper coil pretty fast. (Not that the PG doesn't also have sugars in it.) But the 'smoked taste' is just how the PG one came out, and I feel (could be totally wrong) it's because the PG cook was hotter and 'more acrid'. When it was cooking it had a really nasty smell that could almost choke you if you inhaled the fumes. And that bitterness had to steep out of it when done. The VG cook, however, make the whole house smell WONDERFUL like CG smells.

I realize you probably want the smoked taste in your case and not the smell of the tobacco. I never did another PG extraction so can't say if it was dumb luck or what.

Thanks, I got it.

Actually, I would like to have the smell of the tobacco in my vape rather than smoke. But a touch of smoke would be perfectly OK too.

I'll try that VG cooking method soon. Hopefully, if you try that one too, we'll both get some more improved results :)


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Mar 28, 2013
Thanks, I got it.

Actually, I would like to have the smell of the tobacco in my vape rather than smoke. But a touch of smoke would be perfectly OK too.

I'll try that VG cooking method soon. Hopefully, if you try that one too, we'll both get some more improved results :)

I'm really curious to see how your present NET comes out when all is said and done. :)

I bookmarked the other method but have to wait until my NETs are gone/low before I make more. I don't know how long they last but I don't want to make more than I can vape in a 4 mo period or so. And I just put those two cold extraction NETs to brew (1 PG, 1 VG) a couple days back, on top of my current stock of about 120 mls.

But I am really happy with my VG [cook] extract except for it gunking the coil. As far as flavor it doesn't seem like it could be improved upon. And actually it's probably good it gunks up the coil b/c if it wasn't inconvenient to vape I'd probably vape it constantly. :D But I'd like to try the other method out of sheer curiosity!
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