2nd attempt at NET. Success!

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Mar 3, 2014
Uruapan, Michoacan, Mexico.
Those of you who read my previous thread (My first NET & DIY juice attempt. Good but not great.) know my results were not what I expected. Today I made another NET + Herbal extraction. I started with a couple of tsp's of a fine Black Cavendish I got in bulk from Cup O Joes. It's a full bodied, not too aromatic Black Cavendish, a bit heavy on the PG casing. I decided that a cold maceration in alcohol would be better to dissolve the PG and get all the juices of the baccy out; thus I placed the tobacco in a cup and added 50ml of 96° non-denaturated sugar cane alcohol. It's completely drinkable and I know so as it's commonly used for desserts and eggnog preparations here. I let it macerate from 8 am 'til 8 pm when I came back home.

At lunch time, I steeped a couple of tsp's of a herbal Teavana "Moroccan Mint" tea in very little water. The steeping instructions of the tea state 1 min at 80°C. One teaspoon for 250 ml water. Thus I multiplied it by ten and used 2 tsps for 50ml water. At the prescribed minute, I drained the steeper and reheated the water a bit. I did that five times and put the liquid in a small mason jar until the night.

Tonight I strained the Cavendish extract by means of a strainer, then presssed the last drop out of the leaves using a piece of cheese cloth, then triple filtered the yield (about 30ml) in a 20cc syringe with some cotton at the bottom, until the liquid came clear. Then I heated the tobacco maceration in the microwave to just below the boiling point with very short (5 sec) flashes. After five cycles it was further reduced to 25ml.

I mixed the 25ml tobacco reduction with 25ml of the mint concentrate and then used half of it for the final blend, adding 30ml of PG and 45ml VG for 100ml total.

Shaked vigorously and put a few drops in an Aspire Nautilus atomizer with a 1.6Ω on a Joyetech eVic VV/VW mod, at 3.7v. It was a revelation!

The final product is light gold in color and due to the extensive filtration it's perfectly clear. Looks like Halo's Tribecca but the taste is much milder and complex at the same time.

The taste is true Cavendish, deep tobacco flavor, rum and a hint of sweet vanilla, but you can also taste the tang of the mint as a prelude and then aftertaste. The mint lingers after the last vapor went out. The room notice, according to the household boss is very pleasant and not heavy at all. I've been vaping it for a couple of hours now and it's "growing", tasting more intense and sweet as the wicks saturate.

Having read that letting the juice "steep" a few days generally improves them vastly, I have "great expectations" about this recipe. I've noted it for future reference and plan on doing another batch when the bottle gets low. This being a very quick recipe, I can cook more virtualy anytime.

It has —probably– no nicotine as I understand that nic disolves in water but not in alcohol. However, I'm awaiting some 100/100 liquid nicotine which I finally found in Monterrey Mexico and shall boost my juice to 8% and probably do some 30ml at 18% for a dear friend whom I induced into vaping to help her kick the coffin nail habit.

Comments much appreciated.

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Reactions: Dani77
Sounds like a nice, quick way of extracting! I might give your method t try further on. Right now, I'm just about starting to get into the NET's. Did my first slowcooker extraction this week end with a cherry cavendish. Sadly, i managed to spill most of it all over the citchen counter, but the few mills that was left was good enough to convince me this is worth doing. So I got another batch ready to be strained and filtered. And this time I WILL be patient enough to steep it for a few days....Maybe.:D

Also, fellow biker here! (saw that in another thread) And riding a beemer too. R1200R, Nice allround bike, and fun as hell on twisty roads.


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Ha, BMW's, great handling bikes in the twisties. R100RS is a classic Jorge. Glad you had some success after your first try, I am new to this and the last one to give advice. I'm only doing cold maceration in PG, but the one I wrote up in my thread actually had 4 x 1/2 hour ultrasonic cleaner heating sessions on its first day. I will wait and see if the straight cold macerations are the same. I put down a herbal tea and another couple of cigar ones today. Thanks for writing up your work.


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Mar 3, 2014
Uruapan, Michoacan, Mexico.
Keep the thread going when you add the nicotine. Very interested in the results.

Scylla, three weeks after cooking and having drained almost half of it I must say it improved vastly. There's now a hint of ¿almonds? ¿coconut? or something I cannot quite place. I diluted it about 25% with 50/50 vodka/H2O as it was clogging my Nautilus coils which are completely impossible to clean. The Cav taste is prominent but the mint has subdued, although it still gives a tang on the tongue and keeps the room smelling fresh.

I'm making another batch very soon, along with another of Perfection or some other Balkan style like GLP Blackpoint which I have aplenty. :D

Do give it a go.




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Mar 3, 2014
Uruapan, Michoacan, Mexico.

I let the Cavendish + Moroccan Mint extract steep until I got my Kaifun 3.1 clones (16.55 ea. w/free shipping!) and be able to rebuild at leisure whenever the coils clogged, which I'm now doing. The juice went from pale golden to the color of the tobacco, real dark. I filled one of the K's with it and vaped till dry. It's just like the real thing guys! Cannot believe it. I filled the other two with Naturally-Extracted-Tobacco.com Balkan and Sun Cured Turkish. Believe me, the Black Cav is better.

OK, now I've got some 150ml of finished prduct which I'll bottle tomorrow in 50ml drippers and place in the fridge. Time to do another batch... :laugh:

PS, I added nic to 0.6%. Just lovely.
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