Why are all the threads locked here?

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May 27, 2013
No. Cal.
I shall be making more of a concerted effort to talk about WTA. Although to be fair all the newbies lately are like, "Is it cool to vape 60 mg/ml in a sub0hm setup?"

It's the new craze man.

Holy Toledo! 60 mg!! We certainly are a More, more, more civilization. Kinda makes me physically shake just thinking about it. Thanks for sharing that. I had no idea. I generally dont venture out much here on ECF except for here and Reos.
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Mar 11, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
Hey Gang,

Thought I would check in. We are still around but things are changing. Was trying to take care of the website but its a major pain. We are a little backlogged for a few reasons. Orders are getting out but usually takes a couple of days to process them. If anyone has any concerns please feel free to call me anytime at 480-442-1730.

I will open some thread. If there is one that you want me to open please let me know.

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Ultra Member
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May 27, 2013
No. Cal.
Thanks @radiokaos for checking in! Was getting a bit worried about you and secondly your great products. Not sure i want to bother you on the phone just yet but am wondering if i can get some Black Clove 6 mg or even 3 mg?? Pretty please?
Really hoping things get easier for you asap. Also, is there any way we can help?


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
There have been a few threads like that lately. Methinks ONE was 60 mg/ml of nicsalts in a subohm setup. Not crazy sub0hm. Guy was worried if there was something wrong with his setup :lol::lol:

Perhaps I exaggerate the numbers a bit but yes a lot of newcomers be asking bout nic salts. I mean it's fine, but my BEEF with nic salts is they are kind of DIFFEERENT from freebase in the sense there is no way you are going up THAT high (or even 20, or 30) with freebase without some terribleness.

Also to be fair, I showed up here with 12 mg freebase in a super subohm setup and was gently guided to higher nic MTL and am very grateful for it.

I don't mind the MISTAKES (other than they are not safe exponentially more because freebase limits you to an extent) but this one guy was being all flippant and "ooh look at me" and it did not make me happy.

There's no talking to em. It's nic salt this, nic salt that. Ookay.

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