Who is Heather Zawalick? FDA? or HOAX?

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Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Mar 31, 2009
Sounds to me like she overstepped her "photographer/lamp maker/part-time FDA contracter" boundries and spoke out of hat. For all we know, this was water cooler fodder at the Washington FDA office and the lass will be out of work come Monday at 8 am. for leaking info that wasn't (yet) policy.

Any info we pass around is pretty much a lateral pass on the informational flowchart. If the US market is shut down on Tuesday, we at least had the weekend to stress over it...lucky us.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Mar 31, 2009
I have to repeat this OFFICIAL reply from the FDA:

From: "Hitch, Mary C", INTERNET:Mary.Hitch@fda.hhs.gov
Date: 5/1/2009 5:05 PM
RE: Email from Heather Zawalick (CBER)

Dear Mr. Godshall:

Your communication was forwarded to me for response as a function of FDA's Office of External Relations. The email to which you refer contains factual errors and does not reflect an official FDA action or policy.


Mary C. Hitch
Senior Policy Advisor
Office of External Relations
U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Another interesting link -

Frank R Lautenberg: Campaign Finance/Money - Industries - Senator 2008 | OpenSecrets


Letzin Hale

Moved On
Dec 28, 2008
This had a negative effect with royal repercussions. Whoever posted this should take full responsibility, post an apology and also admit that they had no provable "chain of custody" evidence other than rumor and hearsay.

Please maintain the utmost credibility or you'll blow everything you are working for. Unless perhaps you are an FDA plant playing this forum.... and I'm not a paranoid for saying it.

I thought rumour and hearsay were the staple diet of forums like this? :p
Open the door, have a good look around and you will see that this is a tiny forum in a tiny corner of the huge internet in a huge world. You really think the FDA are going to appear in court with a banning order waving a print out of our posts and telling the judge what a bunch of subversives we are? Well yeh, it's America so I guess it's possible and you have every right to be paranoid.

Remember the following methods
Soap Box
ballot Box
Jury box
Ammo box

Use them in that order

Coming soon to a cell near you, "robw Lust For Glory"

Okay, let's stop messing about and just liquidate the FDA, the Government and anyone else who stands in our way. ;)
i have been in a group that talked about gray area discussions and the athorities were able to use what you say on a open forum just like this as legal statements that hold up in a court of law. Personally know a guy being sued by a large local corporation for 20,000,000 Yeah true story. He plans to move to Costa Rica now hehehe.

You got that right. Take note supplier bashers.
I have to repeat this OFFICIAL reply from the FDA:

From: "Hitch, Mary C", INTERNET:Mary.Hitch@fda.hhs.gov
Date: 5/1/2009 5:05 PM
RE: Email from Heather Zawalick (CBER)

Dear Mr. Godshall:

Your communication was forwarded to me for response as a function of FDA's Office of External Relations. The email to which you refer contains factual errors and does not reflect an official FDA action or policy.


Mary C. Hitch
Senior Policy Advisor
Office of External Relations
U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Another interesting link -

Frank R Lautenberg: Campaign Finance/Money - Industries - Senator 2008 | OpenSecrets


We don't even know this is real. If this was a private e-mail, they have no right to put it on a public forum even if they were the recipient. Not only that, as I said before - without "chain of custody" evidence of such an electronic record - which means unaltered state with fully traceable headers and MX records it means zero.

IMO at least an admission and apology is owed for all the grief caused.

And if it is true, the enforcement action, and all this is a well orchestrated ploy for us to think it's a hoax - how devious is that? And everyone who posted these "messages" (as cut and pastes, with no verifiable evidence) is just as bad as the FDA, I don't care who they are or who they "represent" officially or not.

As a person who has participated in more than one government raid, complete with swat teams (FBI, NYPD, US Postal Service, Secret Service) - I guarantee you that the perpetrators had no idea what hit them. I can't say that of any I didn't participate in (there are a lot of cops that placed the warning call to their "buddies" - some got bagged and some are retired high on the hog). That wasn't me. I actually got screwed for doing my job by the highest level "officials". If you look on the net you will see. If you wonder about that Ferrari on my partner's site, or the mag wheels or Infinity sound system on my old Police Interceptor (even sounded good through the PA), or the "Rolex" on my wrist, or my ex-bosses Cadillac (with lights and sirens) - does the phrase cheap government auction of confiscated goods ring a bell. That's not how I get my stuff in this business!!!!!!!! (Although I might have a whole container of Smoke51 stuff for sale real cheap, real soon - no warranties tho'). :D

Letzin Hale

Moved On
Dec 28, 2008
Originally Posted by scintar
i have been in a group that talked about gray area discussions and the athorities were able to use what you say on a open forum just like this as legal statements that hold up in a court of law. Personally know a guy being sued by a large local corporation for 20,000,000 Yeah true story. He plans to move to Costa Rica now hehehe.

You got that right. Take note supplier bashers.

Go on, give us some facts then we can believe.......:confused:

Letzin Hale

Moved On
Dec 28, 2008
As a person who has participated in more than one government raid, complete with swat teams (FBI, NYPD, US Postal Service, Secret Service) - I guarantee you that the perpetrators had no idea what hit them. I can't say that of any I didn't participate in (there are a lot of cops that placed the warning call to their "buddies" - some got bagged and some are retired high on the hog). That wasn't me. I actually got screwed for doing my job by the highest level "officials". If you look on the net you will see. If you wonder about that Ferrari on my partner's site, or the mag wheels or Infinity sound system on my old Police Interceptor (even sounded good through the PA), or the "Rolex" on my wrist, or my ex-bosses Cadillac (with lights and sirens) - does the phrase cheap government auction of confiscated goods ring a bell. That's not how I get my stuff in this business!!!!!!!! (Although I might have a whole container of Smoke51 stuff for sale real cheap, real soon - no warranties tho'). :D

Now don't go making wild unsubstantiated claims you were a part of the postal service swat team (visions of postmen and ladies in formation flicking flies with A3 envelopes) without documented evidence.;)


Full Member
May 1, 2009
There not monitors oring us lol, trust me only suppliers are being looked into normal guy is fine. Stop with this conspiracy theory lol. I get abstinithe shipped quarterly, have had pot seeds sent from amsterdam, and did a bloody grow journal on hempc*****.com when I was young and dumb. Like I said and others have said relabeling of products and a little bit more discreetness about the liquid is all that COULD happen

"Those who give up liberty for the sake of security deserve neither liberty nor security."-Benjamin Franklin


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 25, 2008
Some of these posts are reminiscent of the religious fanatic shouting, the end is near, the end is near. We start with a bomb of a "news" story, and we end with doubts that the story was ever real to begin with. That has happened over and over. Did you ever consider that we are just giving ideas to those who oppose us?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 25, 2008
NIH Stem Cell Task Force

Members Present:
James Battey, NIDCD (Chair); Arlene Chiu, NIBIB; Robert Hammond, NIDDK; Ron McKay, NINDS; Mahendra Rao, NIA; Richard Tasca, NICHD; John Thomas, NHLBI; Marion Zatz, NIGMS

Other Participants:
Tony Beck, NCRR; Laura Cole, NIDCD; Don Fink, FDA; Tom Johnson, OD/OSP Lisa Montney, NIDCD; Walter Schaffer, OER; Paul Sheehy, NIGMS; Jack Spiegel, OD/OTT; Baldwin Wong, NIDCD; Heather Zawalick, NINDS (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke)

February 4, 2005, Summary [Stem Cell Information]
Well I did some of my own Googling and finger walking. When I called the number listed I did get a voice mail for Heather Zawalick. It didn't say anything about a title of her or where she worked. I also found on Google's business listing for Lamps Unlimited that their number is (703) 827-0090‎ - same number different area code.

If anything this should just add to the confusion

Space Cowboy

Full Member
May 2, 2009
Humm, I just did a Yahoo search and the first result was this page:
*********Caution PDF**********

In that doc, the phone belongs to:

CAPT Prince, Diane
Congressional Affairs Specialist
Parklawn Bldg, Rm 15-55
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857
So as of Oct. 05, it was a FDA phone number.


Peace, I'm outta here
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 22, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
a few things are missing. There is no imminent threat of illegal activity from this thread. So 1st amendment still applies there. Most of this could be argued as opinion. Also the fed would have to prove damages, which are non-existent. Legally, we are all fine right now.

I love our government, no really. :(
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