Okay, a bit of background. 43 years smoking, 2-3 packs a day. 1 year since I started vaping which got me to 5 or 6 cigs a day. At about 6 months cig count started increasing and I found snus at seven months. At the same time, I dropped cigarettes totally, not one puff in just short of five months.
Over the last year, I've had a few fairly vivid dreams about smoking. I also took a European survey over the last couple weeks about smoking where they kept asking about current vivid dreams and smoking which I answered that I hadn't had any in the timeframe they were asking about.
Currently I'm snussing about 4 normally pretty heavy portions and vaping randomly, normally very low nic liquid. Last night I had a very vivid dream where I snapped off the atty on my Chuck and had a cig. Then another and I was smoking again. Finally I woke up and realized it was a dream.
It was vivid enough and long enough since my last dream and close enough to the survey that I googled it. Apparently, there was a 1991 study about people who quit smoking and these dreams. They attributed them to smoking/nicotine/tobacco.
Now I'm still getting nicotine and tobacco, but not smoking. Is it just the long term habit that causes the dreams or, as they concluded, something in tobbaco. I have an opinion at this point, but I'm curious about what other smokeless users have experienced.
Has anyone else had these dreams?
Over the last year, I've had a few fairly vivid dreams about smoking. I also took a European survey over the last couple weeks about smoking where they kept asking about current vivid dreams and smoking which I answered that I hadn't had any in the timeframe they were asking about.
Currently I'm snussing about 4 normally pretty heavy portions and vaping randomly, normally very low nic liquid. Last night I had a very vivid dream where I snapped off the atty on my Chuck and had a cig. Then another and I was smoking again. Finally I woke up and realized it was a dream.
It was vivid enough and long enough since my last dream and close enough to the survey that I googled it. Apparently, there was a 1991 study about people who quit smoking and these dreams. They attributed them to smoking/nicotine/tobacco.
Now I'm still getting nicotine and tobacco, but not smoking. Is it just the long term habit that causes the dreams or, as they concluded, something in tobbaco. I have an opinion at this point, but I'm curious about what other smokeless users have experienced.
Has anyone else had these dreams?
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