Vaping Use Prompts Trump Administration to Weigh Flavored E-Cigarettes Ban

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2014

This grab is from Labworks (Aussie)
From Dr. F (Greece)
I dunno which timezone the timestamp indicates.

My take on 45's latest distraction is:

Step 1 - Piss off vapers
Step 2 - Take it back
result = more votes from the triggered
also result = States still fighting bans - SSDD


I believe vapers are politically significant, not just numbers (10-20 million) but may be, hopefully, passion. If we make enough noise may be the Whitehouse will get the message. In 2016 I decided I was a single issue voter. Every vote I cast considered only the likelihood that the candidate might be more tolerant, or even supportive, of my vaping. Trump got my vote. I told people before the election, I'm voting for Trump because, if I have to be miserable I want company. If I can't vape may be I don't care who is President.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2014
We should all be single issue voters-and that issue is freedom. To vape or not is a freedom. To exercise our right to speak freely or not is a freedom, and on down the list. Anyone who seeks to take my freedom will not get my vote.
Touche! Fair point. But governments limit our discretion in all sorts of ways for all sorts of reasons and we can quibble and debate them until all the options are gone. I want my next president to be somebody who cares about my health and my freedom.

BTW, in my opinion we don't have a health care problem. We have a health problem. If the Pres really wanted to show some leadership he would stand up and say he's sworn off the junk food, no snaks,, real food, no crap food, AND he's exercising. He should say it's our patriotic duty to stay healthy and far away from doctor's offices so we don't bankrupt the country. That would be leadership.


Vaping Master
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Feb 17, 2015
1187 Hundertwasser
Vaping Use Prompts Trump Administration to Weigh Flavored E-Cigarettes Ban

Translation - Politician jumps on bandwagon to penalise a life saving technology based on a small number of individuals misusing an adulterated street product essentially unrelated to the technology.


Highly Esteemed Member
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Sep 15, 2013
Touche! Fair point. But governments limit our discretion in all sorts of ways for all sorts of reasons and we can quibble and debate them until all the options are gone. I want my next president to be somebody who cares about my health and my freedom.

BTW, in my opinion we don't have a health care problem. We have a health problem. If the Pres really wanted to show some leadership he would stand up and say he's sworn off the junk food, no snaks,, real food, no crap food, AND he's exercising. He should say it's our patriotic duty to stay healthy and far away from doctor's offices so we don't bankrupt the country. That would be leadership.

I'll care about my health, let the politicians focus on preserving freedom; I don't want their mouthing about freedom. Just get out of my life and leave me along. As I see our health and our health care the more politicians "care" the worse both get. Is there nothing that politicians "care" about that is not worsened by their care? And...their care generally results in a loss of freedom. From Wickard v. Filburn, 317 U.S. 111 (1942) to National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, 567 U.S. 519 (2012) freedom is continuously under assault by those who "care".
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PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
Just me, but I read this as a knee jerk action. If someone dies as a result of adding a dangerous additive to a soft drink, do you ban all soft drinks? If it was a one time action by a single person, do you penalize the nation because you think another uninformed citizen could play copy cat?

Personally, I think the entire country is probably aware that you don't inhale the vapors from an oil based substance.


Highly Esteemed Member
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Sep 15, 2013
Just me, but I read this as a knee jerk action. If someone dies as a result of adding a dangerous additive to a soft drink, do you ban all soft drinks? If it was a one time action by a single person, do you penalize the nation because you think another uninformed citizen could play copy cat?

If there is a vote to be gathered or a headline to be grabbed then the answer may be, "Yes". And that is sad.
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Moved On
ECF Veteran
Apr 24, 2019
California, US
This is not a problem of unregulated *vaping* products. This is a problem of unregulated cannabis, because if cannabis (ie. THC oil) was regulated, the teens would not have gotten it from the black market and vaped it in JUUL catridges.
I'm sure you mean well, but you don't have a clue! I'm in California where it's legal and available everywhere. It's NOT IN JUUL CARTS!!! What gave you that idea? No offense, but get your facts straight... it just confuses other people and they will go around quoting this.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Apr 24, 2019
California, US
Yes, and I think all of us are. Actually, I've been thinking of asking for cigarettes lately here. They make me go outside with the smokers for vape breaks. The second hand smoke is very irritating, and my clothes, hair, etc get stinky as if I were already smoking again. It's like I never quit. So I was actually thinking of getting a pack of cigarettes just in case. It's easier not to think of it with working vape supplies, but now I'm thinking of it more.
Yes... look at my new post:
It's called "social engineering"


ECF Guru
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May 6, 2016
I'm sure you mean well, but you don't have a clue! I'm in California where it's legal and available everywhere. It's NOT IN JUUL CARTS!!! What gave you that idea? No offense, but get your facts straight... it just confuses other people and they will go around quoting this.

Besides, aren't teens restricted and forced to buy from another market to obtain their products?


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Apr 24, 2019
California, US
Human beings are so stupid (especially the one in the White House).
None of those idiots will even consider what happens when you ban something so widely used.
Creeping Volstead Act 2.0 anyone?
Criminal enterprises popping up out of nowhere to fill the void (and the crime that is precipitated as a result).
If they think Flavours are dangerous now (they aren't), just wait.
If they thing things are unregulated now, just wait.
If they bothered to look, they would see that Vape Juice Manufacturers are one the the best Self - Regulated groups out there.
Folks losing their Businesses and the Folks employed by them losing their Jobs - I do hope they remember that when 2020 rolls around.
As for these Kids.....Parents need to stop expecting everyone else (the Schools, the Cops, the Celebrities, the Neighbors, the Internet ect.) to instill Morality and Common Sense into their Kids - THAT IS THEIR JOB AS PARENTS.
I'm so sick of Parents that use their Kids to bludgeon everyone else.
And they wonder why Kids are increasingly becoming unwelcome here and there.
Diito! Double double Ditto ditto!! (I got a little excited)


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Apr 24, 2019
California, US
Translation - Politician jumps on bandwagon to penalise a life saving technology based on a small number of individuals misusing an adulterated street product essentially unrelated to the technology.
Thank you! That is a very straightforward way to put it.
It's like blaming obesity and diabetes on the spoon!
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My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
I just saw this....grrr :evil:

1,300 People Died Today from Smoking. And 1,300 More will Die tomorrow.

And some Self Appointed Glory Seeker Pin Head wants to Ignore that to be the One who people think is Saving the Children.

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