Same here, there's one on every major freeway /exit it seems. And new ones every day, there's two advertising for partners, one's got a 4k buy in, I'm slightly mulling it over.
I think juices house blends would be the money maker, place an order to china NOW for the grand opening for hardware, mark it up slightly 100% rather than 400% I've seen with some, and get the pretty girls in there, Iv'e watch out local one, the ones that spend the majority of the money are the men/boys, women too, so get some pretty mods, some bling and sweet juices to get the women in, and then the $ will take care of itself, just like a bar business, you put a pretty girl in there they will come *lol*(oh last time I did this I got in trouble for mulling over business practices so well..ya'll know).
You have to know your stuff though, I'd think the liability would be huge, I've not called my insurance agent just yet, lets say. *lol*
I know the local one we cater is hurting financially, rent's a biggie, when my bead store retail front's rent went to $8800 from $5500 and the lease was up..I closed the doors. Labor comes second, then cost of merch. There's a couple I've been to here in Houston that are just thrown to together to make a quick buck, I've not gone back to those (no chairs, just juice on shelves on a wall and some kid that doesn't even vape booger pickin' behind some thanks!)
but it'll be interesting to see...a fad to some yes, an alternative to smoking will stay and mainstream more than likely. I've not pulled out the check book just yet, still doing market research if I'm going to invest of some those retirement we'll see.