Vape Meeting with the President

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Dec 29, 2009
Trouble is some of "us" are weed heads. Just like some of us are liberals or conservatives or believers or atheists. In any case we don't have the power to decree who is allowed to use vaping gear. We are just lucky that as far as I know you can't vape oxycontin.
I don't know? I knew some guys in high school who use to smoke Quaalude tablets.


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Dec 29, 2009
No worries. I have had the ailment on many occasions. Thanks for the apology and my red X post was not the potlitest post of all time either, really. I am kind of curious about your disagrees et al.

I try not to religion bait too much but I am a preacher's kid, organized religion sometimes drives me batty. I've tried on several for size. I guess if like anything, I had to pick something... IDK they all have dark underbellies.

Everyone wanted my husband to be a preacher when he got sober like Everyone. I begged him not to, I am not cut out to a Preacher's Spouse. Yeah, I like to be helpful and stuff but not at 3 am woken from my bed from a frantic call where I have to go hang out with a family watching a family member die. I find 8-5 of helpfulness works best for me. LOL.

I have attended some Mormon services when we were visiting my ex MIL and like, she was ALSO a protestant minister (in the process of being ordained.) I let her baptize me and the kid (I was still pregnant so it wasn't really kosher but whatev.) LOL. I needed some relief from all that Protestantism. They were interesting.

I also (accidentally as it happened) during my SECOND honeymoon, we stopped a that Mormon college to use the restrooms. I really wanted coffee, student services was selling ALL sorts of stuff but no coffee. I am afraid I said, "What? You are a student services department with no coffee? Not even a Coke? What IS this madness! Then I pointed out all the chocolate candy and said it had caffeine too, but not enough. I asked if there was No doze behind the counter.

She remained very polite. It was AWFUL.

My husband was having FITS when we got back to the car.
If that's you in the avatar, you are my sister's identical twin.
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Jul 28, 2013
The Clemson Tigers State
I hope you are correct Ping but based on the results his trade policy I am unconvinced.
I suggest trump doesn't want to lose voters over principals. We'll see.

I think his trade policy was a long time coming. I haven't noticed any increase in prices on China products and I don't believe the farmers are going out of business. Huawei has been stealing from us for years and unlike other China companies Huawei is owned by the Chinese government. We can't allow them to steal our 5G technology, it's bad enough China knows what's on every Huawei phone sold. I'm not sure what you mean about principles and voters. I'm just fed up with the government telling what I now say, do, go, eat, drink, or smoke.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 8, 2014
Your point? Because you just made mine.

It seems that much is obvious so you should probably thank me. :confused: Your reply seems confrontational, perhaps I misread it.
My point, too probe the American definition of liberty. I see far more outrage about the flavor ban than I did over the Patriot Act with effectively striped Americans of all rights. You said "an ever-increasing shortage of liberty", so is it possible to have liberty without rights because as I understand it those are long gone.

They have one like that in the UK, the Official Secrets Act.

Every nation state has an official secrets act of some sort. The patriot act, which I think is now called the freedom act is a completely different thing. Here's a little taste Surveillance Under the Patriot Act

To no one specific individual;
The "weed heads" and the nic clique are busy throwing each other under the bus, yeah that's going to solve nothing. Ma rights, ma rights we cry, ma right to identify as a half ripe rutabaga cross pollinated by a lizard alien, ma rights to shoot someone if I feel threatened, my right to endanger not only my children's health but everyone else's because vaccines are an evil plot hatched by the OWO. :facepalm: Ya'all fight and blaming each other while the man robs you blind.

It's like the entire nation has ADD. The level of anger and disfunction breaks my heart. Fictional guy in the sky have mercy on your souls. I mean that sincerely, I can just walk away, my heart goes out to my American friends who cannot.


Vaping Master
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Sep 25, 2014
Naptown, Indiana
To no one specific individual;
The "weed heads" and the nic clique are busy throwing each other under the bus, yeah that's going to solve nothing. Ma rights, ma rights we cry, ma right to identify as a half ripe rutabaga cross pollinated by a lizard alien, ma rights to shoot someone if I feel threatened, my right to endanger not only my children's health but everyone else's because vaccines are an evil plot hatched by the OWO. :facepalm: Ya'all fight and blaming each other while the man robs you blind.

It's like the entire nation has ADD. The level of anger and disfunction breaks my heart. Fictional guy in the sky have mercy on your souls. I mean that sincerely, I can just walk away, my heart goes out to my American friends who cannot.

Even vapers are ready to divide up into tribes.

Good quote on this.

Jim Mattis - USMC

What concerns me most as a military man is not our external adversaries; it is our internal divisiveness. We are dividing into hostile tribes cheering against each other, fueled by emotion and a mutual disdain that jeopardizes our future, instead of rediscovering our common ground and finding solutions.

All Americans need to recognize that our democracy is an experiment—and one that can be reversed. We all know that we’re better than our current politics. Tribalism must not be allowed to destroy our experiment.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2014
joshua tree, ca
Even vapers are ready to divide up into tribes.

Good quote on this.

Jim Mattis - USMC

What concerns me most as a military man is not our external adversaries; it is our internal divisiveness. We are dividing into hostile tribes cheering against each other, fueled by emotion and a mutual disdain that jeopardizes our future, instead of rediscovering our common ground and finding solutions.

All Americans need to recognize that our democracy is an experiment—and one that can be reversed. We all know that we’re better than our current politics. Tribalism must not be allowed to destroy our experiment.
Our Republic is being destroyed for many reasons. Until people actually wake up instead of being sheeple led to slaughter nothing will change.
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Vaping Master
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May 31, 2014
People Magazine has a "Vaping nearly killed me- A college student's harrowing story" title above a smiling Tom Hanks on this month's issue. It's right next to "Prince Andrew quits under pressure". Which story should I read first? I did glance at the kid though--nice pic of him on a breathing machine surrounded by his mommy and daddy in the hospital. Poor thang.
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Oct 30, 2013
Up North
I don't care if "Dr." Oz suddenly became the world's leading vape promoter, he is still a complete quack and a shill for junk products and doesn't deserve to be on TV. At the very least, his show should be flagged at the beginning and after each commercial break as a "Paid Program".

Same with "Dr" Phil. Both Oprah products. But the fact is that a lot of people watch them, so when they do happen to get it right (pertaining to vaping) it can still be considered a win for our side.
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Dec 14, 2013
I see far more outrage about the flavor ban than I did over the Patriot Act with effectively striped Americans of all rights.
I think there's a simple explanation for this: Flavor bans have a very noticeable and negative effect on people's daily lives, whereas the Patriot Act, and its replacement the USA Freedom Act really don't.


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Sep 15, 2013
I think there's a simple explanation for this: Flavor bans have a very noticeable and negative effect on people's daily lives, whereas the Patriot Act, and its replacement the USA Freedom Act really don't.

Too true, why heck, I don't do anything wrong so go ahead listen in to my conversations, track my phone, eavesdrop on my conversations, even enter my house search top to bottom; if it keeps us safe then it must be a good thing. And it is called the "Patriot" Act and now the "Freedom" Act. I love how these Jack Astors name their bills, I read the name and then assume the effect of the bill will be the opposite of its name.


Vaping Master
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Sep 25, 2014
Naptown, Indiana
Too true, why heck, I don't do anything wrong so go ahead listen in to my conversations, track my phone, eavesdrop on my conversations, even enter my house search top to bottom; if it keeps us safe then it must be a good thing. And it is called the "Patriot" Act and now the "Freedom" Act. I love how these Jack Astors name their bills, I read the name and then assume the effect of the bill will be the opposite of its name.

One of my favorites was a bill that opened up national forests to mining and logging. It was called something like the Save Our Forests bill.

The Brits name military operations with words grabbed at random from the dictionary by a computer program. Operation Seagull or whatever. America gives them names like Operation Really Sensible Courageous Freedom.


Moved On
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May 30, 2017
I think the most recent egregious act (this is not true, I could name a jillion more) was that dang pipe or dam or WHATEVER it was that went through some Native Land which is supposed to be SOVREIGN. It was like, "We shall like, STEAL your land, or trick you, killing billions in the process, so sorry!" Later, "We feel SORRY for you,so here is some land that really sucks but it is ALL yours to do with what you wish."

I'm sorry but you go from Yellowstone to..,, "We don't have wells here so we truck in water and you can come buys some. BUT It's ALL YOURS.;"

Yeah, until they need it, all of a sudden it's not "Sovergn nation" anymore. YOU ARE LITERALY declaring war with a NATION when you do that. For most folks it was no big deal, but I was a bit outraged.

Same with the wall. The Mexicanized tribes are all like, "No, we would like to keep our pipelines and supply lines going we REFUSE a wall." I think it's falling on deaf ears.

No one has any rights anymore. Also whatever the act is called I HATE IT. It's not like they monitor you perpetually but just set a FOOT out of line and they will access ever place you have ever been and nail you for SOMETHING. It's evil.

I think it's done more to decrease like, civil protests and whatnot than probably anything else. I barely want to look through my OWN internet history, let alone the government doing it.

And no, I'm sorry NO terrorism justified it . NOTHING justified it or could.

I have a secret love for W and I like to think they used him but had I been president I would have been "NO. JUST NO. I GET YOU SAY SO DADDY but NO.'



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Dec 29, 2009
Even vapers are ready to divide up into tribes.

Good quote on this.

Jim Mattis - USMC

What concerns me most as a military man is not our external adversaries; it is our internal divisiveness. We are dividing into hostile tribes cheering against each other, fueled by emotion and a mutual disdain that jeopardizes our future, instead of rediscovering our common ground and finding solutions.

All Americans need to recognize that our democracy is an experiment—and one that can be reversed. We all know that we’re better than our current politics. Tribalism must not be allowed to destroy our experiment.
Tribalism is an inherant trait of Homo sapiens. They know this, and so "identity politics" is used to separate the masses. It's been going on for decades... e.g. Hutu vs Tutsi.


Vaping Master
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Apr 10, 2011
Tribalism is an inherant trait of Homo sapiens. They know this, and so "identity politics" is used to separate the masses. It's been going on for decades... e.g. Hutu vs Tutsi.

"I am not a member of any organization that would have me as a member." - Grocho Marx


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
I kind of see politicians as one big tribe, forget the partisan part, seriously.

Any one of them would murder you in your sleep, should it be worth their while. Perhaps that is a bit harsh, but I think you get my drift.

Politicians are so used to getting their rear ends genuflected to and their knobs polished, I don't actually think they are like, aware that other members of the homo sapiens tribe are actually REAL.

Except when it comes to taxing them when suddenly they are real alright.

Tribalism can work as long as no one tribe gets too powerful. IDK.



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 15, 2013
I'd pay money to watch this vape meeting. Would've been a hoot. I'd need it on DVR though because I'm sure I'd pause on the Romney stuff to be like he really said that? And then I'd laugh another 20 seconds at his nonsense. Yeah Mitt, it's so totally the flavors and not the nicotine that has kids attracted to eCigs.

I'm around 98% sure you could make "poop-flavored 50 mg nicotine eCigs" and weirdly, kids would be attracted to that. Obviously cause of the poop flavor. And all those cauliflower flavored 50 mg nic eCigs would undoubtedly be due to the flavor should any child suddenly find them palatable.

All I know is that ANTZ types at this meeting are incredibly lucky their public debates are with light weights. Get one of us in that room, and I'm pretty sure they'd be embarrassed. Easily. And badly.
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