University of Kentucky bans E-Cig usage anywhere on property

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A. “Smoking” means inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted or heated
cigar, cigarette, or pipe.
B. “tobacco Products” means all forms of tobacco, including but not limited to
cigarettes, cigars, pipes, water pipes (hookah), electronic cigarettes, and smokeless
tobacco products.
C. “Members of the University community” include its faculty, staff, students,
volunteers, patients, customers and visitors.

III. Policy
A. This regulation applies to all members of the University community.
B. For areas located within Fayette County, Kentucky, the use of all tobacco
products is prohibited on all property that is owned, operated, leased, occupied, or
controlled by the University

It's unbeliveable................

Man , I tell you. These people need to do there research and see their flaw. We may be biased as users and this FDA thing may kick to the side, but to not consider for the time being that the positive outcome of allow vapers their right and condoning to a condition of use that is permissible on campus rather than outright banning its use.. makes more sense. I can see not using it in classrooms and maybe even through the halls that connect to classrooms ( attention getter type thing that diverts attention).
Not a lot is really know about the principal effects to the human body.. nor to the possibility of harm that others around you may be subjected to... but the positive result for your health and the well being that this product offers outweighs the 1% factor of toxins versus over 5000 in a tobacco cigarette. It is moronic at best to even assume that the FDA has any valid evidence to prove that something that has really less or a fraction of 1% of those toxins can even potentially be any worse than an analog itself. But let me iterate, that is what you will find when talking to a brick wall.. Because the FDA is always right and they really know what they are talking about!!!! IDIOTS!!! PLain and simple!!!
Thats my $0.02 worth.. take it for what it is worth to you


Ultra Member
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Verified Member
May 25, 2008
A. “Smoking” means inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted or heated
cigar, cigarette, or pipe.
B. “Tobacco Products” means all forms of tobacco, including but not limited to
cigarettes, cigars, pipes, water pipes (hookah), electronic cigarettes, and smokeless
tobacco products.
C. “Members of the University community” include its faculty, staff, students,
volunteers, patients, customers and visitors.

III. Policy
A. This regulation applies to all members of the University community.
B. For areas located within Fayette County, Kentucky, the use of all tobacco
products is prohibited on all property that is owned, operated, leased, occupied, or
controlled by the University

It's unbeliveable................

Ellen Hahn is no doubt responsible. She has multiple huge grants from the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation and is the head anti-smoker at the university. Someone needs to stop these people.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
It's a trend now, Sherry. A runaway train of opposition. It's not one person, except in one case. It's virtually every health group lined up against us.

Sun, believe this: When I was in college, only two majors allowed smoking in the classrooms (smoking was associated with these types of people). I was so addicted to cigarettes that I chose my major and minor, and thus my entire future and life's direction, on this fact.

I majored in journalism and minored in art and smoked my way to a degree, puffing away as I wrote and painted.


Super Member
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Aug 7, 2009
Wow, times sure have changed. Las t time I was on campus there were more smokers than nonsmolers. The VA/UK hospital serves and houses many smokers. What are they going to do? The veterans seek care there, the very same people who served to preserve our rights. Weird, KY is such a huge tobacco producer you'd think they would turn a blind eye to smoking. Guess the nonsmoking benefactors have more $$$.

When I visited my uncle at the VA hospital in I believe Morgantown, WV, the veterans were sitting outside in the snow to have their smokes. Talk about a low blow! These men fought for individual rights in this country and had continuing health problems that were connected to the service they provided. Then years later, along comes people who NEVER saw any type of battle and they throw them out in the snow so they don't have to smell the smoke????? BS BS :evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil: They should have been forced to provide an area that was heated for those men to smoke!!!!!!


Super Member
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Aug 7, 2009
Whats next? Are they going to ban fat people from eating on campus? Are they going to ban cars that cant pass a smog test from their campus also? This is ridiculous.

That is not too far in the future. As smokers are priced out of the market and revenues decline, you can bet our politicians WILL be looking to replace it. I heard a national news report just the other night about the "true" cost of obesity in this country...untold gabillions or something like that. Look for ad valorem taxes on fast foods, sugars, fats, soda, etc.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 7, 2009
Charleston, SC
Some "member of the university community" should write a pointed letter to its human resources department, citing Michael Siegel's blog (The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary) and the research conducted by the U.K. NIH.

When it comes to corruption and "state capture," you truly are either a part of the problem or a part of the solution. U.S. academia has sort of an intellectual obligation to take our side.

A letter should also go out to alumni. Colleges and universities listen to two groups: alumni and potential incoming freshmen. The university where I used to work put in place a smoking ban--with designated smoking areas--to a appeal to a wider (i.e., more liberal) demographic. The alumni screamed! So, the current state of affairs is they have a ban, but do not enforce it.

Of course, that ban applies only to regular tobacco cigarettes.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 23, 2009
That's moronic. That means they could consider chocolate to be tobacco. There is No tobacco in ecigarettes.

I'm telling you people, all of these rules etc are based off sheer animosity towards a group. imagine if it were directed at homosexuals, liberals would go insane.. But now, YOU are the group they don't like...

Wow, what control freaks.

Notice how it won't cover marijuana? Typical liberals..


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 5, 2009
somewhere out there......
hmmmmmmm i think its a good thing... after 7 months of no smoking i cant stand the smell of cigarettes. I refuse to go anywhere that allows smoking in doors. it ruins my appetite and the smoke gives me headaches... not joking... my body just doesn't want to be around it and if you ask me thats a good thing because that tells me i will never go back to cigarettes and ecigs did the trick.
Some "member of the university community" should write a pointed letter to its human resources department, citing Michael Siegel's blog (The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary) and the research conducted by the U.K. NIH.

This ban is nothing new on the UK campus. It has been in place for over a year.
Several of us made every attempt to put a halt to this many moons ago in Lexington. We wrote letters to Ellen Hanh (which went unanswered) and made attempts to rally the troops, hence a probable reason why E-Cigs were listed as a description to the banned items.


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
This ban is nothing new on the UK campus. It has been in place for over a year.
Several of us made every attempt to put a halt to this many moons ago in Lexington. We wrote letters to Ellen Hanh (which went unanswered) and made attempts to rally the troops, hence a probable reason why E-Cigs were listed as a description to the banned items.
Does this make Ellen Hanh the number two enemy behind Banzhole?
Or am I mistaking her for some other person with a similar name on other smoking ban initiatives?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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May 25, 2008
hmmmmmmm i think its a good thing... after 7 months of no smoking i cant stand the smell of cigarettes. I refuse to go anywhere that allows smoking in doors. it ruins my appetite and the smoke gives me headaches... not joking... my body just doesn't want to be around it and if you ask me thats a good thing because that tells me i will never go back to cigarettes and ecigs did the trick.

You do realize that when you cross over to the dark side of anti-smoking rhetoric, that you have entered a realm that will soon say exactly the same thing about the "odor" of e cigs? They will not stop with cigarettes just as the bans on smoking have become so insane that one country has just banned smoking while walking. It WILL be e cigs next.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 25, 2008
Does this make Ellen Hanh the number two enemy behind Banzhole?
Or am I mistaking her for some other person with a similar name on other smoking ban initiatives?
You be the judge.
Smoking out socialist smack on cigarettes
By Jim Waters
Kentucky’s smoking nannies have made it clear: They want a state-government imposed and enforced smoking ban in every public place in the commonwealth – even in local communities that have decided otherwise.
We must stop them.
They brush aside as insignificant — or worse, ignore altogether — the right of local governments to make smoking policies that best fit their communities, especially if those decisions result in a partial ban rather than a total one.
For example, the state’s Chief Smoking Nanny, Ellen Hahn, who directs the University of Kentucky Center for Smoke Free Policy, recently issued her call for a statewide ban while in Bowling Green to speak to the Rotary Club.
“I think it would be really wonderful if the state would pass it,” Hahn told Dan Modlin, news director for Western Kentucky University’s public radio affiliate, who covered the speech. “However, let me just say — it has got to be totally comprehensive, meaning that all work places would be covered.”
Then to my amazement, she added: “It has to have anti-pre-emptive language, meaning that local governments could do more if they wanted to.”
Look out. The nannies think those governments not satisfied with simply trampling on the private-property rights of business owners should be able to tell you what you can – or cannot – do in your personal living space.
Perhaps they could force apartment-building owners to ban smoking in their units, or send armed troops to arrest parents who smoke at home around children.
Not only that, Hahn wants to spend “millions” on a statewide ban. Making a comment like that during an economic downturn makes me wonder what she’s been smoking.
Smoking out socialist smack on cigarettes (Posted May 1, 2009) :: Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions

Doctor Vapor

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 9, 2009
Charleston, SC USA
Ignorance and being Stupid on a College Campus.


I worked in academia for several years. There is no one more stupid than an academic. They are more concerned with political correctness and appearing to be "progressive" than they are with actual facts and advancing critical thought. I'm not surprised at all that these ...... are including PV's as tobacco products. Stupid, just plain stupid.

Doctor Vapor

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 9, 2009
Charleston, SC USA
and in the Bar on campus.

Hey, I ran that campus bar. We all smoked there, drank beer, and danced our butts off. I'm glad I'm not a young adult these days. They have to sneak around to explore their adulthood. Many will choose not to drink or to smoke and that’s good. But experimentation is part of the college experience and that has been taken away from them. Colleges and Universities have been turned from institutions of higher learning to day care centers run by the nanny state. It’s sad.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 27, 2009
, and smokeless
tobacco products.

B. For areas located within Fayette County, Kentucky, the use of all tobacco
products is prohibited on all property that is owned, operated, leased, occupied, or
controlled by the University.

Right, so they're worried about second-hand snus?

Laughable little people who feel the need to exert control over others because of their own inadequacies.
I pray to god i never meet that woman. I'm sorry yall, being that ignorant is no excuse. thats why when i go to places like that, i used to carry a pack of analogs and a can of Skoal. I was the one who would put the cig out and rite in front of em, put in a big ole pinch of dip. if they still continued to stand in front of me, well god bless there shoes, i hope it wasnt there favorite pair. I know thats not the right way to handle it, and it's ppl like me who can give others bad reps, but im sorry, i couldn help it!
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