Ugh.. Yet another bogus health claim


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Apr 5, 2013

A subcommittee of the Dallas Environmental Commission emphasized in a memo that second-hand exposure to vaping can lead to the worsening of asthma, lung injury and poor fetal growth.

Where in the hell do they get this drivel?

Tonee N

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Apr 15, 2023

Where in the hell do they get this drivel?
The verbose version: (for the compact one see the original comment)
The “poor fetal growth” is probably part of the action of cigarettes, which is known to cause pre-mature babies. They’re apparently saying this is from the nicotine. It at least wasn’t

previously known what part of cigarettes did that. I guess they’re saying it’s the nicotine rather than the hundreds of other chemicals in cigarettes such as formaldehyde. Or maybe they’re just assuming. Or fell victim to the claim that e-cigs produce the same amount of formaldehyde as cigarettes (which they don’t. It’s some tiny fraction of that, if any at all. If you have a really dirty wick the stuff on the wick may catch on fire and stuff like wood smoke does produce formaldehyde. It’s gonna be less than, say, standing near a campfire once or eating bacon or something) Cigarettes do do that though. It sounds to me like someone is simultaneously deriving and assuming. Maybe see if they also want to ban camp fires. Or dry cleaning. Or a host of other things. Ecigs can produce small amounts of formaldehyde if they get too hot, so banning things that don’t have TC could possibly be in order if they’re taking “any at all” as being the same as similar to cigarettes (which it isn’t) but that’s still not the same as all vaping. Just unregulated devices like pods and disposables. A properly unkept regulated mod with TC is vastly safer than smoking. No one has EVER to my knowledge produced any non-ridiculous stuff that contradicts that. With the possible exception of the whole flavoring thing, which only might possibly have problems (but doesn’t need to)

“Where do they get this drivel” is a much shorter if less accurate way of saying that though.

The answer to where does this sort of thing come from has historically interchangeably been the cigarette lobby (who hate e-cigs and have no morals to speak of) or anti smoking advocates being influenced BY the tobacco lobby.

That second one has gotten so bad that a lot of anti-smoking advocates might as well BE the tobacco lobby. The tobacco lobby is evil not stupid. Duping an enemy into helping you can be just as useful as converting them. The impression I get is that’s what they did to the CDC some years ago. It only sort of didn’t work in the end. All the flash and smoke caused the e-cig industry massive problems and closed some businesses.

Who was it that said “For tyranny to succeed first kill all the lawyers”. Also applies to scientists.
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dog man

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2023
Western NC
Ok, I've been watching this oppression unfold now for well over a decade....more like 15 years.
Dr Seigel at Boston U, dispelled much of these false claims as have other reputable researchers.
Then the whole 2nd hand smoke thing came into play with it ending indoor smoking.
(That could have been cured by establishments using the proper air filtration... ionizers)
Next this morphed into a e-cig ban with no solid research... Just "Do Gooders" running on false info.
Do Gooders see vapor and equate it to actual smoke...
So now, vape (which is the same is my steaming coffee sitting next to me) is dangerous? Is my Coffee sending out harmful caffeine? What about the coffee maker sitting on the counter?

The bottom line (and I cannot back this up) is to the 2nd hander, they get more nicotine from foods (tomatoes and other veggies) than what dissapates from my e-cig sitting across the table from me.
I'm the one taking on the Nic and what exits my body and goes airborne and evaporates near immediately. Thus little to no Nic being ingested by the 2nd Hander.

So who's NOT making money on Vaping? (Short list)
Try Big Pharma..They lose in their sales of "anti smoking" prescriptions.
Try Tobacco Co's. in loss of sales.
These two entities have done everything possible to pay off the FDA and Anti Smoking Lobbies.

Us as Users, need to temper our usage to a common sense level. Don't ingest bad flavorings and heavy amounts of false sugars. Keep your Nic levels to a sensible level.
The lack of Smoking Chemicals and tar can ONLY Be A Plus!
E-Cigs are our hand to mouth habitual crutch as is the vapor emulating smoke.
Then getting the proper Nic level is critical for success. Its Why They Work!

I'll shut up now.
Be safe and healthy my Friends.


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ECF Veteran
Apr 15, 2023
Partially possibly mostly correct as I understand it. The ionizers you speak of… are you referring to what was once called “smoke eaters”? Those were air filters that used a row of plates charged with static electricity. They have em on nuclear subs.

Nicotine can be harmful to the fetuses of pregnant women, though likely not in the doses second hand vape smoke produces. Nothing actually vanishes though. Close to zero isn’t zero, it’s just close to zero. One of the big games in politics seems to be “a thing exists” even if it’s far below a noticeable or active level (this is why people were burning down wifi 5 towers in Europe. Logarithmic reduction and critical level were being ignored. All it takes to be a total idiot is to be slightly wrong about a particular thing in some cases) The biggest bugbear small as it is, is the flavorings. They are designed to be easy to smell, and while some are tested as heat safe not all flavorings are. If a flavoring breaks down into some random chemical when heated it will most likely cease to smell like that thing, which defeats the purpose, so most of them would produce only minor amounts of such even if they did break down. It’s an unknown though, and as such is vulnerable.

dog man

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2023
Western NC
Correct Bombastinor2
The ionizers solved the 2nd hand smoke in a restaurant we frequented. I could smoke and the person across the table never smelled it.

And yes, Nic can have adverse effects to fetus's and others if in high ppm.
It's not the Nic that is 2nd hand transmitted at any adverse levels however, it's the flavoring odors,
Nic is like none, or 1 to 2%, The flavorings are 5 to 7ish %
However as stated, even a tomato has Nic.
Nic is also a very good thing for cognitive and other issues.


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Nov 8, 2012
Hawaii, SAR,HongKong (Stanley)
Correct Bombastinor2
The ionizers solved the 2nd hand smoke in a restaurant we frequented. I could smoke and the person across the table never smelled it.

And yes, Nic can have adverse effects to fetus's and others if in high ppm.
It's not the Nic that is 2nd hand transmitted at any adverse levels however, it's the flavoring odors,
Nic is like none, or 1 to 2%, The flavorings are 5 to 7ish %
However as stated, even a tomato has Nic.
Nic is also a very good thing for cognitive and other issues.
THANK You!., Ive been shouting to the heavens for eons, there's many naturally occurring nicotine scenarios, you dont hear people whining about =tomatoes is obvious one, so commonly used especially in Northern Hemi diets. But there's also all naturally created flavorings as options. I've often wondered if same complaints would occur when used, if no-one else knew whether contents were naturally derived or not? imo-I wonder if people want to be a Karen? LOL. My pulmonologist has a poster on his wall about the horrors of vaping, the additives portrayed as instant death type of display, which I asked about, reminding him, It was vaping that got me off tobacco >decade ago. His response was the word "vape", in the case of his poster- meant to dissuade synthetic THC vaping that I guess is more prevalent than I realized in ER admissions.
As for the Vaping outdoors bans, they're simply ludicrous. They've been in place where I live for about a decade also. No Outdoor public areas: No Parks, beaches, public paths, hiking trails, dog walks, side walks, period! To Vape outside my own home, I have to either sit in my car, or duck around a tree, a building, etc the way we did trying to smoke tobacco at age 12!, insane, but the law. Ive been told it will only be enforced if someone calls in a complaint. For example if listening to music on a multi acre grass area, should a Karen call LEA for my sneaking a vape, they must fine me, and I must appear in court, or be arrested for contempt of court.
Many vaping peeps I know started as alternate to tobacco, in these cases it feels like persecution for trying to be healthier?


Ultra Member
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Nov 8, 2012
Hawaii, SAR,HongKong (Stanley)
Partially possibly mostly correct as I understand it. The ionizers you speak of… are you referring to what was once called “smoke eaters”? Those were air filters that used a row of plates charged with static electricity. They have em on nuclear subs.

Nicotine can be harmful to the fetuses of pregnant women, though likely not in the doses second hand vape smoke produces. Nothing actually vanishes though. Close to zero isn’t zero, it’s just close to zero. One of the big games in politics seems to be “a thing exists” even if it’s far below a noticeable or active level (this is why people were burning down wifi 5 towers in Europe. Logarithmic reduction and critical level were being ignored. All it takes to be a total idiot is to be slightly wrong about a particular thing in some cases) The biggest bugbear small as it is, is the flavorings. They are designed to be easy to smell, and while some are tested as heat safe not all flavorings are. If a flavoring breaks down into some random chemical when heated it will most likely cease to smell like that thing, which defeats the purpose, so most of them would produce only minor amounts of such even if they did break down. It’s an unknown though, and as such is vulnerable.
Just one point - makes me nuts to see "Second hand smoke vape smoke", to hear it, see it in writing, etc. there is NO Smoke in vaping exhalations. It is vapor, as in the rising hot water from your tea kettle of pasta water on a stove top. Smoke refers to emissions from combustion.

dog man

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2023
Western NC
Ipster... Points well displayed.
Congrats on your 10 year sobriety
I'm well informed but still new to vaping in that I've been off and on for 12 years.. Just now I'm getting settled in and putting this first as a health concern.
That said ..... I'll get there soon.

On your points of outdoor vaping or even smoking in a well ventilated Earth.... go ahead, Try to Arrest and fine me. If there is one prejudice I have in life, it's not color or race, not thin or fat, not rich or poor.
I Hate Stupid!!!
I had a 350 lb woman come up to me in a Red Lobster Parking Lot, ragging on me about my smoking effecting Her health (she was 30 ft away). I told her "Lose 75 lbs before coming up to me complaining about your health issues." She was bold and nasty and I shut her up.
With the current rise in City crime and vandalism as well as other issues here in this Country, I'll be Damned if you or the next person will give me crap over "Stupid"!


vaper dedicato
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    It is vapor, as in the rising hot water from your tea kettle of pasta water on a stove top. Smoke refers to emissions from combustion.
    From what I've read, and it was most probably from an old thread here, the area between a heated tea kettles spout and the steam is vaporized water. So what we actually, inhale or take in, is aerosol. I guess that makes us 'aerosolers' not 'vapers'.. :greengrin:

    edit: and I thought I came up with aerosoler.. Search results for query: aerosol


    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 15, 2023
    Just one point - makes me nuts to see "Second hand smoke vape smoke", to hear it, see it in writing, etc. there is NO Smoke in vaping exhalations. It is vapor, as in the rising hot water from your tea kettle of pasta water on a stove top. Smoke refers to emissions from combustion.
    Yes yes. Cigarette smoke is a particulate whereas vapes produce an aerosolized liquid. “Vape smoke” is designed to imitate actual smoke though “faux smoke” might be a better term. It is possible to do a liquid where there is no visible “smoke” at all. Very handy for stealth Vaping. The smoke look isn’t actually necessary. One uses bases other than PG or especially VG for that though. Water is one.

    dog man

    Senior Member
    Oct 4, 2023
    Western NC
    The intent is to emulate a cigarette.
    1) Produce a smoke like vapor
    2) Produce a hand to mouth action.
    3) Produce a nicotine delivery system.
    To negate any one of those 3 weakens the experience of a "smoke like" product and thus weakens the chance of success in quitting. These 3 things emulate the "smoking habit''.
    Pharma makes a vaporless inhalor and it has been a failure.
    Pharma has other delivery systems as well...none are near as effective. Thus, they are fighting us.


    vaper dedicato
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    Didn’t watch it. Green screen is cheap now. That video could be done with no more than a suit, a blanket, and a mobile phone. Whenever I see someone with the accoutrements of a news anchor but not from an actual news organization I assume it is propaganda of some sort and just don’t watch
    I assume you're referring to the Remy youtube video that DP posted. While I agree in general with what you said, I take that video to do nothing more than tickle my funny bone. I just adore parody humor.

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