? three weeks in, and i want a silver bullet....?

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Full Member
Nov 23, 2012
Ok. I am only three weeks into this vaping thing, but I knew the first day that it was gonna stick. I started out with a kgo kit with stardusts. Yuck. Ordered an ego twist, things were going well once I got a cartomizer tank! My twist is ok, usually have it at around 4....but now the button is going all crazy and sticking and its so annoying! The place I bought is from already sent me a replacment, button stuck worse than the first one, so I sent it back.
My question is, should I get the vamo, or the silver bullet? I've wanted a silver bullet since I knew they existed, but since Im used to 4volts on my twist, will I be dissappointed with the silverbullet? I like the price if the vamo, and it looks like it has a nice solid build....I also like how the vamo can be a mini....I guess Im just answering myself, get the vamo.... ;)
Any thoughts? Do you think I might be ultimately happier with the bullet? Is the vape that much different than my original ego knockoff? How would it compare to 4 volts on the twist?
I'm not really good with all these decisions, and having to find the correct voltage or wattage, which batteries I need to charge, if I need that extra sleeve...but, if ill be lacking as far as a good vape with the sb, Im sure ill figure it out.
I'm definitely the type to start a hobby and buy professional gear the next week....which is why I have a solid koa wood ukulele over there, but I digress. Help.


Jambalya, crawfish pie, 'da filé gumbo
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May 1, 2011
Why would you not get a few different systems and decide for yourself? You can get as many suggestions as there are stars in the sky but how do you know those people have the same exact parameters as you do? You are going to get more suggestions for the Provari than for anything else. How do you know you will want to carry around a big, clunky tube of aluminum to vape with as opposed to something that looks less like a pipe bomb?


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Jan 14, 2011
I own a BB (the SB's smaller 14500 brother ) for a couple years and it has performed really well. The SB uses a 18650 battery and when paired with a low resistance carto is a excellent vape and long lasting. I use a 18650 2600 mah battery with a P-18 and can use one battery for the day. The battery off the charger is 4.18 volts and after using all day is usually down to about 3.7volts. For me it hits well at 4.18 and still decently at 3.7 (of course you can switch the battery sooner to maintain higher volts also). I think the SB would be a excellent choice with very little potential for problems like you mentioned with the twist.


Vaping Master
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Nov 2, 2009
If you are the type to buy "professional gear" in a week, I don't think you will be happy with either choice. I have a BB, the smaller brother to the Silver Bullet, I love it for what it is, a tank! Even if I break it, I can fix it, but you have to do something really stupid to break it!
The Silver Bullet is nicer because of the bigger battery you get longer life, but it's a much bigger unit. You can make it VV with a "Kick" but buy the time you buy that and that, you could have this instead and it's easier to adjust etc............
I have a Lava Tube clone, I love the VV, but this thing is JUNK! The connector is loose, carto's and tanks sit sideways, tilt side to side etc., the threading for the battery cap, well, it works for now! Every time I drop it I fear it's the last time it will work! For $40 I didn't have very high expectations and I wanted to try VV. I can't say the Vamo is of the same build quality as my clone, but I will say to expect some growing pains with it. The Chinese are in such a rush to get the latest and greatest out the door, a lot of things slip through the cracks in doing so.
If you want to stay with non-VV you can get low resistance cartomizers and find a sweet spot there, what I'm leaning to anymore myself. I also wont tank anything away from the Silver Bullet, it's well built, well backed and a nice mod, but limited compared to all the fancy new stuff on the market!
I will suggest, since you seem to be of the type to want "The best", look at the Provari, it seems to be on about the same build level as the Silver Bullet, about the same size, offers VV and had a very established following on here! Problem is it's $170 for just the unit, out of my price range!
Then if you like to fiddle with things, aren't hard on them and really like pretty things, look at the Zenisis, Ihybrid, and Wizard's. These are the new "Genesis" systems, you build your own atty's and the unit is all in one. Really beautiful creations, but not for the unenlightened! You need to understand a bit more than the basics of electricity to use and operate one.
Just to add some more confusion to your choices:p


Full Member
Nov 23, 2012
Thanks so much for all the suggestions! I agree with all of you, and I think ill start with maybe the vamo since its mire in my price range, and less pipebomb looking, and if I don't like it, I only wasted 50 or so instead of more than 130 for the sb. I petit would be a bit of a shock going from the ego to the sb..... ;) Im the type to obsessed with new hobbies, so if I got the provari straight away, what would I obsess about?! ;)
Thanks again!!!!


Senior Member
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Oct 25, 2012
A piece of advice for OP: I was in exactly your position about 3 weeks ago. AND I said to myself exactly the same thing about the prover: if I get it now, and its as good as everyone says it is, then won't I already have the best and will have nothing more to look forward to? Long story short: I bought the provari, hated how much it cost, thought i made the wrong choice every second until the day it came. Its a revelation, plain and simple. The second I held it in my hand, I knew I'd done the right thing (a gazillion provari owners will tell you the same thing). Furthermore, since I bought the provari, my interest in vaping has only gone UP. I am excited for different mods, want different gear, there is ALWAYS more...I have since grabbed a Super T Precise Plus 10 for nights out when i dont want to take the provari, and many different rebuildable atomizers and tanks...if anything, the provari made me realize, "wow, there is some amazingly well crafted technology out there, i better see what else there is." My advice: save your money until you can buy the provari, its beyond well worth it. If you are petite, get the mini -- its perfect. That's been my experience...keep on having fun with it!
I certainly can identify with your struggle (especially the ukulele). Here's the biggest question you have to ask yourself: What do you want it to do that your current setup will not? Be ready to answer that question in detail before you lay down your $. Do you want more vapor/TH from your current liquid/atty setup? Do you need more battery life? Do you simply want more reliable equipment?

If you're like me, the more you bounce around the web, the more confused you get. If you see a product that will meet your needs, is reviewed as reliable, and is priced right, go for it. After using it for a while, figure out why it works for you (or why it doesn't). Then, if you decide to move on, repeat the process. (This process has kept me from owning tons of pro audio equipment, guitars, etc.)

OH, and it has to look cool. To you, anyway. Don't forget that. :)


Ultra Member
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Sep 7, 2012
Sweet Home, Oregon USA
So long as it takes rechargeable batteries, is quality made (for longevity) and batteries are easy to find and is variable volt all else would be subjective. There are less frustrations with the nicer stuff. Like I thought ox mods looked very much like a guy thing but I to a WoodMod by Brad Gruss deciding I just need something solid and caught my self vaping with it in the closet mirror across from my bed, right? Of my word. The way my hand curls around it is so much more feminine than I imagined. Kinda like when a girl where's a mans shirt? Hey I don't know if your a guy or girl right tis sec but what I'm saying is you really do have to try some things. I never thought I'd do a ox but it is the most solid and I figured I'd vape it home only. Now I LOVE it. So ya never know. Too bad we don't have more retail vape stores. I live out in the boonies.


ECF Guru
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Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
I was about 3-4 weeks in of using stick batteries when I knew I was ready to move on to mods. I chose both the BB and Silver Bullet. A couple of months after that I was introduced to higher voltage when the owner of Altsmoke put his sleeve and Kick in my own Silver Bullet in his Altsmoke store in Columbus. About a month thereafter I got my Provari.

I thought I would be done after that, but I just ordered a variable voltage Gripper for out and about use this past weekend. I plan on treating myself to a Mini Provari when I reach my 1 yr anniversary of not smoking come April. That's if the Zombie Invasion doesn't happen before that.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 12, 2012
Sticking buttons definitely seems to be an Ego twist thing. Mine does that, too.
I bought the Silver Bullet and the Provari. I'm not a Provari fan boy, but I have to say I think it's better. The SB is a tank, though. I still use the KGO with Stardusts for out and about, but I prefer the SB or Provari for at home. I like the format better. (I use a Vivi Nova in it, though. It looks better on a big mod, and the Stardusts don't fit without an extender.)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 12, 2012
Oh - one more thought on this (buttons). The Silver Bullet button is very hard to hit by accident when it's in your pocket, but IMHO, it sucks to push when you're vaping. The Provari is much easier, and blinks to let you know when the battery is low. PBusardo *ahem* "complained" that it wasn't clicky enough, but to me the Provari is much better, button wise. :)


Full Member
Nov 23, 2012
Lol you uke too!? In the seven months of so that I started playing I ended up with six different ukes, and I wasn't happy till I got my koa pili koko..... I'm thinking I'll feel the same if I get a bunch of lava tube type stuff, so, maybe I should wait a bit.....and deal with the little ego tards till I can get something I know I'll like....and not be embarrassed to carry around. Plus,mthe higher the quality, the better resale value if i decide to go another route. Oh, btw, I'm still obsessing over uke videos and still want a kanilea. Lol


Full Member
Nov 23, 2012
Lol, girl. Yes, im a chick. I'm gonna have to check that out. I will feel a little weird myself with the giant phallic hunk of metal in my hand walking around the small east Texas town I live in.......box mods, huh? I love woodworking, and am kinda what you could describe as a neo hippie....wood box mods might just be more my style....he'll, my ego twist is wrapped in hemp macreme......
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