The positive vibe thread

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Shining Wit

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 11, 2008
North of England UK
I have been a member of this forum for almost four years and have seen many changes
and a good few disagreements. The forum survived and thrived, becoming the number one
resource for thousands of people worldwide. It has settled into a stable environment where
people agree, disagree, but accept that we are all different, each with our own view, our
own cosmos from which we communicate with the world.

I have met countless friends and am so happy that there are so many good, like-minded people
all prepared to contribute, even if sometimes we have to compromise a little for the good of all.

I would like to take the time to say thank you for making it worth being around.

I recently became a member on the UK Vapers forum, which has also grown over the past couple of years.
I was given a warm welcome and have made lots of new 'invisible' friends. It's far more civilised
than so many forums I have passed through when looking for information on other subjects.
Recently a vendor engaged with members of that forum and tempers flared.
The result is that UKV's administrators felt it prudent to close the forum while they discussed the
implicatons of potential legal action that they have been threatened with. It is unreal and sad.

Two memories came back to me this evening from many years ago. The first was from a film called
Countryman, an entertaining film set in Jamaica and full of classic Reggae tracks. An old Rasta guy
was being hassled by a nasty henchman working for the Police and refused to be provoked.
"Leave the wicked to face death and they shall perish" was the line he spoke and later in the film
his words rang true. It's an old, little-known film. but it carried a nice message and a positive vibe.

The other, more poignant, memory was of first seeing John Martyn in the early 1970s when he
appeared on The Old Grey Whistle Test, a much-missed music show on BBC. He sounded almost
drunk, but it was just his style, and there was such sweet melancholy in his voice. He performed
a song called 'May You Never' and it has remained one of my real special favourites for nearly
40 years. I used to sing it to my granddaughter when she was a baby and got upset; that and
rocking her in my arms always did the trick and we became best pals, bosom buddies who
love each other to bits, get up to mischief, and forgive each other if we ever say the wrong words,
we just say sorry and have a hug.

No amount of money could buy that and nothing could ever spoil it.

So, for everyone I have met over the years, for all the good people who respect and tolerate
each others differences, for those who work tirelessly and with a passion to help others find their
way without seeking or expecting reward, for all those people who have one of life's
precious gifts, integrity, this one is for you all.

Please feel free to add positive stuff so that we can have a thread where it isn't weak to be nice,
where we see the good things in this world and enjoy them instead of seeking out the bad and
getting frustrated. I'm not suggesting the world is all sweetness and light, but let this be one place
where we can post freely about the good stuff.

I have added the original lyrics to help.
John Martyn died in 2009, but his music will live forever.

Best wishes

John x

May You Never

May you never lay your head down without a hand to hold
May you never make your bed out in the cold

Just like a great strong brother of mine, you know that I love you true
You never talk dirty behind my back and I know that there's those that do
Please, won't you please, won't you bear it in mind
Love is a lesson to learn in our time
Please, won't you please, won't you bear it in mind for me

You're just like a good close sister to me and you know that I love you true
You hold no blade to stab me in my back and I know that there's those that do
Please, won't you please, won't you bear it in mind
Love is a lesson to learn in our time
Please, won't you please, won't you bear it in mind for me

May you never lose your temper if you get hit in a bar-room fight
May you never lose your woman overnight

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