Thag-Built The Chuck

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May 18, 2009
South Jersey USA
Way back when I was little 510 stock vaper, I dreamed of owning a Big girl mod and shopped around and chose the Chuck. My Husband bought it for me in 2009 for Christmas. It was a dreamy emerald illusion with my name in silver and had silver end caps. Today, with the advent of VV mods and all the new bells and whistles on mods that auto feed and practically vape themselves, I still vape my Chucks. In fact, that one Chuck led to me "adopting" from the classifieds and a tidy collection of 12 regular chucks and 4 little chucks. I have also gifted a few over the years, in addition. My Chuck collection was like the story of my vaping journey, many having been gifts from very wonderful friends and they sort of marked my vaping journey. A few months ago, I was robbed of all my Chucks except two that needed to go back to Jeff for one reason or another, when you loan out things, folks don't always care for them right. When Jeff, the owner of Thag-built heard the news, he responded in a way that blew my mind. He is helping me rebuild my collection 2 at a time, with a VERY VERY generous discount. I have already received the original "Bonnie" chuck and one other and for sure the pics will show up here when enough are completed. Jeff has gone way above and beyond customer service through the years. He has repaired and replaced here and there without charge. When I posted in the classies asking for used Chucks I was shocked at the many newer vapers that had never heard of the Chuck. It was, I believe, the first mod to be personalized. One can choose any graphic and have it put on a Chuck and for me, it is my true vaping roots and my true love. NOTHING hits like my Chuck.With my new love of tanks, Jeff has now offered a flat top which is tank friendly instead of the nice well it was so loved for when attys were the rage.With the excitement over the new Kick which will "kick" a 3.7 volt mod to VV, a Chuck would be a perfect personalized mod. Sure, I have many VV mods and they are fun and work great but I needed to speak up for Jeff's business principles and the good old Chuck, my first vaping love. You can find a sub-forum here or view the Chuck and the many creative pics at Happy Vaping and keep on Chuckin.:vapor:As a matter of fact, that first chuck is in the hand of my Avi right over there <-----------------------A+ service from Jeff at*Gotta go remove my curlers now, bye bye*
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