Tastyfinger tastes really bad (large order)

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El Dee

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Apr 1, 2010
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Jul 14, 2010
I agree why are you avoiding it ? Why do you just ignore everything everyone took their time to write about the flavors ? It isn't going to disappear with just a "My apologies to all offended"

people have been complaining of this for a while now, and it never gets addressed in any meaningful way.
having said that, i would gladly pay 20 bucks for the original recipe AC.


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Dec 19, 2009
Yuba City, California
Personally, I'm with Geoff and I stated that early on when complaints started showing up on the boards. Take it up with them directly. I'm dripping waffles from a bottle that is about two weeks old and it will be finished in the next few days. I have loved every drag and this isn't my first order.

Also, take some people's responses with a grain of salt. One of them decided to e-mail me to let me know that my classified ad was priced too high because she/he wanted to "help" me make a sale. There's an awful lot of unsolicited and unwanted advice going around these days, IMO. As a TV customer with waffles, TF, AC, BF and more in my current vaping kit, I can say that IF I had an issue, I would go to TV directly first before considering a post on ECF.

The OP's question looking for advice, on the other hand, was a good idea. I think that the thread got hijacked along the way and turned in to something that the OP didn't intend for. Speaking from personal experience, it sucks when that kind of thing happens.

I'm the person that PM'd this individual about his classified ad. I sent him a friendly message just letting him know that his price was higher than the vendors price. I saw that he has only been a member of ECF since September and was trying to help him out. He sends me a nasty PM back. So much for trying to help. This is what we do on ECF, we try and help newer members out. In this case it backfired.
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Jan 1, 2010
I'm the person that PM'd this individual about his classified ad. I sent him a friendly message just letting him know that his price was higher than the vendors price. I saw that he has only been a member of ECF since September and was trying to help him out. He sends me a nasty PM back. So much for trying to help. This is what we do on ECF, we try and help newer members out. In this case it backfired.

My powers of observation lead me to conclude that IA is here to vape and may have good intentions, but he sure likes to tell people what to do, regardless of actual expertise.


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Apr 28, 2010
East Coast
I'm with sooperdave. I'd gladly pay more for the GOOD old waffle if that's what it's gonna take. You know, the beautiful delicious clear amber colored waffle that was around when it was first introduced. I'm also with everyone else on avoiding the issue. It won't go away if you avoid it and more and more people are noticing the taste difference. With that said, the COLOR difference between the good and bad is a very obvious indicator that the liquid is indeed different from what it used to be, and cannot be excused as user error or needing to let it age. Good waffle: clear light amber. Bad waffle: dark brown almost black. It's obvious something is up. No more excuses!

I haven't Ordered tastyfinger recently because I'm still working on a large order from a couple months ago. But I think I'd be broken hearted if I got something other than what I expected. ASD- I apologize for derailing your thread subject but the topic kind of turned into an important discussion about all of the flavors that have gone downhill in the recent months. Not just tastyfinger. Thank god we're finally getting somewhere. I was getting tired of being brushed off and dismissed.

El Dee

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Apr 1, 2010
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Jul 14, 2010
I'm with sooperdave. I'd gladly pay more for the GOOD old waffle if that's what it's gonna take. You know, the beautiful delicious clear amber colored waffle that was around when it was first introduced. I'm also with everyone else on avoiding the issue. It won't go away if you avoid it and more and more people are noticing the taste difference. With that said, the COLOR difference between the good and bad is a very obvious indicator that the liquid is indeed different from what it used to be, and cannot be excused as user error or needing to let it age. Good waffle: clear light amber. Bad waffle: dark brown almost black. It's obvious something is up. No more excuses!

I haven't Ordered tastyfinger recently because I'm still working on a large order from a couple months ago. But I think I'd be broken hearted if I got something other than what I expected. ASD- I apologize for derailing your thread subject but the topic kind of turned into an important discussion about all of the flavors that have gone downhill in the recent months. Not just tastyfinger. Thank god we're finally getting somewhere. I was getting tired of being brushed off and dismissed.

the way i see it, we are still being brushed off and dismissed. lol
I have been reading through the threads about AC, Waffles, Tastyfinger, Gingerbread and others. We are, at Tasty Vapor, as upset as you are. The reality is that we buy someone else's flavorings and mix them together. Please trust me when I say that we are not doing anything different for the past 2-3 months, we are still using the same recipes, the same vendors. As far as I know, and I know a lot what is going on at Tasty Vapor, no flavor vendors and no recipes were changed for the Tastyfinger and Waffles. We are at mercy of the vendors we are buying flavors from. Sometimes our cinnamon/waffles is extremely strong, sometimes it is weak. This is really out of our control, as we do not produce any flavorings over here, with the exception of Tobacco and Earl Grey. There is no way for us know when is which. We rely on you to tell us. So far you have been very vocal. We respond to your posts by adding more/less flavor given the situation. We also encourage everyone to leave notes for us when ordering, we read all of them, even if they are 2 pages long!

How do we avoid inconsistencies in flavor strength? This is literally a million dollar question. We have been working exclusively with 3 vendors. We have not been changing any flavorings lately. You guys all know that we have been extremely transparent. We tell you everything. But sometimes, we just don't have the answers why the flavor tastes the way it does. For someone else, the juice is too strong, for someone is too weak. What I would personally recommend, and who knows me will probably agree with me, call us, call our mixers personally on our 888 number. We are all eager to figure out what the issue is. Talking to us over the phone will take the same amount of time as to post a message on ECF.

Someone suggested Geoff randomly QC the mixed juices. I am sorry to say, but this is unreal. As we all know, we recommend that you let our juices age, so if we let our customers' juice age here, then try it and then not like it for various reasons (I personally hate cheesecake flavoring, this juice will never taste right to me!), it will probably upset even more people.

So help me out here. Call me. Let's talk on the phone, let's see what we can do for YOU. Because, believe it or not, everyone counts, including a customer who loves our juices, and those who don't. And it is not lost sales I am worried about. I think you understand. I brought a couple of kits and our juice to my family in Russia, and it brought tears to my eyes to see that my Dad and my Brother enjoy vaping, that I won't be getting any urgent messages from my Mom asking to come over to the other side of the world to bury them because they died of smoking analogs. I feel the same way about each of you guys.

As for Geoff, for the fear sounding like Geoff's gatekeeper, I have been with the guy for over 10 years now and yes he can be very sarcastic (_____ add any adjective that you think fits best) at times, but do not take it personally. He works really really really hard. Sometimes stress of being a successful company owner gets the best of him. Geoff is not the only person at Tasty Vapor, we have 5 more smart, talented, passionate employees who are happy to help with any questions/concerns you have: myself (Ramilya), Michelle, Lana, Gus and pretty soon Janine.

So let's work together. I know if I approach anyone accusing of things they have not done, no one will be willing to budge, we are the same way. We are all humans. Call me and let's see what I can do for you. Deal?
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Original Guru
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Jul 22, 2010
Toronto, Canada
I have been reading through the threads about AC, Waffles, Tastyfinger, Gingerbread and others. We are, at Tasty Vapor, as upset as you are. The reality is that we buy someone else's flavorings and mix them together. Please trust me when I say that we are not doing anything different for the past 2-3 months, we are still using the same recipes, the same vendors. As far as I know, and I know a lot what is going on at Tasty Vapor, no flavor vendors and no recipes were changed for the Tastyfinger and Waffles. We are at mercy of the vendors we are buying flavors from. Sometimes our cinnamon/waffles is extremely strong, sometimes it is weak. This is really out of our control, as we do not produce any flavorings over here, with the exception of Tobacco and Earl Grey. There is no way for us know when is which. We rely on you to tell us. So far you have been very vocal. We respond to your posts by adding more/less flavor given the situation. We also encourage everyone to leave notes for us when ordering, we read all of them, even if they are 2 pages long!

How do we avoid inconsistencies in flavor strength? This is literally a million dollar questions. We have been working exclusively with 3 vendors. We have not been changing any flavorings lately. You guys all know that we have been extremely transparent. We tell you everything. But sometimes, we just don't have the answers why the flavor tastes the way it does. For someone else, the juice is too strong, for someone is too weak. What I would personally recommend, and who knows me will probably agree with me, call us, call our mixers personally on our 888 number. We are all eager to figure out what the issue is. Talking to us over the phone will take the same amount of time as to post a message on ECF.

Someone suggested Geoff randomly QC the mixed juices. I am sorry to say, but this is unreal. As we all know, we recommend our juices to age, so if we let our customers' juice age here, then try it and then not like it for various reasons (I personally hate cheesecake flavoring, this juice will never taste right to me!), it will probably upset even more people.

So help me out here. Call me. Let's talk on the phone, let's see what we can do for YOU. Because, believe it or not, everyone counts, including a customer who loves our juices, and those who don't. And it is not lost sales I am worried about. I think you understand. I brought a couple of kits and our juice to my family in Russia, and it brought tears to my eyes to see that my Dad and my Brother enjoy vaping, that I won't be getting any urgent messages from my Mom asking to come over to the other side of the world to bury them because they died of smoking analogs. I feel the same way about each of you guys.

As for Geoff, for the fear sounding like Geoff's gatekeeper, I have been with the guy for over 10 years now and yes he can be very sarcastic (_____ add any adjective that you think fits best) at times, but do not take it personally. He works really really really hard. Sometimes stress of being a successful company owner gets the best of him. Geoff is not the only person at Tasty Vapor, we have 5 more smart, talented, passionate employees who are happy to help with any questions/concerns you have: myself (Ramilya), Michelle, Lana, Gus and pretty soon Janine.

So let's work together. I know if I approach anyone accusing of things they have not done, no one will be willing to budge, we are the same way. We are all humans. Call me and let's see what I can do for you. Deal?

Very well said, Ramilya. I would like to recommend that you make what you said a stickie on TV's forum..

While some may interpret this post as TV shifting the blame to another source, I think there will atleast be a few individuals that will appreciate the disclosure that TV has not tampered with the recipes or flavor vendors for the juices in question.

I do understand peoples frustrations with regards to the consistency of the flavour specially for what some would consider to be TV's top two flavours (Waffles and TastyFinger) and part of that frustration has been due to being ignored or met with Geoff's attitude (which some folk find overbearing!).

I for one will continue to order my TV favorites, as it does help me keep off the analogs.

Again, well said!


Super Member
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Apr 21, 2010
Ramilya, that is all I needed to hear from Geoff. I just didn't appreciate feeling like my questions were being ignored. It made me and others feel like Geoff just didn't give a crap. I have added sweetener to both my tastyfinger and caramel popcorn and it has made all the difference in the world. I was just curious as to what was going on so that I would know whether or not to add sweetener to my juices when I place my orders in the future.

As for the waffle, I don't really know what to think. Maybe you should contact the vendor that sold you that flavoring and have it replaced. It seriously looks, taste, and smells nothing like the original, with or without sweetener.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 14, 2010
I have to agree that was totally uncalled for. Geoff by the way there are plenty of people boasting about your juice on ECF. Learn how to take the good comments with the bad.

A lot of vendors seem to do this - there's some sort of weird vibe in the supplier's forum that allows vendors to just let it all hang out and berate their customers under the veil of "protecting" their image or something. IMO only, it does far more damage than good. (And is, in fact, why I've held off from ordering from certain vendors. And before anyone says it, no, I do not need a thicker skin, I just reserve my right to vote with my pocketbook.) There almost seems to be a cultlike thing that goes on - if you dare mention that you don't care for a juice, or don't like something/anything about a vendor, you're automatically jumped on by supporters. It's like they think they're going to get free juice or favored-pet status or something. Some use the "bad boy" approach (they're cooler than you anyway) and some use the "if you don't like it, just send your juice to the thousands that do!" God-of-juicemaking approach.. but in any case, it's tiresome form the consumer side.

It's very odd. The CS I was taught, then used in my own business, was that the customer is NOT always right, but they are always the ones paying the bills and deserve at the very least a modicum of respect.

ETA: To put a finer point on it, it is as if these forums are only to be treated as a sales tool, not a customer forum as well. Actually, that's a pretty good question - are they a forum for customers also, or just vendor advertising space?
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 14, 2010
I have been reading through the threads about AC, Waffles, Tastyfinger, Gingerbread and others. We are, at Tasty Vapor, as upset as you are. The reality is that we buy someone else's flavorings and mix them together. Please trust me when I say that we are not doing anything different for the past 2-3 months, we are still using the same recipes, the same vendors. As far as I know, and I know a lot what is going on at Tasty Vapor, no flavor vendors and no recipes were changed for the Tastyfinger and Waffles. We are at mercy of the vendors we are buying flavors from. Sometimes our cinnamon/waffles is extremely strong, sometimes it is weak. This is really out of our control, as we do not produce any flavorings over here, with the exception of Tobacco and Earl Grey. There is no way for us know when is which. We rely on you to tell us. So far you have been very vocal. We respond to your posts by adding more/less flavor given the situation. We also encourage everyone to leave notes for us when ordering, we read all of them, even if they are 2 pages long!

How do we avoid inconsistencies in flavor strength? This is literally a million dollar question. We have been working exclusively with 3 vendors. We have not been changing any flavorings lately. You guys all know that we have been extremely transparent. We tell you everything. But sometimes, we just don't have the answers why the flavor tastes the way it does. For someone else, the juice is too strong, for someone is too weak. What I would personally recommend, and who knows me will probably agree with me, call us, call our mixers personally on our 888 number. We are all eager to figure out what the issue is. Talking to us over the phone will take the same amount of time as to post a message on ECF.

Someone suggested Geoff randomly QC the mixed juices. I am sorry to say, but this is unreal. As we all know, we recommend that you let our juices age, so if we let our customers' juice age here, then try it and then not like it for various reasons (I personally hate cheesecake flavoring, this juice will never taste right to me!), it will probably upset even more people.

So help me out here. Call me. Let's talk on the phone, let's see what we can do for YOU. Because, believe it or not, everyone counts, including a customer who loves our juices, and those who don't. And it is not lost sales I am worried about. I think you understand. I brought a couple of kits and our juice to my family in Russia, and it brought tears to my eyes to see that my Dad and my Brother enjoy vaping, that I won't be getting any urgent messages from my Mom asking to come over to the other side of the world to bury them because they died of smoking analogs. I feel the same way about each of you guys.

As for Geoff, for the fear sounding like Geoff's gatekeeper, I have been with the guy for over 10 years now and yes he can be very sarcastic (_____ add any adjective that you think fits best) at times, but do not take it personally. He works really really really hard. Sometimes stress of being a successful company owner gets the best of him. Geoff is not the only person at Tasty Vapor, we have 5 more smart, talented, passionate employees who are happy to help with any questions/concerns you have: myself (Ramilya), Michelle, Lana, Gus and pretty soon Janine.

So let's work together. I know if I approach anyone accusing of things they have not done, no one will be willing to budge, we are the same way. We are all humans. Call me and let's see what I can do for you. Deal?

Such a perfect reply.

eta: Seriously - zero sarcasm there. Exactly how this should've been handled, IMO.


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Feb 8, 2010
Thank you for the reply Mrs. Tasty Vapor and I just received an email from Geoff saying that my order has been remixed and shipped. Thanks for that also.

I can't help but agree with sooperdrave, flavoring is a business of precision, its unreal for them to send you bad batches for so many times. From that, I understand TV makes large orders of flavorings right ? So can't you guys pick 2-3 random bottles of flavorings, mix a few bottles of liquid for yourselves everytime you receive a new batch and taste it ? If it doesn't taste right you will discard that batch of bad flavoring instead of selling it all away to the customers and hope for the best. I mean, its a bit late for customer input when they receive the bad bottle of liquid and then contacts you dissatisfied. Plus, by that time you would have used all the bad batch of flavoring.

I got 2 things in my head that might be causing the TV bad taste problem. One I just mentioned, the other one is that TV has grown quite a lot and maybe for that reason you started mixing liquids in bigger batches rather than mixing every bottle one by one when TV was not so big of a company ? Its a possibility. Or maybe because of too many orders, you don't have time to be precise or pay attention to details when mixing ? In that case may I recommend hiring more mixers or getting machines that will mix precisely every single time.

Don't get me wrong I am not being rude, I just want to get deeper in the situation where it will be constructive for both TV and TV customers.


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Apr 28, 2010
East Coast
it is my understanding that the companies that make flavorings do so with very sophisticated machines, in very sophisticated factories. how is it that these places are inconsistent ALL the time? my own personal experience working in factories is that they are very accurate and very efficient.

Well if that's the case, hopefully this recent outrage will make them shape up and stop whatever is going on with the bad waffle. I don't really imagine a big flavor company like PA or Capellas (loranns etc ) having employees hand mix each gallon. Maybe I'm wrong though. If that's not the case and they really do hand mix each gallon and TV really doesn't have any control over the inconsistency then I guess I just won't buy it anymore. I don't like gambling all of my money away. Thanks for your post Mrs tasty vapor. I wish we could have heard something like that from Geoff as well though.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 14, 2010
Thank you for the reply Mrs. Tasty Vapor and I just received an email from Geoff saying that my order has been remixed and shipped. Thanks for that also.

I can't help but agree with sooperdrave, flavoring is a business of precision, its unreal for them to send you bad batches for so many times. From that, I understand TV makes large orders of flavorings right ? So can't you guys pick 2-3 random bottles of flavorings, mix a few bottles of liquid for yourselves everytime you receive a new batch and taste it ? If it doesn't taste right you will discard that batch of bad flavoring instead of selling it all away to the customers and hope for the best. I mean, its a bit late for customer input when they receive the bad bottle of liquid and then contacts you dissatisfied. Plus, by that time you would have used all the bad batch of flavoring.

I got 2 things in my head that might be causing the TV bad taste problem. One I just mentioned, the other one is that TV has grown quite a lot and maybe for that reason you started mixing liquids in bigger batches rather than mixing every bottle one by one when TV was not so big of a company ? Its a possibility. Or maybe because of too many orders, you don't have time to be precise or pay attention to details when mixing ? In that case may I recommend hiring more mixers or getting machines that will mix precisely every single time.

Don't get me wrong I am not being rude, I just want to get deeper in the situation where it will be constructive for both TV and TV customers.

instead of mixing a bottle, why cant they taste the actual flavoring to see if it is right?
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