I picked up an RSST and a Smoktech Magneto yesterday. Built my first wick and coil (semi solid 400 SS mesh and 28 gas kanthal in a 3/4 wrap @ 0.9 Ohms) flavor is great but not getting the clouds of vapor that everyone says a mech with a sub ohm build gets. I tested the voltage drop of the device and found it has a .4 volt drop under load. I don't seem to be getting dry hits, the wick seems to be doing great, it never gets red if there is juice on the tank (at least 10 second fires) and flavor is spot on, better than my evods and my carto's by far. According to my math on a fresh batt I should be pushing around 16 watts, but I get more vapor from my vamo with a 2.0 ohm evod coil @ 10 watts or a low res Boge xl carto @ 10 watts although the flavor is not as good. Any ideas/advice?
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