Replacing Halo Triton Tank Coils

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Full Member
Nov 1, 2014
Houston, TX, USA
Hi, I'm new to the site and Halo forum as well. Haven't been vaping long. Purchased the Halo Triton Tank starter kit about a month ago. My question is: When should the Triton coils be replaced? I have yet to purchase the replacement coils from the Halo site, but so far I haven't noticed any issues. No gurgling, no burnt taste, no vapor production problems. I vape pretty much on a daily basis so should I have replaced them by now anyway? Looking forward to any advice you might have on keeping the Triton vaping like new. Thanks


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Sep 28, 2013
Sydney, Australia
it depends on your juice. some juice vapes fine for ages, but vapor production slowly reduces a little at a time until it becomes really airy. you might not notice it happening until you put in a fresh coil and bam, all the vapor. whereas some juice really clogs up the coils and the taste changes.

maybe get some new coils, and every week put in a new coil and soak the used one in distilled water and cheap unflavoured denture cleaners overnight, then let air dry for a few days. then next week, swap the two coils, so put the cleaned on in the tank, and soak the used one overnight. wash rinse repeat

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Apr 26, 2014
Lombard, IL
When I first started out, I think I didnt replace any coils until like 4 weeks later. Mostly just to see what the difference in vapor/flavor would be. And it was like night and day.
There are things you can do to extend the life of your heads before replacing (denture tablet soaks, dry burn, shifting the bottom wick slightly one way in the coil, extra second draw unpowered to quickly cool coil during a drag)

And if you are inclined, save your old coils and fix them yourself. Most of the times its just the silicate wick that needs replacing to make a head 'like new'. Dryburn and rinse the coil, thread some new wicks, and you have yourself another replacement coil.
Theres a rebuilding thread floating around here on the first or 2nd page with a wealth of information about it.


ECF Veteran
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Aug 19, 2013
Indy, IN
Welcome to HALO!!!! Another good indication your coil head needs tossed (or rebuild if you decide to go that route) is by looking after you wash/soak your coils at the loose/top flavor wick. If you pull it out slightly (again the loose one, not the one in the coil) and the center is burnt or dark brown and not washing clean, then the one in the coil is too. Its gunked or burnt beyond repair so to speak.

It will give your juice an off taste and not worth vaping on anymore.
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