RDA Proper Kennedy Coil/Wick Placement HELP.

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Full Member
Jan 12, 2023
Anybody on here now the best/efficient way to set up a Kennedy rda for maximum flavor.

I know there are other RDA's that got that covered but my first try at vaping was on a Kennedy and brings nostalgia. It's just that I remember not being able to get the results that I wanted and in the end... sold it.

Well now, I bought one again recently in this OG RDA Apocalypse where you can't get them as easily as before and been thinking of a better way of Coiling and Wicking it.
Only it's been a while since I set one up.

I will be using it on a dna 250c Mod and will most likely be using round wire as I do like my "Coil Killer Juices".

Any advice would be great!
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