The Orange County Board of Health delayed a vote this week on a proposal to ban electronic cigarette smoking in enclosed areas of restaurants and bars.
The board heard from the community on the proposa and reviewed comments submitted from an online survey, voicemail, email and U.S. mail, according to Stacy Shelp, communications manager for the Orange County Health Department.
At the end of the meeting at Hillsborough’s Whitted Building, the board decided to table the vote until after the U.S. surgeon general releases a report this summer or fall about the health impact of so-called e-cigs.
"Ultimately, the Board of Health will continue to read the existing research, weigh the public opinions shared, and then assess the most up-to-date data from the surgeon general's report to make their decision on this as a public health issue in Orange County," Shelp said.
After that, the article disintegrates into ANTZ talking points.
I never heard anything about an upcoming US Surgeon General report, and I haven't been able to find any other info about it.