Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch - Part 5

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Vaping Master
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Aug 23, 2011
Skippack, PA
Older Folks and vaping Front Porch - Part 5

Welcome to the ‘Front Porch’ for Older Folks and vaping. This thread is a continuation of the original started over 4 years ago by ˇTxtumbleweed’. It grew to over 21,000 posts and the ‘part 2’ continuation thread was begun about a year ago. The ‘part 2’ thread over the next 11 month’s hit 15,000 posts. Part 3 reached its max and now it’s time for part 4.

The original and continuation threads are still around and you can find them here:

Original (closed) - Older Folks and Vaping

Older Folks and Vaping

Part 2 (Closed) - Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch Part 2

Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch - Part 2

Part 3 (Closed) - Older Folks and Vaping Part Three

Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch - Part Three

Part 4 (Closed - Older Folks and Vaping Part 4

Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch - Part Four

The Porch for Older Folks is dedicated to Txtumbleweed, Randal Fortenbury. He started the ball rolling and helped so many of us when we first started our vaping journey. He offered us encouragement, shared his knowledge and told us great personal stories ranging from riding the rails as a kid, working as a lineman, lumberjack and fishing the cold waters of the Bering Straits.

Randall (Tex) has since passed on and we are honored to continue the Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch in his memory.

The mods have asked us to stay on topic about vaping in this thread. Please adhere to this guideline.

Feel invited to join us in the lounge, on our Back Porch, where we can chat about vaping and any other ‘topic of the day’ that meets your fancy.

original, (closed) - Older People 55 and Up

Older People 55 and Up

Part 2 (closed) - Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch Part 2

Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch - Part 2

Part 3 (closed) - Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch Part Three

Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch - Part Three

Part 4 (Closed) - Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch Part Four

Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch - Part Four[/QUOTE]

Part 5 (Closed) - Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch Part Five

Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch - Part Five

Part 6 (Active) - Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch Part Five

Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch-Part Six

Please, don’t be fooled by the old folks in the title. The range of vaping experience and gear spans a wide gap. We’ve got folks content with basic setups using carto tanks and we’ve got folks using temp control mods and the latest RDA/RBAs.

So if you’re just starting out or your more experienced this is the place to be for us older folks. You got a question - we’ve got an answer or three. (And we good at spending other people’s money - so be forewarned). So pull up a rocker and make yourself at home.

And - oh, oh, oh - there’s no age limited or checking done here. Most of us can’t see good enough to read your legal id anyway. The only age criteria is that today your a day older than yesterday.

I going to ‘prime the porch’ with a few posts from the early days. It’s fun to look back just a few years and see not only where we where but were the state of vaping was w/ respect to equipment.


Vaping Master
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Aug 23, 2011
Skippack, PA
The opening post from Tex:

5/21/2012 Txtumbleweed wrote:

txtumbleweed;6157883 said:
I thought I would start a thread mostly for older folks but everyone is welcome. It is primarily to help longtime smokers to get off cigarettes and stay off by sharing our vaping experiences. Most everyone reading this has already started vaping so our goal is to support one another and help those beginning the vaping journey.

I have been vaping 2 1/2 years after smoking off and on for 60 years. I inhaled my first cigarette at 10 and by the time I was 15 I was smoking a pack a day. I've struggled with quitting smoking for 30 years and discovering the e-cig and vaping has been a life saver for me. I was diagnosed with COPD about seven years ago and my health was deteriorating rather quickly with loss of breath and coughing continuously. Since I started vaping my health has improved tremendously so that is why I'm so adamant about helping others make the same decision.

I have been vaping for 2 1/2 years but I'm far from an expert on vaping equipment but I have tried most devices or similar ones out there so I do have an opinion on most of them. We are all different when it comes to vaping and one thing doesn't work for all in fact very few of us will settle on using the same juices and PV's. That is what makes having a thread that we can discuss all e-cig related stuff without arguing about what is best is a good thing.

I have found that most of us older folks and long time smokers like the no muss no fuss PV's especially in the beginning. We would like to hear all of your stories and vaping experiences and what devices you started with and your journey to what you use now.

Us older folks do like to socialize along with our vaping but we need to keep this thread mostly about vaping or it will be moved to a social forum. We do have another thread in the Lounge Forum that is both social and vaping related. http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/lounge/289745-older-people-55-up.html']http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/lounge/289745-older-people-55-up.html {editor note, this is a link to the original thread in the lounge, please see above for our new Back Porch thread in the lounge)


Vaping Master
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Aug 23, 2011
Skippack, PA
Another of our dear departed friends is ‘elbertdee’, who I can't (won't) forget. He was a Native American Indian. Elbertdee was an Indian story teller. He shared a new perspective to the use of tobacco many of us were unaware of as well as many other stories about his people. He passed on, and is now with his ancestors and I'm sure he is still telling and learning stories. Thanks Elbertdee for the time you spent and shared with us.


5/21/2012 elbertdee wrote:

elbertdee;6158302 said:
61 yr old Smoked 49 of it.

Got my volt on May 7,

Been going ok. Still not ready to complete let go of my friend tobacco. But every day gets a little closer.

Last few day 2 or 3 tobaccos.

Love the Volt and getting more used to the 555 juice.

Like a little VG in my juice as it produces more e-smoke and smooths the TH for me.

I can say of the times I have tried to stop smokeing tobacco this is the first time I know it will work.

Im just letting my body make the changes on its own as It is starting to like the Vaping more than the Tobacco

Tx thanks for starting this up. I may be new but I have learned a lot and want to help anyone who is willing to accept it.

elbertdee;6162453 said:
My Mother smoked for 20 or so years and quit. 10 years later my sister was getting married and mom started smoking again.

She told me in that 10 years a day never went by that she did not want a tobacco cig.

wish E-cigs had been around then.

Im only at end of week 2.

And I still have 2-4 tobaccos and slowly my body is backing off wanting the tobacco.

I got the small order of flavor and juice today.

I really like Dr. Pepper. The first little batch was 2 light on the flavor so I added some more in. 70/30 and Dr. Pepper.

Never ever in my wildest dream think I would really enjoy vaping a Dr. Pepper flavored juice. Bit Well I LIKE IT.

Even the slightly weak stuff I mixed

I am still bumfusled by the fact that It is really nice.

What is the best way to fill the Boge cartos?

Will non flavored Nic change the taste of the Dr Pepper?


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Oct 19, 2009
Hey you guys that have the Pico how well do they work on TC? Thought about grabbing a couple. I really like the eleaf products and at $28 you can't go wrong. I think PB in his reviews of the mini's rated it the best of all the ones he tried. I could be wrong will have to check. Course it wouldn't be too mini with an STM or KF V5 hanging on it.


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Feb 26, 2014
Hey you guys that have the Pico how well do they work on TC? Thought about grabbing a couple. I really like the eleaf products and at $28 you can't go wrong. I think PB in his reviews of the mini's rated it the best of all the ones he tried. I could be wrong will have to check. Course it wouldn't be too mini with an STM or KF V5 hanging on it.
I only do TC now and I have =3= Picos, if that tells you anything.


Vaping Master
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Aug 23, 2011
Skippack, PA
I s'pose I need to wait 5 more years

welcome again smacuser ear. say didn't you read the entire 1st post, def no age checks done here. Find a comf spot and make yourself to home.

Hey you guys that have the Pico how well do they work on TC? Thought about grabbing a couple. I really like the eleaf products and at $28 you can't go wrong. I think PB in his reviews of the mini's rated it the best of all the ones he tried. I could be wrong will have to check. Course it wouldn't be too mini with an STM or KF V5 hanging on it.

I only do TC now and I have =3= Picos, if that tells you anything.

Almost bought a couple Pico's for me and Janet last month. Still on my list as I like the idea of a small replaceable batt mod.


Ultra Member
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Jun 8, 2013
Farmington, NM USA
BTW, I'm not 55 yet either. We have a wide range of ages here. :)
I certainly have a wide range. Whatever works best at the moment. At Wendy's, I'm old. At Dennys, I'm just a veteran. Old would be better but I refuse to join AARP


Vaping Master
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Feb 3, 2011
Florida Suncoast
I'll be good, I promise ;).

Good AND under 55, no phlippin' way... ain't gonna put up wid dat...

A warm and heartfelt welcome to da bestest cyber porch(es) anywhere! Pull up a sit down, hang 'round and enjoy your own self...

Hey you guys that have the Pico how well do they work on TC?

Haven't received mine yet...


ECF Guru
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Aug 5, 2013
In the Mountains
Hey you guys that have the Pico how well do they work on TC? Thought about grabbing a couple. I really like the eleaf products and at $28 you can't go wrong. I think PB in his reviews of the mini's rated it the best of all the ones he tried. I could be wrong will have to check. Course it wouldn't be too mini with an STM or KF V5 hanging on it.
Wish I could tel you. My 3 July order with my first Pico was sitting about 100 miles due west of here three days ago. Left for its final destination and two days later showed up 400 miles south. Then it disappeared again. :blink:

Oh wait, never mind, I don't do TC. :)
I'll be good, I promise ;).
That pledge didn't last long. :D
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