Disposables cost near the same as cigarettes. A few hundred a month. There was one person in the news who quoted 600$/mo. Which I believe. At my smoking height it was 3 packs of lucky strike straights a day. Everyone is different though. When I vaped nic a disposable would last me about 3 days. I bought the larger cheap ones the size of a cigar, which in my area cost about $10. If I bought the little ones they sell in the gas station those lasted me an afternoon and were the same price, So with the vape store cheapies… $23/week, 52 weeks in the year… dang. I can’t multiply in my head anymore.. Old decrepit fart that I am….[rummages for a calculator app] $92/mo. So a used car or a new motorcycle payment, or 1 grade of apartment. If I bought them at the gas station though it’s more like $20/day. That gets me to the $600/mo. 1/2 A house payment. (depending on where you live and how big the house is)
DIYing juice though can get it a LOT lower. I do RDAs on squonkers and I measured it at $30/mo. 2 Netflix subscriptions.
These days it’s a good bit less because nic raises my blood pressure so I titrated off it. This is the beauty of ecigs. Theres the doesn’t leave foul smelling thick hard Brown/black goo on everything around you thing for one. That’s not small. Theres the no cancer. That’s not small either. The killer app though is once you’re off the analogs you can switch from disposables to pods or rebuildables, and you can titrate. Titrating is the key to quitting without niccy fits. It takes forever, nicotine is more addictive than ......, but it doesn’t suck. You try and quit off disposables though it’s the same as quitting off analogs. People usually fail.
They failed a lot using the vape store system that ends at 3mg/ml too though. This is where hand titrating is awesome. You can do 1.5%. You can do 0.5% if you want. I did. I don’t know if I needed to or not, but I did not want to niccy fit.