New Presa 100W TC

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Actually, that is highly dependent on what external charger you use.

My Nicore D4 only charges at 750ma! So both the eleaf Pico and Presa charge at a higher rate then the Nicore charger. The minor difference between 4.1 and 4.2 does not bother me much, not enough to be fiddling with swapping batteries into an external charger. The Nicore D4 does charge to 4.2v, it just takes a while.

With the dozen or more mods laying about I usually just switch to another mod. Most (if not all) have a nearly full charge on them. For the above tests I was using an external charger, just to see what kind of battery life the 26650's have.

With a little math we might see what kind of an impact there is. Fully charged being 4.2V and battery indicator flashing at 3.25V equates to a 0.95V swing. If we divide the 1540 run time by 0.95 we get 1621. With a 0.1V less swing we have 1540 divided by 0.85 and have ~1811. 1811/1621 = 1.11 or ~11% difference.

However I think I need run time numbers for the USB charge so it will be a day or two.

I might pick up one of the fancier and higher output (2A) chargers just for kicks. I need a decent charger in the RV/Camper and I can keep the fancy one at home.

I've always found that If I use a slower rate of charge (500mA on 18650 batteries) it will do several things. Of course it will take longer to charge, that's a given, but the slower rate of charge will allow more charge to get into the battery, and it will stress the battery less, which will give you're battery a longer life span before capacity starts to degrade. Also, I always run my batteries down to where they stop working, NO MORE VAPE, before I take them out to charge (that's in Regulated Mod's, NOT pure mechanical mod's) and I then put them in my battery charger immediately. After they are Fully charged I always take them out and rest them for at least a day before using again. I have VTC4's and 25R's that are approaching 1 and 1/2 years old (bought NEW of course) and am finding that All are just now approaching a 7%-10% drop in capacity, but will still last me the whole day of vaping, at my style of vaping that is. I have never had any problems using a charger that charges an 18650 up to 4.25v, and have Never found any of my Regulated Mod's to discharge to more than 3.15v.

When it comes to 26650 batteries, I'm just starting to learn about them, as this Presa is my first 26650 Mod. It looks to me that the 26650 platform is not nearly as advanced as the 18650 platform but, it seems to me that the 26650 batteries will give you Longer Run Times at a slightly higher CDR than 18650's will (using a Good Quality cell) but Not the power to run at higher Wattage's like the 18650's will. All this is what I seem to be finding, for my style of vaping.


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  • May 31, 2015
    Oregon, USA
    I think that much like the higher mah 18650's usually have a lower CDR carries over to the much larger format (and higher mah) 26650's and are likely not a good match for those that like higher power builds.

    However, they seem a perfect match for my vaping style. We get a smaller and lighter single battery mod compared to the 2x18650 models and equal or better run time.

    I still have three Nautilus tanks in service and a whole bunch of unused 1.8ohm Kanthal factory coils. I might fire one up with 8W someday and see how much battery life I can really squeeze out of one of these monster cells. ;)

    I mean, there ain't nothin wrong with running a 100W mod at 8W is there? :w00t:
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    Vaping Master
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    Aug 20, 2013
    Stockholm, Sweden
    Also, I always run my batteries down to where they stop working, NO MORE VAPE, before I take them out to charge (that's in Regulated Mod's, NOT pure mechanical mod's) and I then put them in my battery charger immediately.

    You should let the batteries rest a while before putting them on the charger. Also, the batteries won't care if they're discharged to the cutoff voltage of the mod (at which point they are not fully discharged) or not. There's no memory effect.

    Sent from my M7_PLUS using Tapatalk
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    Vaping Master
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    You should let the batteries rest a while before putting them on the charger. Also, the batteries won't care if they're discharged to the cutoff voltage of the mod (at which point they are not fully discharged) or not. There's no memory effect.

    Sent from my M7_PLUS using Tapatalk

    Good to see you Ken,

    True, It's not like the OLD days with the memory effect of (I can't even remember the cell names that were synonymous with that, I just got up and not quite with it yet), but on my Xtar VC2 if I discharge the cell as close to 3.0v as possible then when I charge it I will get a more accurate reading on the capacity that the cell is still capable of holding, that way I can more closely follow the batteries age and can keep from throwing away a "still good" battery by mistake thinking it wore out when it's not. All of my regulated devices have a cut-off of about 3.2v when they stop working and won't vape anymore, so that's as close as I can get.

    I have always charged right after taking the battery out of my device, but never used my battery coming right out of the charger as I have seen plenty of warnings not to do that, as it will stress the cell too much. Is that what you are thinking will happen when charging immediately after a full discharge also ?? I have never seen anything definitively written on that. I'm here to learn, and have learned plenty from this forum over the last year and a half.
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    Vaping Master
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    I think that much like the higher mah 18650's usually have a lower CDR carries over to the much larger format (and higher mah) 26650's and are likely not a good match for those that like higher power builds.

    However, they seem a perfect match for my vaping style. We get a smaller and lighter single battery mod compared to the 2x18650 models and equal or better run time.

    I still have three Nautilus tanks in service and a whole bunch of unused 1.8ohm Kanthal factory coils. I might fire one up with 8W someday and see how much battery life I can really squeeze out of one of these monster cells. ;)

    I mean, there ain't nothin wrong with running a 100W mod at 8W is there? :w00t:

    An 8W load in a 100w (95w-96w actually with the batteries available to us at this point) device is kind of funny when you think about it, but I'd do it, nothing wrong there, and the battery life should be Crazy.

    That's the same reason I like the Presa 100w, it fits my vaping style to a "T" and is also cheaper than 2x18650's.

    I'm really glad "Mooch" did those 26650 tests, as what is on the wrappers is just plain foolishness, now we ALL know better. Truth in Advertising, Yeah Right !! Even though that Green Efest 4200 showed up as a Good 26650 cell in Mooch's battery tests, the Efest brand has "Screwed the Pooch" so many times with their 18650 wrapper spec's that I have a hard time trusting any battery with the name "Efest" on the wrapper. I mean, I don't trust that they will use the same quality cell under that Green 26650 wrapper in the future.
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    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Here's what I Finally got back from Wismec when I emailed them about a change of screen layout on the Presa 100W TC.

    Shirley-Wismec Service
    Today 3:16 AMYou
    Dear friend,

    It is a pity that we do not have such a plan at present.
    But we will reflect it to our related engineers.
    Have a nice day.

    Best wishes!

    Wismec Service

    From: Wismec support.
    Date: 2016-05-09 19:09
    To: info
    Subject: FROM WISMEC
    Message:Are there updates coming along to change the layout and font's of the 100 TC, as we over on ECF would like that to happen. Thanks Regards,


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Picked one of these up this week and I have to say it's much nicer than I expected. Well made, it feels good in the hand, and the squeeze to fire is cool too. This one exceeded my expectation.

    The Presa 100w TC is nice, I use mine more than my Cuboid and I like the feel in the hand better also. My Presa also exceeded my expectations. I just bought (2) Black Presa 75w TC's (for use with my 22mm and under RTA's) just because I was so impressed with the Presa 100.
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    Super Member
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    Apr 19, 2009
    The Presa 100w TC is nice, I use mine more than my Cuboid and I like the feel in the hand better also. My Presa also exceeded my expectations. I just bought (2) Black Presa 75w TC's (for use with my 22mm and under RTA's) just because I was so impressed with the Presa 100.
    I am enjoying the squeeze to fire. I think this one could take some abuse too. I got the white and will be picking up the black and grey on my next order.
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    Vaping Master
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    I am enjoying the squeeze to fire. I think this one could take some abuse too. I got the white and will be picking up the black and grey on my next order.

    Yup, I'm gonna pick up another Black and (2) Silver Presa 100's myself, and use (1) Black and (1) Silver for daily use and pack away (1) of each in my extra's stash, for when the Laws get more and more STUPID around here and prices go thru the roof.


    Super Member
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    Apr 19, 2009
    Yup, I'm gonna pick up another Black and (2) Silver Presa 100's myself, and use (1) Black and (1) Silver for daily use and pack away (1) of each in my extra's stash, for when the Laws get more and more STUPID around here and prices go thru the roof.
    Exactly my plan as well. Glad I took a chance on this one.


    Vaping Master
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    I got my (2) new Black Presa 75w TC mods Thursday and am waiting for my (2) Erlk clones to arrive Monday for a better match between Mod and RTA (the Erlk clones are 21mm and would look a bit ODD sitting on the 30mm Presa 100).

    I'm still looking for a Good MTL RTA (like a Taifun, Erlk, Lemo or similar with that same tight, type of draw) that would fit nicely on my Presa 100 with it's 30mm landing platform.

    I think I've said it before in this thread, My Presa 100w TC with a MNKE 26650 (with narrow spaced text) run at 11-13 watts with a 1.2Ω to 1.5Ω Kanthal Twisted 30g Kanthal coil lasts me longer than (2) Samsung 25r's do in my Cuboid, and costs less (for the batteries that is).
    The Presa 100 just blows me away, you can get them for $28-$30 at several sites.

    Use coupon code "5offnow" at checkout for a total price of $28.50
    Presa 100 Watt by Wismec

    I hope that Wismec stays viable as a company, they have put out some very interesting and user friendly vape gear. Presa 40, Presa 75 (1)18650, Presa 100 (1)18650 or (1)26650, Reuleaux RX200 (3)18650, Wismec Centurion designed by Beyond Vape (1)26650, and that's just what I can remember off the top of my head as far as Mod's go. Wismec is giving Sigelei and Pioneer4You (the Older Guard) a real run for their money, and (I Think) forcing them to UP their game somewhat with the likes of the Sigelei 213 for instance (though the 213 is a bit more expensive).
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    Vaping Master
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    I just built and fired up my new Erlk clone from FT and used Rayon as wick and Twisted 30g Kanthal @ 1.08Ω firing at 10 Watts to start off with. Talk about a thigh draw running wide open even. Very nice, and surprisingly good vapor also. I have it sitting on my VTC mini right now, but will transfer it over to my new Presa 75 Watter as soon as I am sure everything is running correctly and I have no problems with flooding/leaking.

    You're description of the Boreas interests me George. Let me know you're impressions of it after about a couple days and nights of use ??

    Edit: I checked the Wismec site to see if there were any updates for the Presa 100w TC the other day, and Nothing.
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    Ultra Member
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  • May 31, 2015
    Oregon, USA
    @52anddone - the Boreas is similar to the Supreme, side air however it is shorter as the AFC/JFC are one control.

    While it looked good on the Presa100 I moved it over to one of my Boxers. I left it on its side overnight with the AFC/JFC turned off and no floods or leaks. Sadly while the AFC can be adjusted to have a very tight to no air flow I don't think it would be a good fit for M2L given the size of the deck. Did I mention that it actually comes with TWO decks? One with 2mm juice channels and the other with 2.5mm juice channels.

    Since I vape unflavored I can't comment on the flavor. Wide open it comes close to the air flow of a Supreme (but not quite).

    My 30AWG flatwire build mounted on the Presa100 was getting gunked up and I had just refilled the tank. Instead of getting a syringe out, draining and pulling the wick before cleaning the coil I got lazy and just fired it at 800F for ~10sec. The first few hits afterwards was fairly cruddy however after a dozen or more pulls it was vaping (and tasting) as good as ever. ;)
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    Vaping Master
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    I also vape Unflavored (ECX Nic, PG, VG), and do so 90% of the time, with the other 10% being a Menthol mix. I get kind of a sweet flavor from my 50/50 Unflavored mix that I look for that tells me if I have my KGD/Rayon wicking done correctly. When I was thinking of DIY my juice, I would read posts of people talking about the flavor of their Unflavored DIY mix, and I thought, WHAT ?? I found out that the longer I was off of Tobacco, the more my sense of taste started coming back to me, and now I can actually taste the flavor of Unflavored juice. Weird huh ??


    Ultra Member
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  • May 31, 2015
    Oregon, USA
    No not all that strange. I can taste the difference between 50/50 and 95/5 as well as old vs new mixes.

    The Presa100 so far has been a good reliable mod - works in much the same way as a VTC mini, optional larger capacity battery and has the fire bar. My only nitpick is the lackluster paint job and I had to add tape to the battery door to stop a very slight movement.

    I picked up a eLeaf TC100 over the weekend and while similar in design and function, I'm currently vaping on my Presa rather than the eLeaf.
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    Vaping Master
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    Yep, I'm just waiting on a Good sale so I can pick up (1) black and (2) silver Presa 100 TC's. I really like everything about them, and being able to use 2 different type of batteries in it is a feature I really, really like. Yup, I also got mine using tape in the battery door (my Presa 75 TC also).


    Ultra Member
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    Yep, I'm just waiting on a Good sale so I can pick up (1) black and (2) silver Presa 100 TC's. I really like everything about them, and being able to use 2 different type of batteries in it is a feature I really, really like. Yup, I also got mine using tape in the battery door (my Presa 75 TC also).
    VapersTek has them for $30.00. Fast shipping too.
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