Actually, that is highly dependent on what external charger you use.
My Nicore D4 only charges at 750ma! So both the eleaf Pico and Presa charge at a higher rate then the Nicore charger. The minor difference between 4.1 and 4.2 does not bother me much, not enough to be fiddling with swapping batteries into an external charger. The Nicore D4 does charge to 4.2v, it just takes a while.
With the dozen or more mods laying about I usually just switch to another mod. Most (if not all) have a nearly full charge on them. For the above tests I was using an external charger, just to see what kind of battery life the 26650's have.
With a little math we might see what kind of an impact there is. Fully charged being 4.2V and battery indicator flashing at 3.25V equates to a 0.95V swing. If we divide the 1540 run time by 0.95 we get 1621. With a 0.1V less swing we have 1540 divided by 0.85 and have ~1811. 1811/1621 = 1.11 or ~11% difference.
However I think I need run time numbers for the USB charge so it will be a day or two.
I might pick up one of the fancier and higher output (2A) chargers just for kicks. I need a decent charger in the RV/Camper and I can keep the fancy one at home.
I've always found that If I use a slower rate of charge (500mA on 18650 batteries) it will do several things. Of course it will take longer to charge, that's a given, but the slower rate of charge will allow more charge to get into the battery, and it will stress the battery less, which will give you're battery a longer life span before capacity starts to degrade. Also, I always run my batteries down to where they stop working, NO MORE VAPE, before I take them out to charge (that's in Regulated Mod's, NOT pure mechanical mod's) and I then put them in my battery charger immediately. After they are Fully charged I always take them out and rest them for at least a day before using again. I have VTC4's and 25R's that are approaching 1 and 1/2 years old (bought NEW of course) and am finding that All are just now approaching a 7%-10% drop in capacity, but will still last me the whole day of vaping, at my style of vaping that is. I have never had any problems using a charger that charges an 18650 up to 4.25v, and have Never found any of my Regulated Mod's to discharge to more than 3.15v.
When it comes to 26650 batteries, I'm just starting to learn about them, as this Presa is my first 26650 Mod. It looks to me that the 26650 platform is not nearly as advanced as the 18650 platform but, it seems to me that the 26650 batteries will give you Longer Run Times at a slightly higher CDR than 18650's will (using a Good Quality cell) but Not the power to run at higher Wattage's like the 18650's will. All this is what I seem to be finding, for my style of vaping.