Here's the bottom-line. Someway or another, the snuff tobacco has to make its way into your nose. There are many methods for doing this, and no one method is the correct one. Every snuff-taker has their favorite way or ways, and often a snuff-taker will use different techniques with different kinds of snuff. Below you'll find the most common ways of snuff-taking described in detail. But, first we'll cover some basic tips, and then move on to the actual snuff-taking techniques. You can read down through the page in order, or use these bookmarks to read in any order you'd prefer.
The following information is from the Techniques page on the Modern Snuff Website:
http:// (copy, paste, and take out the space)
Over on that page, we give you five tips for snuff-taking and then describe in detail five different techniques for taking snuff: Pinch of Snuff, Snuff Spoon, Back of Hand, Boxcar, or Snuff Bullet. If you already take nasal snuff, or have been thinking about it, it is worth checking out.
The Modern Snuff website is a non-commercial, altruistic attempt to bring as much information about snuff-taking together in one easy-to-navigate place. Just FYI.
The following information is from the Techniques page on the Modern Snuff Website:
http:// (copy, paste, and take out the space)
Over on that page, we give you five tips for snuff-taking and then describe in detail five different techniques for taking snuff: Pinch of Snuff, Snuff Spoon, Back of Hand, Boxcar, or Snuff Bullet. If you already take nasal snuff, or have been thinking about it, it is worth checking out.
The Modern Snuff website is a non-commercial, altruistic attempt to bring as much information about snuff-taking together in one easy-to-navigate place. Just FYI.