Mods by Chels - mini-ecig

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Vaping Master
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Jan 14, 2015
Birmingham, England
Awesome Steve. If I may ask, what's your other favourite tank before this? Could the v5 become your favourite?
awww that's a tough one.I have kinda given up ranking these things. If I made a top 5 now, I would change it again in few days time as i try different juices and builds and things. I have a stupid lot of RTAs and have tried pretty much every high-end offering over the last few years. I am loving all of the tighter, m2l-style tanks that are emerging again so have ended up keeping a lot more than I would have previously. At the moment, and maybe surprisingly, my fave is the Dvarw. It is simple, big juice volume in a relatively tiny size, dead easy to build and wick, solid in TC, easy to fill, well made and, in the grand scheme of things, ridiculously cheap. In my limited experience of the new Merk, it has the same feel as the Dvarw in a way and at such a great price point.....

ahhh who am i kidding, the best are the hussar, the Soul and the Skyline but there are a lot very close behind. Great days for flavour junkies!!!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 15, 2015
The Netherlands
Thanks for the insight, Steve :thumb:

Well it turned out the customs duty was only €5,67 which is reasonable. But the handling fee was €17,50 which is daylight robbery.

Anyway, I've put my new 'sticks in EScribe and added some profiles for the tanks I had spare, and both mods work very well. Put some Bust-a-nut in a Petri tank and vaping away happily on SS316L coils.

I was surprised there is no logo on startup, so I made my own (see attachment)


  • xvostick-small-black.png
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"Vert De Ferk"
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Dec 17, 2011
Does the DNA 60 Xvo have a spring loaded pin? Or is the adjustment made in the same way as the DNA 40 version?

If I'd bought one, I'd be hoping for the old style. That has saved me on more than one occasion, as we've seen the damage that can be done if juice gets inside.

Yes - it's a bit of a pain, but the knowledge that it's sealed is worth the price of admission (for me, at least). I've cleaned up a few floods in mine, and was always very glad I never got adventurous (taking the thing apart, inside out).


"Vert De Ferk"
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Dec 17, 2011
I've had both Xvos in "rest" mode for the past few months, and just re-loaded them last night. I had forgotten how well the Kabuki sits inside of them, and it feels great to have them back in rotation.

I love doing that with mods, especially my favorites. Constantly appreciating...

To all awaiting arrival of the new ones, you're likely going to be quite satisfied.

20170617_104616 (Medium).jpg


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 15, 2015
The Netherlands
Does the DNA 60 Xvo have a spring loaded pin? Or is the adjustment made in the same way as the DNA 40 version?

Yes it's spring loaded now.

And although I would agree with DP that sealed is better against inevitable build up of condensation, it looks like this new construction is not the usual pin-in-a-rubber-gasket. Instead, the brass pin is flush inside a delrin ring.

I am going to reserve judgement until I've vaped enough to get some juice build-up, and then I might open the thing to see how it looks from inside.


"Vert De Ferk"
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Dec 17, 2011
Please be careful WiSK. I can never forget the one that ended up auto-firing after he opened it up.

I'll check the site to see if they're still advertised as hermetically sealed. If so, that's a big win (the spring loaded design).

It sure IS.

VERY nice!!!!!!!


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Jan 29, 2015
Yes it's spring loaded now.

And although I would agree with DP that sealed is better against inevitable build up of condensation, it looks like this new construction is not the usual pin-in-a-rubber-gasket. Instead, the brass pin is flush inside a delrin ring.

I am going to reserve judgement until I've vaped enough to get some juice build-up, and then I might open the thing to see how it looks from inside.

Cool. Knowing Chels' work, I'm sure it is sealed impeccably.


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Jun 23, 2009
My only knock on it so far is the spring loaded 510, I wish it remained like DNA 40. It works fine but eventually springs wear out. The atty is recessed so I could care less if it's flush or not. Why make it more complicated and less reliable?

Other then that I'm very pleased with it so far. Best mod in the $150 price range and even tops a lot of others I have that are much more.


Senior Member
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Sep 15, 2015
The Netherlands
After a day with the Xvostick-60s, I'm pleased with most of the changes. Especially the DNA60 of course, because it allows me more flexibility in changing tanks with just a few clicks. Just like the DNA200, the software allows for the full 8 profiles with TC settings, customised materials and your own logos if you like that sort of thing, which I do. The finish on the mod is good as we expect and the change to the battery cap and USB port position is welcome.

I will have to get used to the screen being on the side. It's clear that Chels is left handed, and I had to favour my left in order to see the screen while vaping. It's at moments like these you become aware how often you unconsciously check battery level.

The new flush 510 with spring loaded pin is okay for me so far. I could change atties without having to fiddle with an allen key. I found, particularly with the Petri tank, that it allows better purchase when unscrewing. I've only had stuck tanks in the old 'sticks a few times, but I'm guessing this will be infinitely better to get them out. It does also seem to make a good difference to airflow noise. It also allowed me to use a Mage GTA, which did just about fit in the old model but blocked air holes, and now the hole is aligned perfectly (which may be just luck ymmv). Cleaning is also better because the juice can't get under the 510 plate.

The mod still fits in the Parish leather holder. But that's when you see the height difference. I might order a new one and ask Anna to extend the height maybe 3-4mm.

Overall I'm enjoying my new mods and glad Chels decided to revisit the original small size, as I was underwhelmed about the YStick and the Pro- models.


I'm still here on ECF... sort of. ;)
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Jan 25, 2011
Overall I'm enjoying my new mods and glad Chels decided to revisit the original small size, as I was underwhelmed about the YStick and the Pro- models.

Yep yep. :thumbs:

Sounds good, WiSK, from all you've reported. (congrats!)


Unregistered Supplier
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Jun 14, 2013
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
We have some news about the new batch of XvoSticks. Anodizing is performed by another factory, the one we have worked with many times. As you know XvoStick DNA60 has just 1 piece, not 2 like XvoStick DNA40, but this part is bigger and is more difficult to anodize. Anodizing includes also a manual preparation of each part since some places must be conductors and they must be protected from anodizing.
That factory gave us the same price per part as previously. Now comes the tricky part which seem to be a part of business model in Israel. When the deal was done, the anodizing factory owner understood that he should have set up higher price, but instead of discussing it, he just postponed work. And we got one explanation from him after another why the work is delayed.
This is a peculiarity of Israel business we didn't take into consideration. We got the work off the ground only after we asked about the price directly. Finally, we will get the XvoSticks from anodizing this week, and the quality will be really good as in the previous batch.
The electronic parts are soldered and ready for assembling. As soon as we get the bodies from anodizing and engraving, we start assembling, testing, packing and shipping. It will take up to 2 weeks approximately. We will publish photos of the bodies as soon as we have them.
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