KR808D-1 XL Manual Battery Strength

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 26, 2009
I have a KR808D-1 XL Manual Battery – I got one from V4L.
I think its 380 mah , but I don’t know its volt rating. Is it 3.7 volts?

After about 3 months the KR808D-1 XL Manual Battery that I have (I think it’s a 380 mah) may be getting old, worn out. I’m not sure. But after only using it fully charged for about 15 minutes (3 times a day for a smoke break – vaping for 5 minutes 3 times a day ) – it takes an hour to recharge it. Normally a new KR808D-1 XL Manual Battery that’s fully drained takes 1.5 hour to recharge on an ac wall charger.

After using it for 15 minutes yesterday, I just recharged it now - it took 1 hour to recharge.
How much does a battery drain overnight in 8 hours, just sitting on a tabletop?

That’s almost fully drained after only vaping for 15 minutes. I thought these KR808D-1 XL Manual batteries were supposed to be bigger and last longer because they’re 380 mah?

How long should you be able to vape on a fully charged KR808D-1 XL Manual Battery?
On average – 1 hour total before its almost fully drained?

I'm using Coolcarts from V4l - they're supposed to be 3.2 - 3.4 ohm carts.

Maybe the KR808D-1 XL Manual Batteries are just a bunch of hype and 380 mah is not a very strong battery.

I don’t want to go thru the hassle of having to buy, clean, and refill both a cart and atty on a Joye ecig , but I think the Joye battery is bigger and stronger.

Maybe 600mah or 900 mah. So they might last longer than a KR808D-1 XL Manual Battery. But I don’t think the Joye 510 battery is sealed, so juice might leak into it. Is anybody using a Joye 510 or Ego battery with an adaptor so you can screw on a KR808D-1 Boge 3.0 ohm blank cart?

If the Joye 510 or Ego Battery is not sealed, is there another kind of Battery that’s reliable and stronger than the KR808D-1 XL Manual Battery, that is sealed, that I could use an adapter with, so I could put KR808D-1 carts on it.

I know these ecigs called “mods“ apparently have stronger batteries but they probably cost a lot more and you probably can’t just use a KR808D-1 cart with a mod – you probably have to use a separate atty and cart like with a Joye.

I also have a KR808D-1 Manual Passthru - its working ok – I just don’t know what
The mah and volt rating is.
Does anyone know what the volt and mah rating are on these.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 7, 2009
New Jersey
I have 4 automatic kr808d-1 XL batts that bought from V4L. The oldest on is 7 months and still works like a champ. Depending on what flavor I'm vaping, I can ususally count on 6 solid hrs of battery life. They run at a true 3.7V and it's pretty consistant. Now, I wait till they are fully drained before recharging. A full charge will take 3 hours. These batts are supposed to be good for approx. 300 charges, but I've never kept track. A batt is dying when the amount of hours you normally get inbetween charges drops significantly, which it sounds like yours is doing. I've been buying batts from V4L for over 18 months and have only had 3 die. One was a manual standard size, but I did get several good months out of it. I use both the Wow and Coolcarts. The coolcarts will extend batt life a bit because they are higher resistance, but, again, I've never actually timed the difference. I also have a V4L PT and it is 18 months old! It's a true 5V and I love it:) My advice would be either to purchase a new XL batt or, if you really want LONG batt life and still be able to use the same cartos, you could get a fat batt, like the Elegant Easy XXL. That is 1300mah and lasts forever. It only costs about $7 more, but you do have to purchase the usb charger that goes with it, as the V4L ones won't work. Hope I was able to help answer some of your questions:)
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