KR808D-1 user questions

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 9, 2009
I have noticed kind of the same thing Jessa, my GreenCig, not to be confused with GreenSmoke kicks out much more vapor than the KR808D-1 carts I have seen. Even the freshly filled ones don't kick out a huge cloud of it. The KR808D-1 really wins people over I believe with the taste, warm vapor and nice hit though not so much producing a big cloud of vapor. If you want a big cloud of vapor pick up the VG content of your juices, add a drop or two to it and your vapor production will grow. Add PG for more throat hit. I don't mind the KR808D-1 it's taste and warm vapor with the hit it gives is nice and refilling it is extremely easy.

Hey Snarkster :cool:
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