Janty KissBoxes

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Peace, I'm outta here
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 22, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 27, 2008
Unfortunately you connected a batch 3 CLASSIC KISSBOX cigarette with a batch 1 CLASSIC KISSBOX USB cable there... we have indeed changed the screwing threads in the meanwhile.

Current version is batch 4 CLASSIC KISSBOX. The redesigned BATCH 4 compatible USB cable should arrive this weekend at JANTY USA.

Looking forward to your YENTL KISSBOX review as soon as you receive a new atomizer from Jeff!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 24, 2008
look,heres my problem with Janty in a nutshell-why dont they send working parts in the first place?this happens constantly...
its unacceptable.

Darcys right it is sheer carelessness to send these items to be reviewed but forget to check that they work or if they fit, its a joke !
Rewind back to smokesters e.cig reveiws did simon send out the wrong parts or send out any dud bits" NO" and SI is a small buisness compared to Janty,if he can manage it why cant they ?
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Peace, I'm outta here
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 22, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
I wonder though.. Is it maybe that Janty's pieces are a little more(or much more, delicate?) That would make a lot of sense.

And Ludo, i assumed that isn't how the usb should be. Glad to hear that it is different, and i'll make sure to update that as well once i get a new usb cable.
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ned Zeppelin

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2008
Distributors for top brands .because that's what they basically are. Should have know better.
everybody makes mistakes. But should not have happened knowing these products were being shipped out for reviews.
As I am a company owner/ director I would have bent over over backwards and fully test the products before sending them out personally knowing these products were being reviewed.
It's obvious great reviews more sales.
People pay their fees to become a distributor expecting it will all happen by sitting on their backsides. Importing the stock then shipping it out without employing somebody there to do further quality control before it gets to the customer. - Cost cutting.

But because of the nature of this new business being in its early stages. I mean electronic cigarettes in general most of these so-called distributors are one or two man band operations. And can't handle the amount of traffic that a top brand could cause.
So this is why we get .oh Joe Bloggs has just come back off holiday or sorry we have not been able to get back to you as a member of our family is in hospital. I'm not trying to be hard by saying this. But as a businessman these are laughable excuses there should always be somebody there to look after the business if you can't period.

Example we've been trying to go on holiday for over 12 months but because of business commitments staff coming and going .staff taking time off because they are ill etc. Somebody still has to manage the company whether we are ill as well but when you own the company you are not allowed to be ill.
As this could cost my company thousands. So it boils down to bad business practices which I would have thought it's common sense.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 16, 2008
if they are THAT delicate,then theyre not going to have much longevity with daily use...theyre not made of dewdrops and gossamer...really its the same basic materials as any other ecig...so its either bad manufacturing,bad quality control,or both...

and please will everyone stop trying to defend the indefensible where Janty are concerned?

dont you all realise that if you sit back and take shoddy treatment like this as a consumer,it's never gonna get better?
replacing parts after the event isnt good enough,particularly for a premium brand!

COMPLAIN for goodness sake,or it'll just keep happening.
its not good enough!we all know this...make yourselves heard!
i cant believe how passive everyone is,they all seem to just accept it...its just sad.

as for jeff being one man of a thousand-well what the heck are the thousand doing,cos almost everyone who buys a kissbox on this forum has major problems straight from the box!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 16, 2008
naw i wasnt directing it at you or anyone in particular Dusty...
read around the forum...its full of excuses for Jantys poor business practise made by customers who theyve initially let down by sending faulty gear...

"but its ok,theyll send me bits to fix it"...when it shouldnt need bits to fix it-it should arrive working-especially as its supposed to be a top end brand.

a few bad units-fair enough,nobodys perfect...but its the rule rather than the exception!

its been out months now,teething problems should be fixed,but its getting no better,and its not good enough...

i dont understand it,its beyond belief.
Janty need to get their act together,and fast...


Ultra Member
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Jan 25, 2008
Virginia, USA
As most of you know, I have the Janty Classic. Yes, I will agree that there are some problems the Janty, but every time I get frustrated with it, an improved version is sent out and I am in love with it all over again. I’m not defending Janty but I am saying that I really do like this e-cig. I don’t know exactly one thing that I like about it, but here are a few that I do know.

1. I love the hit I get in the back of my throat; to me it’s like smoking.
2. I like the amount of vapor it produces.
3. I like the fact that I can use a manual switch or an automatic switch.
4. I like that I can use the same e-cig at my computer, just plug it in.
5. I like that the e-liquid doesn’t leak into the battery.
6. I like that it only takes my batteries an hour to recharge.
7. I like that I can plug it into my cigarette lighter in the car and smoke.

Things I don’t like:

1. My manual switch is always breaking.
2. My automatic switch has broken twice.
3. I don’t like the battery box on the USB cable, makes it awkward.

If they can fix these problems, I wouldn’t have to purchase another e-cig. I would stay with Janty forever, because when it works the way it is suppose to, this could become my “perfect” e-cig.

So maybe that is one of the reasons I do not complain about it. Plus, Ludo, Harry and Jeff provide wonderful customer service and will send the replacement part and when a new improved version comes out, they send that also. If it takes them a few more times to get it right, I am willing to wait. :)


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2008
its that old elastic judgment again darcy.. if its cheap or dosnt have a known name its simply cr-p .. if it comes from a known name make every excuse in the book for it..

in short one goes into the bin and gets condemed the other has design or quality control problems that have to be eaked out..

the emperors suit story all over again..

i aint just talking about rat.. he is/was caught in an embarrassing situation.. more about the common veiwpoint..



Peace, I'm outta here
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 22, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
i do have one thing to add here.. Problems do happen. If the second one had come in DAO i think i would be done with the yentl review. I felt obligated to at least give them a chance to make things right, which they did quickly. I agree that it was not the optimal situation for me or Janty to be in, but sometimes we just have to make do.

Plus, if you bought a $10 e-cig you would be much more likely to just bin it than if it cost over $100.


ned Zeppelin

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2008
Can people tell me roughly how long they are getting out of their batteries from their janty kissbox classic batteries.

As I seem to be getting around two and half hours battery time. But they are welded to my lips majority of the time.

I seem to also have one battery that has a mind of its own. It will only work with the manual switch and will not work with automatic switch. This unit is silver . We also have a black one as well.

So it just works with the manual switch. The silver one. But but when I pop on the black manual switch or auto switch to this silver battery nothing happens.

All pieces put together on the black unit worked fine except for when I screw this one silver battery on. So when you put all pieces together on the silver unit this battery it will only work with manual switch so I'm a little bit confused?.
So basically all the switches do work
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