RDA Installing dual coils

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Sep 7, 2013
I'm not very new to vaping, I've been using rda's for a while now, but always running single coils. I'm starting to get into the dual coil setups, but keep running into an issue. Specifically, once I've installed the first coil, and go to the second, I cannot seem to get it installed and clip the leads without messing up the first coil. I've tried keeping the leads short, but have trouble installing it if they are too short, and cannot seem to get anything behind the first coil to clip the leads of the second.
Any suggestions from the RDA masters?


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Aug 18, 2015
I always install one coil, get it positioned where I want it, tighten the leads then clip them. Then I do the same for the second coil but instead of clipping the leads, I spin them in a circle until they break off. That should make mounting a little easier. Then for tuning the coils; start by squeezing both coils until they glow from inside out (as you would with a single coil). From there, continue to pulse and squeeze the one that heats up faster until they both heat at the same rate (both ramp up and ramp down).

Not sure if any of this is obvious but these are the things I wish someone told me when I decided to start building duals.

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Vaping Master
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Feb 17, 2015
1187 Hundertwasser
It's fiddly, there is no real technique other than good eyes (or glasses), a steady hand, patience and experience. Sometimes you have to move the first coil way out of position to clear the way for the second ones leads. A four post RDA helps because you can fix down the first coil before working on the second. Good tools help, I use nail clippers to get access to the leads when they are tucked away.
You think dual coils is bad, try quad coils, the leads turn into a spiky finger-stabbing jungle of pain.


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Feb 4, 2015
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
It's also worth the investment in a pair of precision cutters.
I myself, I put my first coil in, position it, tighten the negative terminal. Put my second coil in, position, tighten the other negative terminal. I use long leads and use them to slide the positive leads in and out until they're where I want them, tighten down the positive terminal. Then come the best investment I have made yet for my old eyes and use my precision cutters to snip the leads but before I do, I bend the leads to one side so it's easier to see and snip, snip, snip, snip. I'm done. Then comes the squeezing, wicking, flooding and finally, vaping :)
Hope this helps.
Vape on!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 5, 2014
This is why instead of using multi coil, I run parallel or twisted wire singles. Mostly twisted wire at 2mm-3mm pitch. No issue of coils interfering with each other, don't have to fiddle to get them firing at the same rate. Only have to get the wick right 1 time per build. No issues of 1 coil being hotter or cooler than the other. Only problem is finding good single coil attys.


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My personal experince I normally get the first one in and clip the inside lead then take it out and put in the second coild and get it mounted and good and clipped then put the second one back in and get it tighten down, if its a single middle post rda try to running 1 wire for both coils, can't remember what its called but make the first coil and then mount it and wrap the other coil with the extra lead its a little difficult at first but pretty easy one you get used to it.
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