Initial Darwin Review

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ECF Veteran
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Jul 15, 2009
Parma, Idaho, USA
I decided to put this here to make it easier to find for those thinking about ordering the new Darwin.

First impression:
The Darwin was well packaged and arrived amazingly fast considering it went all the way across the country. I have been vaping for over 19 months and have tried almost every e-cig and mod along the way. I have settled on 5V for my sweet spot and 510 Cartomizers at 3.2 ohm for my best vape combo. I don't do many reviews so please forgive the sloppy format.

My unit arrived with about a 9/10 charge already on it, so of course I had to try it immediately. It took me a couple of minutes to dial in the wattage I wanted to get the best vape possible. I use the 510 Mega Cartomizers from Nhaler (3.2 ohm) and I wanted roughly 5v, so I set the Darwin to 8.6 watts. The dial is very sensitive, so this took a little bit of finesse.

My juice of choice tends to be Malty at 18mg from BWB. As many of you already know it doesn't take much for this juice to taste burnt. Using my old V3 at 6v tended to do just that if I tried to refill a cartomizer even once. Having to switch which mod I use for whichever juice I planned on vaping at the moment was a real PITA. At 5v the Darwin gives this juice everything it needs. Flavor is right on (even 4 refills later on same carto) and vapor production is just as robust as it was on my V3 at 6v. My Darwin is automatically adjusting to the changing resistance in my used carto on the fly so I no longer have to worry about burnt juice as my carto ages. WooHoo! If this was the only upside to owning a Darwin I would be perfectly happy.

Weight: The weight of the Darwin is not bad at all. I have been using a VV Tekk mod for some time now and the Darwin is just about the same weight. It is heavy enough to feel sturdy and well built but not so heavy as to feel like I am carrying a dumbbell in my purse.

Size: The unit is a bit longer than any other that I have used, but it has proven to be no problem at all. Being as thin and narrow as it is makes it very easy to handle.

Button: Ok, this was my first gripe. The button is well placed and a nice size, but it does have a pretty hard push for activation. Having small hands and a bit of nerve damage that affects my strength in my fingers made this a little harder than it will be for most users. After a few hundred button pushes it is a bit softer and I think it will get even better over time. On the plus side, no chance of it going off in a pocket or purse.

Adjustment Dial: This dial has a VERY easy touch. It moves quite smooth but also very fast. I very light touch is needed to move in .1 increments. If you fold the swing arm down regularly it is also rather easy to bump the dial in the process changing your wattage. Be sure to check your screen after moving the arm to be sure you haven't accidentally changed your wattage.

Charging: The supplied charger worked just fine. I had planned on charging it with a usb adapter in the car, but since these batteries are Li-Po and NOT Li-ion I am not exactly sure if this is a good idea. I had to ask Drew how to tell if the unit was charging since there appears to be no charging indicator of any kind. After using it for a couple of hours I plugged in the supplied charger and turned the Darwin off. After an hour I checked and the battery once again read full. I did notice that when I plugged in the charger to the Darwin that the light on the charger dimmed slightly. So I guess I will simply use that as my guide to be sure it is charging.

Battery Life: Every vaper is different so it is almost impossible to tell you how long this battery will last you. A few heavy vapers have said they are getting 24-30 hours from the Darwin. I have not yet reached that point, so I am hoping that is true. So far on a full charge I have about 5 hours of heavy vaping (been through 2 mils of juice in that time), and the battery meter has hardly budged, and no vapor drop off at all. I go through an average of 5 mils of juice a day, so it won't take me long to see how long this battery lasts. At this point I would say the estimates are most likely true. I will update when I finally manage to kill it.

510 Connector: This was my 2nd almost gripe. The connector is made from brass which is soft. It would be very easy to cross-thread if you are not careful. So far I have not had a problem. I just set my carto on the top and turn gently until it grabs. Pushing while turning your carto or atty could be a problem. These threads are very exact and need to be treated gently. Brass is by far the best connector for conductivity, so just being gentle with this should be all that is required.

Battery life (excellent so far)
Smart unit with the ability to keep you at your desired wattage on the fly
Stiff well placed button with no worries of accidental firing in purse or pocket
Very rugged design with little chance of breakage if treated well

Soft Brass fitting easy to cross-thread (solution to this is to use adapters or a 510 extender) Keep in mind that for conductivity purposes the brass fitting really is the best choice. Just be gentle with it.

Button is a bit stiff (this seems to soften with use so not really a flaw)
Battery is not intended to be user changeable (also not really a big deal as long as you own 2)
No visible battery charging indicator (Not a real problem for me but might be for others)
Did not come with a hard case for storage (not that I plan on ever putting it down)

Conclusion: I absolutely recommend this unit to any vaper. Newbies and veterans alike will find the ease of use and many features to be unsurpassed. I personally will be ordering a second one very soon. I change flavors all day long and want the option of not having to change cartos out so often. I also want a spare so that when (even though it is likely to be at least a year from now) I have to send mine in for battery replacement I am not left without my beloved Darwin. The logo on the back is both tasteful and attractive. I also love having Darwin's signature on the front. Nice touch. Many people have complained about their unit arriving with scratches. Mine also had a few very light marks that you have to hold at just the right angle to even see. I do not see this as an issue at all. The first time I drop it in my purse or it gets slid across a table this is likely to happen anyway. "She is currently admiring her Darwin wondering how hard it would be to have it painted in pink camo without losing the logo and signature" I absolutely love my Darwin and I will part with it when someone manages to pry it from my cold dead hands! I have added pictures below of the whole unit as well as one that took me 3 tries to show the very minor scratches in the finish. To anyone thinking about purchasing a Darwin, go for it! You won't be disappointed. It is well worth the money.

Battery Life Update:
I knew it wouldn't take me long. It took me exactly 5 mils of juice and 18 hours at 8.4 watts, 3.2 ohm 510 cartomizer (Running at 5V with this set up) For the battery indicator to plummet. It took what seemed like forever for it to even move, but once it hit half way it dropped fast. Word to the wise, DO NOT leave the house in the morning with it reading 1/2 full and expect it to last all day. Once I hit the half way point I only got about 3 more hours. That was with very heavy vaping so this may not be a concern for most users. I love my Darwin!!!!!

Darwin 1.jpg Darwin2.jpg
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2009
Savannah, Georgia
Great job on the review.

I too was wondering about the possibility of harm on the soft brass coupler but then I was thinking that brass is probably the best since electrical current flows through it very well and it doesn't rust. So I actually this was a thought out process just like every other aspect of the Darwin.

Also if you are having a hard time pressing the buttons with your fingers, you should position it so the button is being pressed with your thumb, it is a very natural and ergonomic position when used in that manner.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 27, 2010
West Palm Beach, FL
Great job on your Darwin review. I am a pretty heavy vapor especially on weekends and the battery after 15 hrs of use was at 1/2 charge remaining. I read somewhere that it is not good to allow a battery to discharge down to its lowest level and then charge it so I charge mine every night. I do agree the watt adjuster wheel is a bit too sensitive. I find that while driving at night I have to be very careful not to nudge the wheel while dripping more liquid in. It would be great if you had to press in a little to turn the wheel which would take care of it being accidently moved. I have used the Darwin with the Ato-Miser and had to use a 510-801 adapter to a 801-510 adapter and then screw in the Ato-Miser into that. If the adapter could be telescope like so when want to use something like the Ato-miser it could be pulled out to allow for the needed room to screw the Ato-Miser on it would be perfect and then returned to its normal position to use a standard 510 atty.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2010
Kansas, USA
Possible solution to the possible cross threading problem---although I am sure that you have already thought of this as I am a relative newby to this whole vaping thing.

When getting ready to put your carto or atty on, line it straight up and reverse turn until you hear a click. This is when the threads will be perfectly aligned and you can go ahead and twist it right on with little (I won't say no fear) fear of it being cross threaded. BTW--I regularly use this trick to connect atties to my GP eCo and my Inferno.

Just my little .02 worth.



Resting In Peace
Mar 14, 2009
New Jersey
The great thing about the Brass issue is that even though brass is soft, its much harder than the meatl they use for the atomizers so if you do manage to damage a thread it will more than likely be the atomizer that takes the damage.
I would suggest particular care when using The Ato-Miser though because it is 100% stainless steel.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Jul 15, 2009
Parma, Idaho, USA
Day 3 observations:

The Button: Okay, here is where I start showing my blond roots (I'm actually a red head). I initially reported the the button was a pretty hard push. Well, it still is. However upon close inspection of the button I realized it activates at the top portion (towards the atty). This whole time I have been trying to push it in the center. So all day today I have been pushing the button at the top instead. Wow! That makes it soooooo much easier!

The Screen: On the first day all was what I assume to be normal with the readout and backlight. Day 2 proved to be another story. The backlight never turned on the whole day, but the readout was fine. And yes, it started the day with a full charge. All of a sudden last night the backlight started working again. Today, again the backlight is fine. However I am noticing a discrepancy in the Ohms reading. I thought at first I just grabbed a mislabeled (new) carto. It should be reading 3.2 ohm but was only reading 2.7. So I grabbed my multimeter to check the carto. Multimeter reads 3.2 ohm as it should. Just to be sure I tried it on both of my spare multimeters. Same result. 3.2 ohm. I am getting the same 2.7 to 2.8 ohm reading on the Darwin on at least 5 of my cartos. Hmmmmm Not really sure what this is all about. I have the watts set at 9 and the carto should be 3.2ohm delivering roughly 5.2 volts. So I tried the carto on another mod that I have set at 5v to see if there was any difference. Seems to be exactly the same. So I think the readout is a tad off but delivering the proper voltage. Or possibly the resistance is simply reading lower because it is under a load at the time. Personally as long as it continues to produce the proper voltage I could care less what the Ohm reading says.

Battery Life:
This is as good today as it was the very first day. I get a solid 15 hours (4+ mils of juice) before I hit the half way point on the battery indicator. This is the first time in over a year that I have only used a single ecig all day. I am used to rotating through at least 4. So this battery life is truly amazing! Color me impressed.

Overall I am still very impressed by my Darwin. I am even on the list for a second one as soon as Drew gets in more. My only suggestion for the Darwin crew is for them to make silicone sleeves to cover it with the only openings being for the screen and the atty arm. This would solve the moving the dial by mistake problem as well as keeping spilled juice from getting into the opening that the dial sits in. All I ask is that they make mine neon pink. That way the men around me will leave my Darwin alone! We need accessories guys.
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