I'll start. 18 days so far for me

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Full Member
Mar 9, 2009
I am 16 days off of analogs, and am finding it very easy. I had been a two pack a day Winston Light 100 smoker for the last 15 years. After reviewing this forum, I purchased the black pen style starter and also bought 4 replacement atomizers and 2 extra batteries so I would never be stuck. I switch out atomizers frequently during the day and store them in such a way that they can drain.

I also purchased several e-liquids and I like the medium strawberry the best so far. I mix it with some tobacco flavored and it is really nice.

I can't believe how much better my chest is feeling. Prior to quitting analogs, a chest cold had hung on to me for about a month. Within a day of quitting the cold was gone. Quite amazing.

My sense of smell is back and I can't express how glad I am to be off analogs. I have tried to quit several times in the past, I even had my doctor put me on Chantix, but I always caved and went back to smoking.

Anyway, before this becomes to long, I just want to say how much I appreciate this forum, and all the posters who have helped bring me up to speed.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2009
Monie, brilliant post. It could have been mine, LOL, almost to the word. I`m 41, started at 19, and am on day 23 of stopping with the analogs. I used to keep 200 of them in the house at all times. I wanted to stop for my health, but enjoyed smoking sooo much i couldnt see myself doing it, till i got my 901.

Another ditto, exactly.


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Jan 26, 2009
It's day 51 now. Almost 2 months. The past two days have been really tough. I have painters coming later this morning and I've been clearing my entire house of clutter for them to be able to paint the entire interior. That's been stressful and I've almost buckled a couple of times.....especially when I cleaned off the top of the fridge and had to move some packs of analogs.....just holding the boxes in my hands....I wanted to run out on the back deck with them so badly....thank godness hubby was home, or I probably would have, but I didn't. Next test is next weekend when the inlaws visit. WISH ME LUCK! (BTW, love them both, they are just both heavy smokers and it will really test my willpower)


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 10, 2008
Michigan, USA
That taste of an analog is HORRIBLE if you've been e-smoking for a while.
I think it has to do with expecting that sweet aftertaste with e-liquid. With an analog all you get is a burnt paper aftertaste... uggh

Before I started selling myself,
I had my only atomizer die on me a long time ago... figured I would pick up a pack of smokes while I waited for a replacement.... made it through 1/2 a cigarette before I drove across the state to pick a new one up from Katey @ thesmokelessshop

kudos to her for meeting me @ 7pm on a friday!


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Jan 26, 2009
The inlaws put off their visit due to the work on the house, but boy, that's been one more stressful mess. The painters just finished today. I've made it through it, and after seeing the fresh white paint going onto what I thought was my slightly dingy, but were actually down right brown ceilings, I'm certain I will not be smoking any analogs in the house anymore......and I still haven't had one in 60 some odd days, but still not prepared to say never........


Full Member
Apr 6, 2009
Essex, UK
I am 39 and been smoking around 30 fags since IO was about 18. I first saw the add for e-cigarettes a few months ago on Facebook. Clicked the link, read all about them, and decided it was too good to be true.

I have tried patches and gum several times, even quit for 4 months while using Xyban, but always gone back to it.

Then last Sunday, I was in Eastgate shopping centre, and what do I see - a new stall selling an electronic cigarette. I wandered over, had achat with the guy and tried one.
Bought the starter kit and 25 cartridges.
I had 1 regular on Monday, 5 on Tuesday, 5 on Wednesday, 5 on Thursday...

Not a complete quitter yet, but the analogs are harder to smoke as the days go by. I think it is purely pschological now, as the e-cig is so much better.

Must get a case and a spare atomiser at the weekend, just incase.



Moved On
Apr 15, 2009
  • Deleted by Oliver


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Jan 26, 2009
Today is day 99 and I cheated for the 2nd time.......and it was still good. I cheated on day 6 hoping it would taste bad and I would quit craving as others have found, but for me, it was absolutely divine. I'm a friggin addict. Today is day 99. I haven't had an analog since that half smoke on day 6. Today, day 99, I had another half smoke....I think it was even better than the one on day 6. Arggghhhhh!!!!! I'm so jealous of those who can put them down easy. I still think about them every day. Today, in my cheating, once again I was hoping to find the analog repulsive, but no, it was fantastic. I smoked half of it and once again ran it under the faucet and threw out. Please think of me. I don't know if I will make it to stay smoke free. keep your fingers crossed for me. I guess if I smoke a half an analog every 92 days as opposed to a pk to a pk and a half a day, I'm doing good, huh? Oh how I wish I didn't crave the real thing!!!!!
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