i quit! (my somewhat frustrating experience with e-cigs and finally finding satisfaction)

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Full Member
Feb 6, 2011
las vegas
this is very long but hopefully it can be helpful to those who are experimenting with things and trying to find their right combination of products to relieve them of their slavery to analog cigarettes, i hope people can learn from my trial and error and mistakes and jump right into a great vaping experience

ok, so ive invested a lot of time and money into this stuff, and I think I have finally found the right combination of pv/carto/juice for me and I am ready to quit, I have been a very heavy smoker for the last 11 or so years, and I am very happy to say that I am ready to give up the habit, ive lost money on smoking bets, ive had a terrible cough that comes and goes, ive been told I smoke more than just about anyone in my circle, always smell like an ashtray, try to keep smoking outside and eventually fail, its bad, I never put much effort into quitting ive sort of half-assed attempted a couple times, but right now I am sure that I am done

the first time I made a smoking bet with someone, I literally did not even attempt to quit, this was a few years ago, I had to quit smoking by the world series of poker and he had to lose some amount of weight that I didnt think he could lose, well he did, and I did not quit, so I had to blog on his site every day for a month, and owe him 500 for every day I missed, I ended up paying him 6500

one very good book that ive read twice, is called the easy way to stop smoking, by allen carr, the first time I read it was maybe 3 or 4 years ago, a friend gave it to me, I read it, and for literally the first time ever I was really motivated to quit, like I thought I was done...for about 4 hours...then it was back to normal

my first experience with e-cigs was smoke 51's that a friend of mine was selling, this was probably around two years ago, and well, they sucked, I tried them then forgot about them for a while

in januaray of 2010, I negotiated a smoking bet with a friend of mine(im a professional gambler so this is sort of what we do) the bet was as follows, in the month of january, I get 21 packs of cigs, in the month of feb, I get 18, march 15, and so on until august when I have to quit for one month, well first of all let me tell you, this is not the way to quit lol

anyway, while in the bahamas for a poker tournament, I busted from the tournament, it was rainy, I was stuck on an island, I decided, .... it might as well try to quit right now, so my friend who sells the smoke 51's was there as well and I bought a starter kit from him since my old one has been sitting in a drawer for like a year and decided im done, right then and there

I made another non-monetary bet with the friend who I made the first bet with a few years ago that I would not smoke for 24 hours...so anyway, I go out drinking with the friend who sold me the kit...6 hours later, smoking

later in the month, and back in america, I texted my friend who I made the big bet with, and told him I give up, owe u 20k...so we made an 8 month bet, I got 21 packs of cigs in the first month, I could have achieved that if I really put my mind to it(an average month for me is probably more than 50 packs) but then ...., 18 packs next month? .... that im not doing this ....

so yeah, now I had two starter kits of smoke 51's that were collecting dust and forgot about e-cigs again

earlier this year I got the flu, did not stop me from chainsmoking indoors but the cough was getting pretty bad and I was just ....ing around online one night and decided to look back into e-cigs...i found a bunch of review sites, most of which were paid ads for different e-cig companies, but the interesting thing I found, smoke 51's were about the lowest rated company...hmm

so after doing some research in the wrong places, I finally decided that the e-smoke pro xl was going to be the one I was going to quit with...good reviews, personal charging case, wow so much new stuff out there I didnt know existed!

Well...they ....in sucked, maybe better than the 51's but really pretty worthless...but still, I didnt give up on e-cigs yet, more research, I found this forum, started reading up a little more, and went with the vapor4life vaporkings, went with the stealth series because I dont really want to have a little light on the end of my e-cig that glows every time I take a puff, also ordered a passthrough and charging case

now these were ok, far better than anything I had ever tried, I went all out and ordered like every flavor they offer in prefilled cartomizers, and while I was a little bit naive still, I was now sort of satisfied that e-cigs were not completely worthless

they did have one issue, every time I screwed one onto the charger I would have to get a paperclip and pull the little connector thing up so it would fire the cartridges, and like maybe a third of the cartridges came preshipped with the same problem, not really a big deal

but, could I use them to quit? These were decent, but still not quite the same as actually smoking cigs, I was also overwhelmed with the 70+ flavors I had but I managed to try them all and sort of figure out which ones I kind of liked

I decided, I was going to reread the easy way to quit smoking book again, and when I finished it, I was going to quit, now the use of e-cigs in general goes against the principles of the book but whatever, this is how im going to do it

well, I made it a full day this time, and after a couple smokes, made it another full day, then I had another heavy smoking friend of mine stay with me for a couple of weeks and gave up on that plan

after he left, I continued my research, and found puresmoker and the prodigy v3.1, people really seemed to love this thing so I thought id give it a try, I did not want to deal with dripping or having to fill my own cartomizers, so I decided to order one with the KR-808D connection so I could use it with my collections of flavors I had already bought from vapor4life

well, apparently the vapor4life cartridges are a slightly different KR-808D then the connection for the prodigy and it simply didnt work, they didnt thread smoothly and had zero airflow once I got them on, my prodigy came with a small sample of curtis coffee and an atomizer so I tried dripping just to see what it was like, WOW, this thing is awesome! Ive got to find a way to make it work, but .... dripping

I decided to order some KR808D mega cartomizers I think from nhaler, same problem, they dont fit the adapter, but I did experiment with filling some with the sample I had of curtis coffee and using them on the vaporkings, I found the flavor more enjoyable than any of the overwhelming 70+ vapor4life flavors I was trying to sort through, so decided I was going to figure out a way to make this thing work and order more juice from puresmoker

so I order a 510 adapter and a samplepack of juices and start doing research on what the best cartomizers are, and I find the ce2 xl clearomizer, I do my homework and find that im supposed to use the 3.2 ohm with 6v, etc so I get those

I order 25 of them from gotvapes and decide when my sample of juices arrive im going to fill one up with each juice and try them all out the way I did with the 70+ vapor4life flavors and hope that this was going to be the magic solution and I would be free of cigs forever

well a couple things went wrong, through no fault of puresmoker, the package with the sample pack and the 510 adapter got lost in the mail, I called the post office a couple times, got told I have to call at different hours, eventually just sort of forgot about it and gave up on it because im generally pretty lazy about stuff like that

so now ive spent well over 1k on e-cig stuff, and its now all sitting on a desk collecting dust and tar while I smoke analogs as normal

a couple months pass, and I spend some time in vegas(at the time I lived in la, but was back and forth a lot, I just recently moved to vegas) at my friends house(the same friend that I made the big smoking bet with) I did not bring any of my e-cig supplies with me and ended up staying for longer than originally expected, somehow the idea of e-cigs popped back into my head and I decided to order some new stuff to his house

well, I ordered a brand new v3 with a 510 kit and a sample pack of juices, and decided to go ahead and direct order 100 clearomizers that I had not yet had the chance to try out from china, while this stuff is shipping, I had a friend staying at my place in la for a day or so and actually had her bring all the necessary stuff to vegas, so was sort of wasteful here but whatever, now I got 2 v3s and 125 clearomizers

well the puresmoker stuff arrives first, I fill up my old batch of clearomizers from gotvapes(filing them with the plastic needles that bend and break is kind of a .....) let them sit for a day and try out all of the flavors, the clearomizers are ok when I first try them actually, but they leak a bit, I didnt fill the first couple up properly or I overfilled, whatever, good enough to get an idea of flavor

I decide on the flavors im going to use to quit, curtis coffee, silver leaf tobacco, choco-mint, karma-scotch, and nutty-ella, I order 30 mil bottles of each in 2.4 mg, but the silver leaf in 3.2 because they are out of 2.4 and I want to try the 3.2 anyway, along with another 510 adapter so I actually have two v3's that I can use, I also order a 5pack of boge 510 cartos just to try them out

ok, well im now starting to research the clearomizers, and wow a lot of problems with these things, and im starting to notice the burnt taste everyone is talking about, decide to try a couple of the quick fixes posted in videos all over the internet, take them apart, clean them out, dry burn them, fluff the wick, lift the silicone cup up, etc, a lot of work just to make these things perform like they are supposed to out of the box

the new clearomizers from china arrive, the ones I got from gotvapes were the rev4 or rev5, the new ones are the rev6 or ce2-x or whatever with the fat wick, well, these are supposed to be better, but these things suck, taste like ...., burnt taste or just not very good flavor, I try to .... around with them a little bit but really .... all this work just to make cartomizers work, maybe they work better on 3.7v but whatever I got my v3 right now and puresmoker is out of the charger for the other battery, so im going to find something that works at 6v

I start doing more research, people dont seem to like the polyfill cartos, the ce2s in theory should be ideal, if they ....in worked like they were supposed to, now I see things like the MAP tank and the stormy tank, modded ce2s that are supposed to perform better, ok

MAP tanks are sold out, people like these stormy tanks, lets order some, I order 4 tanks and 10 replacement ce2s, and I continue to research, like put in a lot of hours, just reading everything on this forum, get a couple ideas for future pv's, keep trying to find easy fixes for the clearomizers, find out more about cartomizers, etc

I find the new vortex things and I find the dual coil cartomizers and order a 5pack of each, vortex from got vapes and the dual coil things from clouds of vapor, I learned my lesson with ordering mass quantity from china before actually trying the product

so now im waiting for everything to get here, and I continue to read up on stuff, try to find a way to make these clearomizers not taste like ...., and the last thing I order gets here first, the dual coil things, im like almost out of the juices I like so I take a syringe to a clearomizer and get some juice out of it to fill one of these things up

first impression, wow, pretty ....in awesome, taste is great, a lot of vapor, feels like smoking, actually at first the vapor was a little to hot or harsh, but I got used to it, and they are very easy to fill!

now the storm tanks and the puremoker stuff arrives, I have really high hopes for these storm tanks, but ive already found through research that you pretty much cant carry them around because if not held upright they will leak and gurgle, but I see a couple people say if you seat the cup right, it wont, well I hope it dosent, I mean whats the point of having a big ... tank if you cant actually carry it around with you?

I like these dual coil things, but a clear cartridge is more practical, bigger tank, no polyfill, etc, I really want these things to work

well, ...., I have to screw them on really tight to even connect with the v3, because of the drip resevior, and it dosent let a lot of air through, the pull is really tight, but thats ok, I can live with that I guess, the flavor...is good! Im really impressed, the flavor is really good, she mades these ce2s work like they are supposed to!

So I decide to give them a little field test and just take them with me to go eat and come back, well they failed, the one I had connected to the v3 was gurgling, I can live with that, and the 3 I had in a bag in my pocket, leaked all over the bag, you simply cannot turn these things on their side or upside down for extended periods of time, making them pretty much useless, not only that, but you have to screw them on really tight, and it can be hard to unscrew them because the base of the plastic tube slips much more freely than the threads of the screw, I opened one up and spilled 4 ml of choco-mint(luckily I was standing over my sink) when trying to simply unscrew it from my v3, and decided, this is just too much, im done with these, and im giving up on ce2s

so now I have the boges and the dual coils, I fill them all up to walk around with these for a day, let them sit over night, and before I leave the house, I try them all out and decide I dont need to bring the boges with me, the dual coils are just far superior, bigger, better flavor, better vapor, its really not close

the throat hit is a little harsh on these and the vapor is kind of hot but im getting used to it, and it honestly feels like real smoke, I think im ready!

then the vortex things arrive, I fill one up, try it, dosent compare to the dual coil cartos so forget it, theres really nothing like these dual coil ones

now I find the 3.2 silverleaf tobacco to be much more satisfying than the other flavors in 2.4, so I decided to reorder the choco-mint and curtis coffee in 3.2 as well, after a few days I simply decide the only flavor im going to use is choco-mint, I love it and can vape it all day long

I also order a bunch of dual coil cartos and some cherryvape dream tips from cloudsofvapor, a 3.7v battery for the prodigy just to try it out and a glv2 from greatlakesvapor to see how 6 volts compares to 5 volts

reviews on the glv2 are great, im looking forward to trying this thing out...first complaint, it literally takes a month to get it, when it finally does arrive, while it is definitely a very good product, I find its a little harder to pull on than the prodigy and ive been vaping at 6 volts for a month waiting for it and have gotten used to the feel and throat hit of 6 volts, so im going to stick with my prodigy, it really honestly feels like smoking, and i also love the bottom button...I put the 3.7 volt battery in just to try it, took one hit and put that away, 6 volts is what works for me

I met someone who had an e-go T and has been vaping and not smoking for a year, let him try my prodigy and he was blown away, there is nothing like vaping at 6 volts with dual coils, I treid his e-go T and was not impressed

I eventually plan to try some other ejuice brands, but as of now, im really kind of exhausted with all the experimenting and am ready to just go with something that I know will work, theres so much ejuice out there, I have no idea where to even start, and im happy with what I got from puresmoker

I did have a couple of small issues that I eventually figured out, when I got a new order of choco-mint and was filling cartos I found they didnt taste very good, I thought it was maybe they needed a breakin period, and I found that after I used one for a few days and refilled it a couple of times, it tasted better, but then I filled a new one and it tasted good, I realized my problem was not with the cartos, but the juice simply needed to steep

I am also finding that I feel like the clear ones taste better than the stainless ones, I like the way the stainless ones look better with the v3, but thats not really a big deal, and with the clear ones, I have a better idea of when I need to fill them to avoid burning

a couple of small tips with these things, I use the taryn spin to fill them, when the stainless ones start tasting a bit burnt, its time to refill, the clear ones you can see, when the draw gets tight and the juice that comes out the bottom starts getting brown and nasty its time to replace the cartridge, I get a good 3 or 4 uses out of each one

so after investing well over 2k in stuff I am pretty much throwing out, as well as a lot of time and energy, I have found my perfect combination with a prodigy v3 and tonic choco-mint 3.2 mg from puresmoker, and dual coil cartos and cherryvape dream tips from cloudsofvapor, I am ready

so, now with the world series of poker starting again, I have new smoking bets, I left myself a little lee-way this time and I am limited to 5 cigs a day for the summer(i am normally close to a 2 pack a day smoker), for the first week or so I was making sure I would get all 5 of those in every day, but then one day I decided to just not smoke, and now its been 6 days since ive smoked an analog cigarette and I am getting through the day perfectly comfortably, I am even developing a dislike for the smell of cigarette smoke

when I let smokers try my prodigy with dual coil cartos they are impressed with the hit, the throat hit is more powerful than smoking, nicotine hits you harder, it tastes better, it isnt really all that bad for you, battery lasts a good two days and if I carry around a couple extra cartomizers im fine, I really have no reason or excuse to ever smoke again, what I have is better than smoking!

when I first tried e-cigs I never thought there could be a product that actually satisfies me, I felt no matter what I would be giving something up making this transition, and I felt the same even after I got the prodigy before I found the dual coil cartos, especially dealing with all of the added stress of just trying to make ce2s perform like they are supposed to, 6 volts at dual coils is it, its easy, its satisfying, im done
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 2, 2011
Tennessee :-)

Way to go New! Glad you have found your sweet spot.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
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Sep 17, 2010
Other Places
Yep, I have 3 Prodigy's and love'em. Darn nice PV's and I love the bottom button also.

CE2's work well but only if you don't plan on using them out and about. They need to be kept upright.

Through all of your journey, sounds like you found your happy sweet spot. I think most of us have spent that much or more trying to find their perfect vape. I like the Boge cartomizers also. You may want to get your hands on some of Ikenvape.com's cartomizers and try them also. Their longevity still blows me away.

Don't just toss out the stuff you don't like...post them in the classifieds...at least you can recover some of your money back.


Full Member
Feb 6, 2011
las vegas
Yep, I have 3 Prodigy's and love'em. Darn nice PV's and I love the bottom button also.

Give silverleaf a try....good juice on the Prodigy at 3.7V.

CE2's work well but only if you don't plan on using them out and about. They need to be kept upright.

Through all of your journey, sounds like you found your happy sweet spot. I think most of us have spent that much or more trying to find their perfect vape. I like the Boge cartomizers also. You may want to get your hands on some of Ikenvape.com's cartomizers and try them also. Their longevity still blows me away.

Don't just toss out the stuff you don't like...post them in the classifieds...at least you can recover some of your money back.

thanks for the info!

yeah silverleaf is my second favorite juice from puresmoker, but when i was carrying a couple cartos around with silverleaf, curtis coffee, and choco-mint, i found myself mostly vaping the choco-mint, and going to the silverleaf when that one was getting dry, and actually barely if ever using the curtis coffee

im not a menthol smoker, but like the mint flavor, silverleaf is a great tobacco though, coming from a parliament light background
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I'd venture to bet there isn't anyone who reads this post who does not recognize themselves in at least part of your journey! You made me smile & I learned alot too. Your persistence is more than admirable!! We have been using Ego-T's for the past few months (which is the whole of our vaping life!)... we are down to five analogs a day but can't quite seem to shake them entirely... & we're not sure why... even though the ecigs taste better & there's more vapour... we seem to still want the occasional analog... and the fact is, we don't want to want them!!! Your post gave me hope! I'm going to do some more research & see if I can figure out the perfect PV for us... it's got to be out there!!! Cheers, bluedog


Full Member
Feb 6, 2011
las vegas
I'd venture to bet there isn't anyone who reads this post who does not recognize themselves in at least part of your journey! You made me smile & I learned alot too. Your persistence is more than admirable!! We have been using Ego-T's for the past few months (which is the whole of our vaping life!)... we are down to five analogs a day but can't quite seem to shake them entirely... & we're not sure why... even though the ecigs taste better & there's more vapour... we seem to still want the occasional analog... and the fact is, we don't want to want them!!! Your post gave me hope! I'm going to do some more research & see if I can figure out the perfect PV for us... it's got to be out there!!! Cheers, bluedog

thanks bluedog!

i found the hardest cig to go without was the one when i first wake up in the morning, once i got past that i could vape the rest of the day

the last couple of weeks when i was smoking 5 a day, i really think the need for them was just in my head, i was allowed 5 a day and wanted to make sure i didnt miss one, but after going a couple days without them, and even when i smoked those 5 a day, i realized i just didnt need them, and they taste aweful!

for me, the throat hit and sort of harshness of 6 volts with dual coils is what i need to replace that cigarette feeling, the nicotine is there, but its that sort of refreshing feeling of smoke in your lungs that is hard to replace and i couldnt match until i found the right combo of device and cartomizer, when i tried the e-go(i only tried it very briefly after already vaping 6 volts for a few weeks), it didnt do it for me, try a high voltage mod, 6 volts might be too much for some but i got used to it and love it, anything under 5 volts and i just dont get that feeling when i inhale

good luck to you!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 15, 2010
Cary, NC
Makes me wonder if there is a spot for a professional ecig mentor. Would save some folks a lot of time and money.

Haha, getting my neighbor into vaping, and she says I could start my own business.

I reply "I want to start making my own juices first."

To which she says "No, I mean as a consultant. You have a wealth of knowledge and the desire and ability to help someone get started."

And the wheels begin to turn... :p


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 13, 2010
Tahlequah, Oklahoma
Definitely hit home with me! Started with the smoke 51.....sucks. Then the Rivas. Better, but not quite good enough. Now, I'm vaping 6 volts on my Chuck and my Saber Touch. Now we are cooking with gas! I was thinking about getting a VV, but I really don't know why, cause I know I'll just have it cranked up to 6v all the time. I'm over 1 year of zero analogs, and I'll never look back.
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