I am a fool for trying another mod!

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Moved On
ECF Veteran
Dec 7, 2008
Pittsburgh, PA USA
So, I have a GLV2, which has and continues to serve me well for... I don't know... must be years! (It has the "old" cap.)

Figuring I should have some kind of backup I decided to.... go with some other vendor's model: the Joye EVic. A variable voltage type of thing with a computerized display. Huge and heavy. However, it was not durable. Perfectly round, within a couple weeks it rolled off the desk, hit a concrete floor and the plastic housing of the display cracked. Now, the top part, which connects with the atomizer, fits loosely, with the wires in danger of being pulled out. I do not blame the vendor, but he has informed me Joye will not replace it. Even at half price for the replacement head unit (about $40), it isn't worth it, because it will undoubtedly roll and fall again.

Why, oh why didn't I just get another GLV??? A design that does not roll, built like a tank, feels great in the hand, great colors,and as I can attest, lasts for years and years and still vapes on.

I will correct this horrendous mistake within the next week or so. An expensive lesson.

Learn from my foolishness...
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