Hit Liquid-October's Game- Wanna Play???? Win CE'3

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May 30, 2011
Eagle Rock, Los Angeles
I sitting in the break room last night with a cup of tea and out of boredom I blew some vapor over the cup and the steam from the tea mixed with the vapor in a neat swirling pattern. I ended up fish bowling the break room by continuing to do this and a few coworkers walked in...
a) "Wow, its smokey in here, but I don't smell any smoke..."
b)"oh, its just Sarah and her self prescribed 'breathing treatment'
a) "Smells sweet, can I try? What flavor is this?"

Sure, you can try I say, its Caramel Apple. She then proceeded to take the BIGGEST hit and said whoah... Then they laughed at my tea cup trick. Made my night.

Adding - just now I went through 5 batteries and started to panic thinking they were all dead...nope, just a blown atty...whew? lol
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ECF Guru
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Sep 26, 2010
Here, there, everywhere!
Can I add one that happened this weekend?

At the races this weekend I was in the porta pot and my ecig was in my front pocket.....pulled my pants up and turned at the same time to go for the hand sanitized AND you guessed it....slipped right out of my pocket into the HOLE! No diving to save that one...


ECF Guru
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Sep 26, 2010
Here, there, everywhere!
I am known as the "gadget guru" where I work. When I started vaping they thought it was the funniest thing they had ever seen! Now they gather at work when I vape and try to guess the flavor for the day! I tell them if they can guess it, I will buy them a coke! So far I have stumped them!

The only ine they always get where I work is cotton candy and they love it:)


ECF Guru
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Sep 17, 2010
Other Places
After all the years of smoking and getting ripped by my doctor for it, once I quit, I could "smell" her. So the ripping changed hands so to speak. I told her how I quit and that she needed to give it a try also. 2 weeks later, she called me at home and I gave her a ton of information. I can proudly say, I converted a doctor. She still vapes to this day and we are always trying out each others new juices and hardware but we've found that we have very close tastes when it comes to both.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 2, 2011
North Carolina
I don't know what kind of moment you would call it but definately not funny. I have been vaping for nine months now and have been pulled over twice by the cops. They apparently thought I was using some kind of new fangled illegal smoking if you get my drift. After a lot of explaining and demonstrating they let me go


Resting In Peace
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Jun 15, 2011
One of the most interesting things to Me is how so many ECF people are not just friendly - but are so outright generous, supportive and encouraging - even before they have yet had the time to get to know you . . .

I had just joined ECF and within 2 minutes of being in the forum, I had a number of people reaching out to me and assisting me start my transition into the vaping world in so many numerous ways - including sending me juice, introducing me to specific equipment, etc.

What a wonderful way to be "Welcomed" into the group ! ! !

View attachment 57184
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
I know...........
One of the most interesting things to Me is how so many ECF people are not just friendly - but are so outright generous, supportive and encouraging - even before they have yet had the time to get to know you . . .

I had just joined ECF and within 2 minutes of being in the forum, I had a number of people reaching out to me and assisting me start my transition into the vaping world in so many numerous ways - including sending me juice, introducing me to specific equipment, etc.

What a wonderful way to be "Welcomed" into the group ! ! !

View attachment 57184


Krazee Kat Laydee & Guru-X2.5
ECF Veteran
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Aug 3, 2010
SoCal, USA
AND - being an "OLD" Hippie - some of my friends say that I have my own personal portable "Hookah" (aka "....') . . . :D

If you really were an "old hippie" bananarasta.gif then you would know the difference between the two.... LOL!!
Although both are considered 'water pipes', they are NOT the same thing... and some of the modern day versions are even electric!!! :facepalm:


Resting In Peace
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Jun 15, 2011
If you really were an "old hippie" View attachment 57425 then you would know the difference between the two.... LOL!!
Although both are considered 'water pipes', they are NOT the same thing... and some of the modern day versions are even electric!!! :facepalm:

Oh I "know" all to well the difference between them - like I said some of my friends call it my own personal "hookah" . . . That's why I put quotes around the word :) . . . But what's more important here - Is how do "YOU" know the difference ? ? ? ? ;)

AND as for being the "Old Hippie" type - YEP ! ! ! I was and at times still am an "idealist optimist" while maintaining my "cynicism & pessimism" of todays "realities" - which is what really S**Ks :), however it just depends on whether or not someone gets on my very last "nerve," especially since the "OLD" has crept in with an emphases on being the "curmudgeon" :facepalm: (as some people like to call me - even though my real friends don't think I am) . . .

SO, YOU better watch it there little Ms. "Kitty" . . . ;)

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View attachment 57767


Krazee Kat Laydee & Guru-X2.5
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 3, 2010
SoCal, USA
But what's more important here - Is how do "YOU" know the difference ? ? ? ? ;)

At the risk of giving away my age :ohmy: :facepalm: (although I'm not ashamed to admit it...) I was born and raised in Southern California, and was in High School during the late 60's...
My mother and I even went to San Francisco for vacation in the Summer of Love (1967), and I got to walk around in Haight/Ashbury. 240.gif But my poor mom didn't know what to think of it all.... :shock: LMAO!!!



Super Member
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Aug 2, 2011
next to a corn field,IL
I ran into a gas station one morning because I needed a lunch for work later and had heard 1 of the stations in that area had juice from the mall vendor so I asked right in front of the local small town Barney if they were the one's and he immediately started asking questions. Like e-juice was something illegal. Then I showed him my 808 with the clearomizer on it and he said if I hadn't just explained it to him he would have thought it was a piece of paraphernalia. I shrugged and walked out.


Resting In Peace
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Jun 15, 2011
At the risk of giving away my age :ohmy: :facepalm: (although I'm not ashamed to admit it...) I was born and raised in Southern California, and was in High School during the late 60's...
My mother and I even went to San Francisco for vacation in the Summer of Love (1967), and I got to walk around in Haight/Ashbury. View attachment 57795 But my poor mom didn't know what to think of it all.... :shock: LMAO!!!

Thought SO :D

I was going strong at the age of 13/14 as a "Street YOUTH" in NYC '68 and to the "Marches" in Wasghington DC - especially after "Kent State Massacre" on My 16th birthday - [sarcasm on] Great present [sarcasm off] SO I guess I am just as "dated" as You . . . View attachment 57860


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Would love to see your mom's face!!!
At the risk of giving away my age :ohmy: :facepalm: (although I'm not ashamed to admit it...) I was born and raised in Southern California, and was in High School during the late 60's...
My mother and I even went to San Francisco for vacation in the Summer of Love (1967), and I got to walk around in Haight/Ashbury. View attachment 57795 But my poor mom didn't know what to think of it all.... :shock: LMAO!!!



Super Member
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Jul 27, 2011
Cartersville, VA
Ok, this sounds really bad and I'm sorry in advance to my kitty cats for dissing them like this but, I just realized that cats have bad breath! I never new that a cat wasn't purrfect...this has really bummed me out. I have a cat in my lap all the time when I am at home, right now Lolly Pop is curled up right in front of my laptop and instead of loving this closeness that she and I have always shared I keep thinking, "Lolly Pop you need to do something about that mouse breath, good grief". I guess there was something to be said for not being able to smell....


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 25, 2011
Long Beach, Cali
Ok, this sounds really bad and I'm sorry in advance to my kitty cats for dissing them like this but, I just realized that cats have bad breath! I never new that a cat wasn't purrfect...this has really bummed me out. I have a cat in my lap all the time when I am at home, right now Lolly Pop is curled up right in front of my laptop and instead of loving this closeness that she and I have always shared I keep thinking, "Lolly Pop you need to do something about that mouse breath, good grief". I guess there was something to be said for not being able to smell....

hehehe, its horrible isnt it!!! I switched food brands hoping maybe it would help a little... So far, no go :( but I'll try and remember to let you know if I find something that works
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