Help an inconsistent vaper out

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 28, 2008
Tampa, FL
Hello everyone,

Long time lurker. I tried to make the switch about two years ago and only lasted for a couple of months. Totally Wicked recently had some sale so I picked up an eGo-T/"Tornado tank" very cheaply and have definitely been satisfied with the vapor production, and the throat hit.

But the flavor just isn't there. I need to find a satisfying tobacco flavor that will permanently get me off analogs. I'm sick of stinking, and I'm sick of tar. I'll post the e-liquids I've tried with brief descriptions in hopes that someone can point me towards something I'd enjoy. I used to smoke Nat Sherman Lights or American Spirit Lights - ditching tobacco additives was part one of quitting, and I actually had withdrawals from quitting Marlboro Lights :facepalm:.

Totally Wicked Decadent Vapour Habana Reserve
I won't be buying another bottle of this. The taste honestly reminds of me of DK RY4, which never struck me as a tobacco flavor. If I puff it like a cigar, I'm very faintly reminded of smoking a Cuban, but only in the "undertone," and it tastes more like the wood the cigars come in than anything else. It's not bad by any means, it just isn't what I'm looking for. To be honest, it matches their description of the flavor very well, I was hoping for a strong tobacco flavor and was disappointed.

TW DV Parma Violet
WOW. Spot on matched the candy that came in the package. Finished a whole bottle of this the last time around.

TW Black Label Statex
Again, not that I don't like it, but it's not what I'm looking for. Nice, tasty, nutty, caramel even, but not tobacco. Reminds me of Cracker Jacks. I'll be finishing the bottle.

TW Black Label Gallois
Doesn't taste anything like a Gallois. Excellent flavor, probably the sweetest tobacco flavor I've ever tried. If I can't find anything better, I'll be buying more of this.

ecoPURE Rich
This is what I was using two years ago. Not because it tasted the most like tobacco, but because it was just the best tasting e-liquid I'd ever tried. And my M401 really liked it.

TW Camel
Not sure which of their lines this was from, but it says "pillbox38's" on the top of the bottle. Didn't taste like a Camel. Probably the strongest most obnoxious e-liquid I'd ever used. Really in your face flavor.

DeKang Kent
Again, didn't taste anything like a Kent. For some reason, this was the only bottle finished.

DK Tab

NOPE. Sour.

All of you think this tastes like tobacco? Tasted like straight vanilla extract to me.

DK Dunhill

DK Winston
I mixed this with fruity flavors, rounds them out nicely.

DK Red Bull
The ONLY flavor I tried that hit what it was trying to do on the MARK. Tastes exactly like Red Bull.

DK Clove
OK, also tasted exactly like what it advertised. But it burns atomizers out in a couple of days.

Make some suggestions! I'm not partial to the differences between PG & VG. After looking things up, it looks like my throat doesn't care either, ecoPURE is 100% VG and TW's liquids are 100% PG. I seem to remember ecoPURE making a LOT more vapor with the flavor being delivered more like a cigarette, whereas PG liquids seem to hit me [flavor wise] like a cigar, if that makes any sense. I'm starting to think I should just mix TW Gallois, ecoPURE Rich, and TW Parma Violet up and puff away.
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