Hello industry, we want some MTL vape gear

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Apr 19, 2015
Louisiana, USA

2 ohms, 7 watts, PT2 w/AFC ring, RY4, and a cat named Gizmo.

The Ocelot

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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
Different kinda smokers I guess. Age wise I'd say the average would be about 50 like me but that may just be the people I know are 50. My son would be the youngest I interact with at 30 Top end might be closer to mid-50's. My mother does not smoke but she belives in vaping and tries with the old smokes at the home but they'd rather just smoke and honestly they made it that far let them go.

I agree on the being like smoking and to me tootle puffing is nothing like smoking. I did it for a long while and I suffered mightily. It wasn't until I started sub ohming I put smoking way behind me. And thats how I start friends out these days. The friends I helped started on tootle gear are all back smoking, and I don't really blame them. They won't try thr new gear cause they say it won't work. The ones I set up with sub ohm are all doing great, for now at least.

I STRONGLY ugre all smokers to start with sub ohm. Sub ohm is the easier softer way. Like AA for smokers. Tottle gear is like iron willpower dry drunk way. If it works for one then fine but I recommend the easier way.

Where is the dislike button? Dislike+++++ I smoked for 40 years and quit using an eGo. I didn't try to stop either, I was one of those who "accidentally" quit. I sometime sub-ohm/lung hit, but I'm a Tootle Puffer and proud of it. If building and/or sub-homing had been all that was available when I first started vaping I know I would still be smoking. To each their own, but I wouldn't call any method a "better" or "easier" way. I agree that people frequently say vaping won't work, but they will say that no matter what. It's been my experience that people cling passionately to a habit that has worked for them for years and don't want to try something new for fearing of failure. Besides, vaping is hard.

I'm 3 years off of tobacco.


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Jan 25, 2011
Think I'd call it the hobbyist / competitor community driving the manufacturers....

And whatd'ya think Veep, about the statements often seen here on ECF that our hobbyist/enthusiasts are a very small percentage of our commune?

Where is the dislike button? Dislike+++++ I smoked for 40 years and quit using an eGo. I didn't try to stop either, I was one of those who "accidentally" quit. I sometime sub-ohm/lung hit, but I'm a Tootle Puffer and proud of it. If building and/or sub-homing had been all that was available when I first started vaping I know I would still be smoking. To each their own, but I wouldn't call any method a "better" or "easier" way. I agree that people frequently say vaping won't work, but they will say that no matter what. It's been my experience that people cling passionately to a habit that has worked for them for years and don't want to try something new for fearing of failure. Besides, vaping is hard.

I'm 3 years off of tobacco.

Geeze Louise (can I CALL ya Louise, Ms. Celot?), we must have been born under the same sign. ;)

My story, so similar, and yes, coolerat, I also don't see subohm setups as a true and viable option for the majority of people coming off of smokes. To have to deal with what we (now) consider the simplest of tasks (the filling and changing coils, the batteries and chargers) astounds the smoker who has to do nothing more than pull out a cig and a Bic. To confront them with subohms, battery university studies, rolling little itty bitty wires etc....... welp, I'm goin' with no.

Also tobacco free here.... 4.5 revolutions around the sun. And the whole while with old skool vape.


ECF Guru
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  • Aug 13, 2011
    The reality is that most want their first vape to be just like their last smoke.
    They want the same flavor & throat hit as well as the same way of doing things. The majority of smokers are MTL, not direct lung.

    To be blunt; it's the kids that have never smoked that are drawn to sub ohm & direct lung hits as a first vape.

    at my age, anyone under 30 is a kid
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    Ultra Member
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    Mar 20, 2015
    If you haven't tried a good MTL tank with some good 12-16mg/mL juice I would recommend it. Holding the vapor in your mouth befor you inhale really brings out the flavor.

    With the high VG liquid you like I'd suggest a Lemo 2.

    A simple 1.5 ohm 28awg 2.5mm contact coil at around 18W

    Todays fun (I'm on Vapecation) a fresh K4 (clone) with a 1.4Ω 28ga 2.5mm wicked with rayon at 14w. Standard tank and driptip. Juice is 50/50 unflavored at 8mg.

    Different strokes for different folks.

    First flavor- its my thing so its fine.

    Second heat- I'm super fussy about heat. I prefer large non-metallic DT's and tanks with cooling fins. In this case a stock K4 all metal. Its a searing hot blast of hot vapor. NOT for me.

    Next throat hit. That hot PG blasts into my throat like sand. Very unpleasent. And extremely drying. I can't seem to drink enough. I do remember these days, always been drying and slamming Gatorade by the quart. I don't miss this part in the least.

    Everything is gonna effect everyone different but all we really know is what we know about ourselves.

    If one likes hot vape, I say painful others think warm, with a dry throat, again I say painful, and likes drinking massive amounts of water (and ......) this is the way to go.

    If one likes a cool vape with little TH I got that covered. With tons of flavor, I know its unflavored but it still has alot of flavor its just different. And a nice little cloud. I was a heavy smoker for many years, I don't know exactly why but seeing that cloud is very satisfying. I mean I think a blind person could quit with vaping but for me an exhale without "smoke" just doesn't seem like me.


    ECF Guru
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    Jan 3, 2013
    Halfway to Paradise, WA
    And whatd'ya think Veep, about the statements often seen here on ECF that our hobbyist/enthusiasts are a very small percentage of our commune?

    I tend to agree with that idea. As with anything, the most vocal are the hobbyists/enthusiasts, the "middle of the road" and the casual just don't speak up much. Get their questions answered and move on.

    Radical right or left, who hears much from the middle of the road in, say, the political realm? But are the noisy radical right and left the majority? (HOPE NOT!!) Or just the loudest...


    Reviewer / Blogger
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    Jan 24, 2014
    Todays fun (I'm on Vapecation) a fresh K4 (clone) with a 1.4Ω 28ga 2.5mm wicked with rayon at 14w. Standard tank and driptip. Juice is 50/50 unflavored at 8mg.

    Different strokes for different folks.

    First flavor- its my thing so its fine.

    Second heat- I'm super fussy about heat. I prefer large non-metallic DT's and tanks with cooling fins. In this case a stock K4 all metal. Its a searing hot blast of hot vapor. NOT for me.

    Next throat hit. That hot PG blasts into my throat like sand. Very unpleasent. And extremely drying. I can't seem to drink enough. I do remember these days, always been drying and slamming Gatorade by the quart. I don't miss this part in the least.

    Everything is gonna effect everyone different but all we really know is what we know about ourselves.

    If one likes hot vape, I say painful others think warm, with a dry throat, again I say painful, and likes drinking massive amounts of water (and ......) this is the way to go.

    If one likes a cool vape with little TH I got that covered. With tons of flavor, I know its unflavored but it still has alot of flavor its just different. And a nice little cloud. I was a heavy smoker for many years, I don't know exactly why but seeing that cloud is very satisfying. I mean I think a blind person could quit with vaping but for me an exhale without "smoke" just doesn't seem like me.

    85% PG doesn't make me guzzle gallons of water OR gatorade (useless stuff, loaded with sodium, not potassium; it'll just make you thirstier); I drink coconut water every morning with breakfast, decaf tea the rest of the day, and have no issues; I got rid of 80% of my caffeine intake to avoid the excessive urination that was causing dehydration. I'm usually trying to find MORE throat hit. And I seriously am considering bumping the PG to 86%, my next mix, to avoid the late-night wheeziness.

    A cool vape feels like I'm not getting anything, and no TH makes me totally crazy, so I keep boosting the power until there is TH, or just add some more Flash; then the next time I replace the coil, I build it higher to enhance the TH.



    Vaping Master
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  • Jun 6, 2013
    Wichita, KS
    I don't get how people ling hit all the time, I never lung hit before vaping, but tried it a few times since vaping, and either there is hardly any flavor or just tastes like crap, so I just don't get the lung hitting, well except to blow clouds, oh look how big my cloud is stuff lol

    But I must be a rare MTL vapor, as I don't have any problems MTL a lot of sub ohm tanks, I have 3 subtank mini's which I have all 3 of the smallest hole setting and vapes great MTL, also got the isub-g which I MTL, and just got the triton which I do think was made to cover all parts of the market.

    Now I admit my wife hates to vape my tanks, she says they are too harsh for her, but guess everyone is different.
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