HEADS UP - NEWS - UPDATES! (When we know, you'll know!)


ECF Guru
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Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
An Ohio judge on Friday ruled against a state law banning cities from making their own laws regulating the sale flavored tobacco.

Under the law, Ohio cities would be prohibited from enacting their own regulations on the sale of tobacco products.

The decision only affects cities included in the lawsuit and is not a statewide injunction.



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
Blaming severe dehydration on what they describe as "excessive" nicotine vaping, which was actually just 1/4 of a pod per day (the nicotine equivalent of approximately 5 cigarettes a day)? Claiming nicotine vaping somehow causes people to not drink fluids even when they'd obviously be extremely thirsty?

It defies logic. Why don't people who actually smoke an entire pack of cigarettes per day also have this frequently happen to them? With 11 million adults and 2.1 million teens vaping in the U.S., why hasn't there been a spike in severe dehydration cases?

There's ZERO real world evidence that nicotine vaping - especially at such a low level of intake - causes this kind of severe dehydration.

These false claims blaming vaping for just about everything (because the patient just so happens to also vape) have gotten completely outrageous.



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
It's articles like this one from WILX News -- filled with misinformation and insinuation -- that cause most adults who smoke to keep smoking instead of switching to far safer #vaping products. This one, and one from WJXT4, picked up most of the story from an Ivanhoe Broadcast News video.

First they claim "about one of every five high school students vape," but the 2023 National Youth Tobacco Survey (available to reporters since November 2023) found that just 1 in 10 (10%) of high school students currently vape.

Mr. Bauer, who was interviewed for the piece, was diagnosed with influenza A (the flu) and developed a lung infection that was resistant to antibiotics. No causal link was established to his vaping.

In fact, Bauer's surgeon, Dr. Ankit Bharat, told NBC News that they "can't pinpoint" why he had such a bad infection. Dr. Bharat stated, "One complicating factor is that Bauer had never received a flu shot" and "Bauer’s history of smoking and vaping may also have played a role, though it’s hard to say for sure."

The article goes on to claim that "flavored vapes contain as much nicotine as two packs of cigarettes," followed by explaining that with a pack of cigarettes "22 to 36 milligrams of nicotine will be inhaled."

This claim is meant to capitalize on the fundamental misunderstanding the public (and even many healthcare professionals) has about nicotine. Nicotine may be what keeps people smoking, but it isn't what causes lung cancer, heart disease, strokes and other smoking-related diseases. Those all come from inhaling smoke.

Which brings us to the claim that the "CDC reports nicotine has been linked to at least 12 different cancers." In fact, the CDC actually states that "smoking causes 12 types of cancer," not nicotine itself.

And, of course, no anti-vaping article would be complete without repeating that "Vapes also produce other dangerous chemicals including acetaldehyde, acrolein and formaldehyde."

This is a common anti-vaping narrative that relies heavily on studies that were criticized for overheating e-liquid and using dried out the coils to produce those chemicals, because doing so would make the vapor foul-tasting. As we've said before, this claim is akin to warning the public that eating kale could cause cancer, because if you burn it to the point where it's inedible, carcinogens are created.

This type of irresponsible "journalism" needs to stop. Full stop.



ECF Guru
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Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
️CASAA Live️
During our recent recap, CASAA CEO Alex Clark talks about one of the most compelling moments he witnessed while attending the 2024 E-Cigarette Summit. Unsurprisingly, that moment came from the honorable Clive Bates.

Watch the full episode here:
E-Cigarette Summit 2024 Recap
and catch our next show on Saturday, June 1st at 4:30 PM Eastern/3:30 PM central!


ECF Guru
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Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
While the public absolutely should still be warned that lung injuries have been strongly associated with vitamin E acetate in illicit THC vapes (something the CDC failed miserably at communicating,) the study authors' recommendation seems a bit premature.

The so-called "EVALI" outbreak peaked between September 2019 and October 2019 at around 950 new cases reported in just that single month. This study identified 903 hospitalizations that were reported over 9 months (and that was back in 2020.)

Shouldn't they at least look at the 2021, 2022 and 2023 data before they "suggest that EVALI continues to be treated as a public health crisis"?

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
  • Deleted by kristin


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
In a curious rewriting of history, this article about disposable vapes says NYC is "being flooded with illegal flavored e-vapes made in China after banning the smokes’ sale in 2020."

In fact, Mayor Bill de Blasio signed a bill prohibiting the sale of ALL flavored vaping products, not just the imported disposables.

Supporters of the ban were warned that prohibition doesn't work. It was widely predicted that banning all flavored products -- which resulted in the closure of hundreds of reputable vape shops selling bottled e-liquids for the refillable devices used mainly by adults -- would simply create a thriving illicit market and/or push consumers to buy in nearby states without a ban.

And here we are.

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ECF Guru
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Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
World Vape Day 2024: Combatting Misperceptions

Special episode on Thursday, May 30th at 7:30 PM eastern/6:30 PM central!

Join Alex, Logan and Kristin as we take a look at examples of weaponized misinformation: the tactic of arming well-meaning people to fuel moral panics based on ignorance and fear.

#worldvapeday #worldvapeday2024 #WorldNoTobaccoDay #WorldNoTobaccoDay2024KE



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
World Vape Day 2024: Combatting Misperceptions
Special episode on TODAY at 7:30 PM eastern/6:30 PM central!

Join Alex, Logan and Kristin as we take a look at examples of weaponized misinformation: the tactic of arming well-meaning people to fuel moral panics based on ignorance and fear.

Simultaneously streaming on CASAA's YouTube, Facebook Live and Twitter.

#worldvapeday #worldvapeday2024 #WorldNoTobaccoDay #WorldNoTobaccoDay2024KE


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
This WUSF NPR podcast about vaping is actually pretty well balanced!

While Prof. Yiota Kitsantis absurdly insinuated that e-cigarettes are not safer alternatives to smoking because...they contain nicotine (?) and fell back on the old "harms adolescent brains" claim that's actually based on rat studies, Dr. Vani Simmons dropped major truth bombs on several myths and misconceptions!
Here are just a few:

"If it was true that vaping would lead to more cigarette smoking, you would have seen an increase in cigarette smoking over time. But instead, we see an inverse relationship, where vaping rates have increased, and cigarette smoking rates have declined at an unprecedented speed."

"It does not mean that vaping is safe, but it does mean, in terms of the relative risks to combustible cigarettes, it is much safer and therefore represents a harm reduction product."

"We're not looking at the fact that among high school students, cigarette smoking almost doesn't exist. And that is a public health victory that nobody is really talking about. So yes, we don't want you vaping. But let's also applaud the fact that you don't see high school students smoking cigarettes anymore."

Thank you, Dr. Simmons!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
Peter Allebeck, professor of social medicine at Stockholm's Karolinska Institutet, claims that it's not true that Sweden has the lowest level of tobacco-related mortality in the EU.

"If you look at the most recent studies available, Sweden does rank low but certainly not among the lowest," he tells Swedish Radio News. However, he doesn't say what studies were used nor what metric those studies used to determine Sweden's ranking.

He says that at least 14 other European countries included in the WHO's European statistics are lower when it comes to tobacco-related mortality. A recent search of the WHO website found statistics related to smoking, e-cigarette use and preventable diseases such as heart disease, stroke and lung diseases (without data specific to tobacco use,) but nothing ranking countries on tobacco-related mortality was available to the public. So, how did they determine which deaths were "tobacco-related?"

We do know that "tobacco-related" deaths are overwhelmingly the result of smoking (as much as anti-nicotine organizations would like us to believe otherwise.) Even the WHOs latest European Health Report (2021) only had data on current and daily smoking (2018,) not "tobacco use." According to a recent Eurostat report, Sweden had the lowest smoking rates in the EU.

Without providing any actual evidence to back up his claim, we find it difficult to give Mr. Allebeck the benefit of the doubt. Especially since it wouldn't be the first time the WHO just "made things up" to support its narrative.

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
It's been widely reported that this 45 year old UK celebrity, Paul Danan, spent over 20 years smoking, excessively drinking and inhaling "coke." According to one article, he "was told his lung age is 46" when he was just 21 years old.

To his credit, he's now been sober for 3 years and even quit smoking by switching to e-cigarettes 3 years ago, as well! However, last month he collapsed due to respiratory failure and then contracted pneumonia while in the ICU.

Logically, the poor lung health and compromised immune system of this middle-aged man would be attributed to over 2 decades of smoking, alcoholism and inhaling drugs. So, of course he's warning young people to avoid those things, right?

Of course not! Instead he says "it’s the vaping which has done me in" and "worried about the kids today," because "all you see is kids with vapes." And it's no surprise that the media is happy to run with that claim without consulting with any actual experts.‍♂️

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vaper dedicato
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    Of course not! Instead he says "it’s the vaping which has done me in" and "worried about the kids today," because "all you see is kids with vapes." And it's no surprise that the media is happy to run with that claim without consulting with any actual experts.‍
    I'm sure he's getting something to say what he's saying. He just wants to keep making money or getting attention.


    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
    Aug 16, 2009
    CASAA - Wisconsin
    This Saturday, June 15, from 9 AM ET to 9 PM ET join the CASAA Live Hosts as we talk with an exceptional line up of tobacco harm reduction experts, advocates, and passionate consumers. CASAA is in dire need of your support or these may be our final months. But with more than 300,000 members, small monthly donations from just 4% of CASAA’s dedicated advocates can keep our work alive for years to come!




    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
    Aug 16, 2009
    CASAA - Wisconsin
    Complete delusion coming from tobacco control in Canada.

    Essentially, the plan is to:
    - Have the government sell cigarettes as a non-profit and hope the politicians and bureaucrats don't get greedy (have they seen what happened in China?)
    - Hope no teens start smoking
    - Hope everyone who currently smokes quits (even though Canadian policies have been increasingly hostile towards low-risk alternatives to smoking)
    - Hope those who don't quit just die (quit or die has long been their preferred policy)
    - Hope criminals don't see the opportunity to make billions off of black market cigarettes
    - Hope the mostly poor people who smoke won't get poorer from excessive cigarette taxes
    - Hope that the public doesn't figure out that this is the worst...idea...ever.



    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
    Aug 16, 2009
    CASAA - Wisconsin
    (Note: I accidentally posted a couple things in the wrong thread)

    "The idealists in tobacco control would like to rid us of this relatively benign recreational drug. Sorry, but that will not happen, and there is no reason why it should. People use nicotine because it makes them feel better, for its pleasurable, functional and therapeutic attributes.

    However, demonizing nicotine and treating all nicotine products as if they are equally harmful will obstruct the realists’ efforts to address the significant harm caused by smoking. The idealists take each ban and blockage of any nicotine product as progress to their larger goal."

    ~ Clive Bates


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    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
    Aug 16, 2009
    CASAA - Wisconsin
    In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Jon Ebbert, medical director of the Mayo Clinic Nicotine Dependence Center, falsely claims that "there is no 'lesser evil' when it comes to tobacco use" and "there's no safe, or safer, way to consume tobacco."

    According to the FDA:
    "No tobacco product is safe. However, the health risks for different tobacco products exist on a spectrum, which is sometimes referred to as a “continuum of risk.” Combusted, or smoked, tobacco products - such as cigarettes - are the most harmful type of tobacco product. Non-combusted products - such as e-cigarettes and other smokeless tobacco products - generally have lower health risks than cigarettes and other combustible tobacco products."

    What does Dr. Ebbert think "continuum of risk" and "lower health risks" mean if not that some products are "safer" and a "lesser evil?"

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    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
    Aug 16, 2009
    CASAA - Wisconsin
    Tracking and translating legislation that threatens tobacco harm reduction, and issuing our Calls to Action costs money. You can help CASAA continue to provide these essential services and MORE for a small fraction of what you spend per month on vape gear and liquids.

    Click here to learn more:


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