having issues with my juices from goodejuice...help!

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 26, 2012
so ive bought some juices awhile back from goodejuice and i really enjoy them, however there are 2 juices that seem to not produce much vapor when vaped in cartos for me....not sure what to think about this situation? the juices names in particular are "wrangler light" and the "GJ4". i have also had a carto work fine for awhile with the wrangler light juice then suddenly just stop vaping completely...and the GJ4 i have never been able to truly enjoy because of the major lack of vapor i can get out of that cart filled with that juice. now im not sure if it's just a simple matter of my particular brand of empty carts that i use to fill with my juices or its because maybe these 2 kinds of juices are better suited for vaping in a clearo or tank type of PV? if anybody has a clue why i have such a difficult time vaping these 2 particular goodejuice flavors please reply. i can re-fill a cart and really not get much vapor or after a short while it just goes dead and i have to break out another blank cart and do it all again. not sure if maybe the thickness of these juices (especially the GJ4) might not work well in cartomizers with the standard poly fill material? i have no similar issues with any other brands of my juices doing this with the same brand and type of blank carts....
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