Great American Smoke Out - An Exception, on Principle

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 1, 2010
:pOK - who are the Mavericks out there? Rebels, unite! :p

I had no idea this day was upon us, until after bragging (whilst non-stop chain-vaping in my office) to coworkers that I'd put out my last cig 11/17/10 at 11:59pm. One of the analog-toters proclaimed, how perfect! Today is the National Smoke Out Day!

:mad:Since the first Smoke Out Day, I've always been bombarded by well-meaning non-smokers and irritating ex-smokers to NOT smoke on that day. As if it were that easy. I always joked, that I was going to smoke twice as much that day.:oops:

Still, remembering the years of scorn and feelings for all those years, I was NOT about to let MY day be associated with this day. This day had absolutely NOTHING to do with my choice to not be a smoker today. It was pure coincidence that I was finishing up the last pack in my possession last night.

So, yes, out of pure rebellion I bummed a Marlboro Ultra Light (at least the "not spent" part of my banner remains untarnished LoL) from a cow-orker! I did not 'crave' it, I did not have the feelings that I "needed" it either. I didn't even necessarily "want" it (as I have coded many of my analogs smoked in my spreadsheet the last 2 weeks). It was a rebellious gesture to keep this day MINE, and not part of this national day of everyone telling us what to do! hehehe I held onto that analog until I had another cow-orker to enjoy it with, another rebel at work who is not, and has no desire to become, a non-smoker.

Sure, I smoked it, but it was more out of a lifetime of anger at people being "in my business" "telling me what I can/can't do" than out of a desire, need or want of the analog.

Nope, it didn't taste great, but I didn't cough/gag yet like a first-time smoker. I'm not changing my "quit date/time" for tracking purposes (geez, its only about 12 hours off), and heck - I didn't spend a penny on it. It was not smoked for any reason other than to go against the grain on this day, heheh.

I just reveled in the fact that, "see, you can NOT tell this woman what she can/can't/shouldn't do!" and hence, took MY day back. Thankfully, I have been just fine the rest of the day. Sure, there's moments of habitual heading or reaching for one, and a pang here and there, but I've remained a non-smoker!

Best of luck out there to everyone - and thank you e-cig inventor & manufacturers! I love you guys!!! Have never been able to succeed with this, and I see it happening now before my eyes!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 23, 2010
You know what?

I'm totally with you.

I haven't smoked in months. And I can't even tell you how happy it makes me to know that I've helped some people get off cigarettes. Yes, I'm proud of that, I'm proud that I don't smoke anymore, and of course desiring to quit is an admirable and awesome goal for anyone.


It still annoys the ever-loving crap out of me that all these self-righteous people think they have any right to get in everyone's face and try to tell them what to do. Who has that ever helped?

They talk down to smokers and treat them like dogs because it pumps up their own ego. The same people who eat McDonalds every day and wind up with diabetes, the same people who burn through 3 pots of coffee until they give themselves kidney failure, feel like they have a right to be condescending and holier-than-thou towards smokers.

Has ANYONE ever had some sanctimonious non/ex-smoker get in their face, put out their cig and said "Oh I guess you're right, I'll just stop smoking now?"

Who does this help? What does this do, besides give these obnoxious people a nice warm smug feeling in the cockles of their blackened hearts?

It's just another excuse to perpetuate the pariah culture that surrounds smoking, which does nothing but rob smokers of rational, empathetic resources that might actually help them quit, in addition to increasing the "cool rebellious" attitude of smoking to young people. They're just making everything worse.

But they don't care, because they get to feel superior, and they get to treat other people like lepers. It's frickin' disgusting.

I actually had some stranger try to hit me when I lit up a cig. He seriously tried to swing a punch at a teenage girl who was half his size, because he feels like it's socially acceptable to hurt smokers.

And it's because of this crap like the "Great American Smoke-Out" which is just a nice mask for all these hateful people to hide behind. They're giving the thumbs-up to treat smokers like lesser beings by protesting their very existance.

These people don't care about helping smokers. They care about having a socially acceptable excuse to pick on people. They care about de-humanizing people. They care about making up for their own failures and inadequacies by taking it out on other people.

And if I weren't cheap, I'd go buy a pack and light up with you. Screw you people and your pariah culture. Screw you!


I feel better now. :blush:
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 1, 2010
Wow... uhhh... ok, so - you might have a bit of bitterness in ya, too? ;o)

At least someone knew where I was coming from with that! & heck, yeah... I only had the one, and didn't have to buy a pack to do it... I knew better, if I bought it, I'd have smoked it...

Just needed the one, rebellion-smoke ;o)

So far, so good. I'm so proud! Of course, couldn't have done it (I know, I've tried a few times - heck, couldn't even cut DOWN, let alone NOT smoke) without ECF and my eGos!

Long live ECF! & Long live us, its members ;o)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 23, 2010
Yeah, I admit, I do. I had someone try to punch me out when I lit up a cig. A stranger, while I was just walking down the street.

And it's this culture that makes people feel like it's ok to do that.

I don't have any cigs, so I would have had to go buy some. I'm not willing to blow the money on it, but I'm protesting in spirit.

Long live ECF, and long live empathetic ex-smokers. And empathetic non-smokers too. I just want humans to treat other humans with dignity, that's all. And crap like this doesn't help.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Jul 29, 2010
Sweet Home Alabama
Dang it! I wish I had known it was today!

I freekin' hate sanctimonious controllers, and have on previous SmokeOut days thoroughly enjoyed lighting up to the consternation of self-appointed nannies.

So good on ya, Princessa! I'd have joined you but for the lack of paying attention to our most benevolent keepers' calendar! :laugh:

Hmmm...maybe I can bum one from my neighbor before midnight here in the People's Republic of California... :p


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 1, 2010
OMG punch you out? Ooh, oooooh! I can't imagine!:blink:

Yeah, I'd say you've got more reason than anyone to have your attitude!

& yeah, I'm glad we have so many folks that I work with, two of 'em smoke my ol' brand M'boro Ultra Lights - I had two choices of who to become a bum from! Luckily, I'd never been one to bum before, and we've had those at work too. I got lucky, and was able to get my hands on JUST ONE ;o)

Love the clarification "empathetic" - those just pathetic ones... no live long for them :p


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 23, 2010
Yup. Just walking down the street, lighting it away from passers-by as I always did. Not being rude. Not blowing smoke anywhere near anyone. He does a B-line for me, and takes a swing.

This dude was twice my size. And he felt like it was totally ok to try to hit me, just for smoking.

Nope. Pathetic people can just die in a fire. Ugh.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 1, 2010
LoL!!! @ deejman! You're right, that feeling of lighting up in their faces on such a day, was liberating ;o)

I wouldn't have known either... usually its so widely advertised and spewed by our anti-smoking encounters.

Forgot in my last reply here, to mention ONE particularly inglorious b... one of the commissioners on the Board of my employer. For 13 yrs now he's pestered me, giving me snarling/disappointing looks and comments. The other day, as I returned from outside with a cow-orker (she smoked, I vaped), he saw us and gave his usual snort. I chimed in cheerfully and proud, that I was NOT smoking. I proudly showed him my eGo and explained that it was WATER vapor. After stating that he should be PROUD of my choice, he still grumbled something to the effect of "when you get off everything". This from the man who comes in daily for his FREE jumbo mug of our taxpayer coffee. But, I digress... a curmudgeon cannot be cheerful or happy.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 8, 2010
Well the more I got pressured to quit the more I dug my claws in. Smoking or not smoking is ultimately my decision. There is a noticable difference between folks that want to help and those that just want to meddle, and sorry to say I think there are more meddlers. Maybe I just noticed them more. I hope that's the case. In any event I'm with you Princessa.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 4, 2010
So, yes, out of pure rebellion I bummed a Marlboro Ultra Light (at least the "not spent" part of my banner remains untarnished LoL) from a cow-orker! I did not 'crave' it, I did not have the feelings that I "needed" it either. I didn't even necessarily "want" it (as I have coded many of my analogs smoked in my spreadsheet the last 2 weeks). It was a rebellious gesture to keep this day MINE, and not part of this national day of everyone telling us what to do! hehehe I held onto that analog until I had another cow-orker to enjoy it with, another rebel at work who is not, and has no desire to become, a non-smoker.

Hey, if this day had been my quit date...I would have lit up too! No way would I want for my win to be associated with GASO! :)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 23, 2010
I got so ...... about this I wrote it up in my personal blog. Waaaay too much profanity for my vaping blog. I got all into the FDA and Big Pharma and their nice little shoulder-rubbing routine with the American Cancer Society. My rantyness on this subject knows no bounds. Nothing bothers me more than money-grubbing corporate entities.

Man, this is the first time I've wanted a cigarette in a while, just so I can smoke one in protest.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2010
Central Texas
I'm with ya Princessa. I don't know if you were around for the very first GASO, but that was horrible. It was on every radio and tv station every few minutes. In the papers, in magazines, on bill boards. When was that? The late 70's or early 80's? It was heavily touted every year until about 10 years ago or so.

Annually, I dreaded that day. I resented that day. I smoked more that day because everyone would remind me "not to smoke today". I'd hear the ad on the radio and immediately crave a smoke. See the billboard, crave a smoke.

All the non-smokers asking why I wasn't participating in the Great American Smokeout.

As if all you had to do was give up cigs for one day and vio'la, you're cured. Arrrrrrgh!
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 1, 2010
I got so ...... about this I wrote it up in my personal blog. Waaaay too much profanity for my vaping blog. I got all into the FDA and Big Pharma and their nice little shoulder-rubbing routine with the American Cancer Society. My rantyness on this subject knows no bounds. Nothing bothers me more than money-grubbing corporate entities.

Man, this is the first time I've wanted a cigarette in a while, just so I can smoke one in protest.

LoL Sorry Mistress!!! Did not mean to drag ya down with me ;o) I would love to read your write up... not to worry, I don't have sensitive eyes ;o) PM me the link if it is "public"?


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 1, 2010
Yes Bozz... aging myself, but yes! And even tho' it was possibly Jr High or High School, I was a smoker too. Probably where it got instilled in me (those are rebellious years, no?) to have this attitude I hold today. Maybe an annual GASO (Great American Smoke ONE Day LoL) is in the future hehehe Probably not worth the temptation in the future, but a giggle for today!

You could always tell the ones not really addicted, that COULD give up smoking that one day...
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