Got my starter kit today

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First off, just want to say thank you to ECF for being a great resource. I didn't have the patience to read everything, but I read enough to make a good choice (with some help from this forum!)

I got my Joye 510 manual today from cignot, along with a 10ml bottle of black tea juice. I was supposed to charge the batt for a full 4-8 hrs, but I couldn't wait, so as soon as the light turned green, I was off and running. I've been vaping now for about seven hours, and have had to switch the batts about four times! I hope I didn't mess them up by not charging them fully.

I'm a pipe smoker, and have been puffing on my pipe on occasion, mostly when the PV isn't available. I find that I actually prefer the e-cig to the pipe, which is saying something, as I love(d) the pipe.

I just wanted to share my experience, and tell anyone who is considering a first purchase to definitely try the 510 manual, as often suggested here. I was steered toward cignot because they have low prices, but I suspect that any of the vendors listed here would provide something similar.

I do have one question. Do a lot of people here go for those big suckers, like the Pro vape? They look like drug paraphernalia, but I'm guessing they smoke great.

Hope all are well.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 13, 2010
Capitol District New York
I see you mentioned changing batteries 4 times and that wasn't even a full day. That's a big part of why the large mods are popular. Enough charge to last an entire day or more. Then there is the whole 5V vs 3.7V atomizer taste thing that some of those big mods can do.

BTW the reason they say to charge for longer than just 'til the LED turns green' is because these are cheaper as in inexpensively made products and the charger really hasn't fully charged the battery at the point it changes the LED from red to green. It continues to trickle charge the battery. Which is also why you shouldn't leave a battery in the charge unattended overnight or all day long.

I started a10 days ago and spend about an hour or two each day learning here, there is tons of good info. So if there is anything you're unsure about just look and if you can't find it because of the quantity of info here just ask. Folks seem rather friendly.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2010
A Brit, abroad, (USA)
the Li-ion batts dont trickle charge so you're fine to leave it in the charger - I leave mine in em all the time - saves me losing them lol
And yes as soon as the light turns green you're good to use one - 8 hours isnt necessay - mine get that much because I have a PT which I prefer to use over the manual batteries (standard manual batteries dont last long if you vape a lot, luckily they re-charge fast). Many people who dont want a mega battery (or larger battery mod) use a PCC on the go btw.
Happy vaping :)


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Mar 3, 2010
Kodak TN
Excellent Choice on the 510! I have been using one since I started vaping 3 months ago and it is nice. When I get my tax return (hopefully soon! LOL) I am looking into getting a Chuck or a Super T model MOD. The chuck uses a battery that will last a HEAVY vaper 2 days!!! I could really get used to that! That is the ONLY thing that really stinks about the standard 510. The batteries don't last too long. I have thought about getting the Ego/Tornado to get the longer battery life, but I think I will take the plunge with a MOD instead. Anyway, glad you like your 510 and welcome to the ECF!! :):)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2009
Yeah, the large part of the draw to the larger, non battery enclosure types is the ability to change batteries less, and get a stronger current which in most cases produces a much stronger flavor and a better vapor overall. If blowing out billows of vapor is your thing, a bigger, badder, mod is your pearly gate.

Your batteries *should* be ok since they're not supposed to develop a charge memory, at least not this quickly into the life cycle, however, I'd strongly suggest letting them charge overnight if you have the capacity to charge more than one at a time. I couldn't wait either, but after a long charge they're good to go.. and once the overnight ritual was done, my 510's are ready in around 30 minutes of charging.

The mini batteries will last very short periods, make no mistake about it. The mega batteries, (about as long as a mini+atty) tend to last an extra few hours, comparative to the 2hours I get out of my mini, but with the PCC and the fact that I always have a USB/Car/plain outlet nearby I'm never without a source of charging.

Anyways, back to manual batteries. The protected, rechargable ones most people use to fuel their PV's tend to last more than 24 hours of steady vaping, comparative to the starter PV's this is a much more convenient arrangement. Compiled with the bonus of being able to vape at 5v and such, they become the next step in vaping for most people. Even with all the costs considered, I'm making out like a bandit, after being a two pack a day smoker, I've got zero qualms tossing down the cash for a Chuck.... now if I could only get him to get his payment page fixed or respond to me via email on how to pay him!
Foiled again, is the phrase.
Thanks for the replies. I'm going to start looking into mods pretty soon, then. For some reason, I've been thinking when people say "mod", they mean they're modifying their PVs by hand. Like someone mentioned something that sounded like he had taken a mini-MagLite and turned it into a PV. I thought, "Well, that doesn't sound like my cup of tea." I'm guessing now that these mods are modified versions of standard e-cig models, or something like that? Thanks again, everyone.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2009
Thanks for the replies. I'm going to start looking into mods pretty soon, then. For some reason, I've been thinking when people say "mod", they mean they're modifying their PVs by hand. Like someone mentioned something that sounded like he had taken a mini-MagLite and turned it into a PV. I thought, "Well, that doesn't sound like my cup of tea." I'm guessing now that these mods are modified versions of standard e-cig models, or something like that? Thanks again, everyone.

For the most part yeah, mod is just basically a deviation from the standard PV's you see up there. Most of them are modified by hand, or from an original mod that gets progressed to a perfected version, like the Chuck for example. THAG BUILT: A Wolf in Sheeps Clothing! He even provides custom graphics on the unit, but besides the mechanism housing, the atty, cart, and batteries are all separate.

You're right though, there are plenty of homegrown mods like the maglite, or the dremel kit turned into a pv which is a fab idea since it's so easy and accessible for even the least inclined modder to do.
Going well, thank you. I never, never thought that I would actually prefer vaping to smoking. I figured it would be just good enough to wean me off tobacco. As it turns out, when the batts are down for charging, I just hold off on smoking. I am positively attached to the hip of my 510. :)

The hunt for mods, well ... I think when the next bout of cashage comes, it will be time for more juice, and a USB passthrough. Then, when there's more cabbage in the salad bowl, so to speak, I will look into something like a ProVape or Silver Bullet. The only reason I am looking at the ProVape is because it's the top prize in the review contest. Has to be something desirable for the ECF community, or it wouldn't be top prize. Right? :) That's my logic, at any rate.

This vaping is fantastic, though. It's amazing how quickly even gunked-up lungs can recover, and how quickly even just a little sense of smell and taste can return. I can already tell that this apt. reeks of smoke!

Hope all are well.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 2, 2010
Florida USA
I have no desire for a big mod either. What I am doing is I ordered an adaptor for a kr808 battery to the 510 addy. The kr808 has a much longer battery life then the 510 and runs at a little higher voltage.
The adaptors are available at and the batteries are available at
This is a very cheap method of extending your battery life and upping the voltage at the same time.
You will need a charger for the batteries though. There is a small one just for plugging it in to a puter to charge or a wall charger available too.

The extra bonus is that you will be able to use cartomizers on the kr808 bat too.
Oh I just noticed, I am a former Michiganian too. Now in Florida:)
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2010
A Brit, abroad, (USA)
Mods are great - if you get a good one first time that is - some people seem to go through a lot looking for the 'best' and that sounds expensive to me, especially when I have a slightly out of control juice habit already :lol: I do like the idea of a mod though - moreso when its made by someone else as I am NOT handy with power tools. I do enjoy my PT though so right now its not really URGENT I get a battery mod.
mini-art makes a good point about adapters though - I went this route when i wanted to try out a different model but didn't want to fork out for a whole new kit - don't get me wrong I do enjoy my 510, but it can be a little vicious with fruity flavors. I got an adapter (which means I can still use my 510 battery and PT with it) and atty for the 901 (madvapes if you're curious) and find I enjoy it greatly for those softer flavors.
That's definitely an option if you want to try a different experience without paying mega bucks.
Its also a reason I dont recommend an Ego or something to newbies (even if I think they might be a good idea) - I dont think people should pay out too much money to start with if they find eventually they prefer smoking cigs to vaping. Smoking is expensive enough as it is without spending $$$ on a new hobby you abandon shortly after.


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2010
Maplewood, MN
Going well, thank you. I never, never thought that I would actually prefer vaping to smoking. I figured it would be just good enough to wean me off tobacco. As it turns out, when the batts are down for charging, I just hold off on smoking. I am positively attached to the hip of my 510. :)

The hunt for mods, well ... I think when the next bout of cashage comes, it will be time for more juice, and a USB passthrough. T

Everyone here loves to hear when a smoker resists temptation and when they come to the realization that vaping is SO much tastier than smoking tobacco.

I actually bought a 510 from cignot as well and am loving it. I normally vape entirely at my computer and I am looking for a cheap 510 usb passthru as well. I found one for $15 at Rocky Mountain Vapor you have reached the mountain top of electronic cigarettes! with free shipping for orders over $14 and am slightly tempted to purchase it.

Good luck with vaping. I'm glad you enjoy it :)
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