Get your FREEBIE - FACES of VOLT Smokeless Image

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Full Member
Apr 2, 2013

Kinda blurry, hope its ok.

I started vaping with a different brand, but quickly came to realize that charging batteries every 3 or 4 hours was not for me. I spent some time researching other popular brands, but I wanted to stick with an automatic battery with an 808 connection. Didn't take me long to find Smokeless Image. Their website is clean and easy to use, prices are good, and judging by the reviews they have a lot of satisfied customers. You can count me as one of those.

I've been using a 650 mah Auto Spinner for about a week now and I couldn't be happier. The biggest problem I had with my old batteries was that they were unregulated; they start at 4.2 volts and gradually decrease to about 3.6. I found myself burning the wicks of my clearo on a fresh battery, but I couldn't get a decent drag off of an almost dead one. That is not a problem with my Auto Spinner. I can dial that bad boy to right where I need it to be, and if a clearo is on its last legs I can give it a bit more juice to get a few more days out of it. Not only that but I get about 8-10 hours off a charge, and it only takes a couple hours to charge it up! All I need to do now is buy another one. =)

Thanks Smokeless Image, you got a customer for life right here.


Full Member
May 7, 2013

I had been an on and off smoker for 16 years. It had always been one of those social or a once in a while after a long stressful day type of habit I had. My wife was the same type of smoker and after awhile, it got old. I was tired of the smell, the aftertaste and at times the way I felt after smoking just a few analogs during the day. It was never the nicotine that got us, but rather, the act of smoking itself that was relaxing and kept us on them for all those years.

My friend had introduced me to e-cigs and he had a few Volts that he had just picked up. He was a PAD smoker and hadn't touched one in a few months. I knew that he only researches the latest, greatest and most importantly best quality products so I knew that SI was the way to go if I truly wanted to change. Cut to today, I haven't had an analog in 4 months and what surprised me most is I haven't even wanted one. That's how I know I stumbled upon a great product. Thanks Smokeless Image!


Full Member
Jan 28, 2012
ashland city, tn
I have been smoking since I was about 16 and I went from full flavor regulars to full flavor menthols, which are even worse for you. I had tried quitting so many times before, but the e-cig just WORKS. I had tried SI Volt products before and when I saw they had the X2, making the battery last longer I was hooked! I have a rainbow 1300 X2 manual and a 650 X2 manual and I absolutely LOVE them! SI has great products and excellent customer service and they just keep getting better. I have only had a few analogs since vaping and they have been so gross I do not think I will ever be looking back! Thank you Smokeless Image, you are SAVING LIVES!

"I am thrilled to have found Smokeless Image! I have tried products from 7 different e cig companies, and Smokeless Image offers some of the best e cig products and at a much cheaper price in compairison to the competition. The mini and nano clearomizers and volt batteries have changed how i vape! I also love the selection volt has to offer, they have your basic battery, and cartomizers, to variable voltage batteries and tanks, along with the liquid to fill the tanks and plenty of accesories to boot! I am ready to try a more advanced battery and tank system, and because the Volt Krd808-1 manual battery and the SI Clearomizers have become my go tos until now, I would like to stay a Smokeless Image customer. So i am very excited that I dont have to find an unfamiliar company, because volt has the X2 and the Spinner along with tanks and clearomizers, and I feel confident in my plan to try the spinners, because of the quality of Smokeless Image products i have been using!"


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Verified Member
Oct 28, 2013
Orange, CA, USA
"I never really thought that I would find a product that would work for me in the vaping world. After weeks of frustration I stumbled upon Smokeless Image and the Volt e-cig. I ordered the Volt Standard Starter kit and the Strong Sampler and I haven't looked back. Everything I have tried from Smokeless Image has been top-notch and has blown away my expectations and desires (both of which were quite high, might I add). When I need more batteries and when I'm ready to try a unit with a passthrough option I know that I will be returning to Smokeless Image, no question! As far as I'm concerned you simply can't beat the price and quality of Smokeless Image products."

Seriously though, much love for Smokeless Image <3

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
Hemet, CA
After trying many other brands of ecigs, Smokeless Image was the one brand that finally made is easy for me to quit smoking analogs for good. I actually owe them my life. Smokeless Image has the best products. The best customer service. The best prices. And they have sales often. Thanks Smokeless Image, you're the best! 2013-11-11 18.31.13.jpg


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Feb 26, 2012
Buckeye Lake, Ohio
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I don't have any vaping horror stories or stories about struggles with other products. I got lucky. Over a year and a half ago I ordered a Volt starter kit from Smokeless Image and after 12 years of smoking, I smoked my very last cigarette the day it arrived in the mail. That was my very first and only ecig. Those batteries (2 78mm manual batts) are still working great. I'm sure it's time for a new battery and I've always wanted to try out the new X2 so I think my next order will be an X2 and some mini clearos. Thank you, Smokeless Image, for offering a great product and making the switch from cigarettes easy.

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Got my e cig on September 17th and I was completely lost. I’ve been an analog smoker for 25yrs. I averaged about 5 packs per week. Finally after family pressure and friends showing me their x2 and mini t3 setup I made the switch.
Since my month on my Smokeless Image ecig I’ve cut down to about 2-3 analogs a day, and I’m trying to switch to vapor only. I’ve never been able quit or wing myself off cigarettes quit like this. My products from Smokeless Images are changing me for the better. Vaping is fun. The odor is pleasant, and with the variety of flavors quitting isn’t as tough as before. I wish I found Smokeless Image sooner, it has definitely saved me in more ways imaginable.
Get a Freebie!! Take a picture of you using your VOLT and post it here ALONG WITH A TESTIMONIAL about Smokeless Image or the VOLT.

The VOLT logo on the battery has to be readable - or if you cannot get it in focus just add our business card or kit box in your shot :).

Doing so gives us permission to use your picture/image & testimonial on our website.

If you would like to keep your identity private you can just PM me your picture and I will post it here as an anonymous user. Once the shot is approved by us you will get a PM from us. You can then choose ONE of the following :

1) a free battery (any color size in stock - does not include X2 batts)
2) a free bottle of 30ml of e-liquid (any flavor or strength in stock)
3) a free pack of cartos (any flavor or strength in stock)!!
4) 80 Reward points

* 1 Freebie allowed per screen name
* your head must be in the photo

this thread/freebie is still active - 4/4/13

How do I do this please? I did not see anywhere to click on to get into it.


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Verified Member
May 5, 2012
Baton Rouge, LA
When you click reply, just above where you type your reply there will be a row of icons. Click the one with the little tree in a black box. It will then open a window with a choose file link. Click that link and put the file with your photo there. When I click on my ipad it says take photo or choose photo. If you're using from a mobile device you may need to go to the full site and not use the mobile version.

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 18, 2013
This is so awesome! Love my volt ( RIP PCC :( )

Smoked for 6 years before trying e-cigs. Everything I tried was so horrible and rage inducing, it actually made me want to get a pack of smokes. Gave it one last shot by buying the volt, now smoke-free for almost a year. Thank you volt!!
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I was a 1/2 pack to 1 pack a day smoker for over 25 years, but thanks to Smokeless Image and their Volt e-cigs, I'm happy to say I've been analog free since December 2nd, 2013.

Their customer service is fantastic and my supply shipments always arrive quickly, even crossing the border into Canada. The Volt batteries and cartomizers are the best I've tried and I love their RY4 and Desert Joe e-liquids!

By the way, since I started to use my Volt, I've converted both my girlfriend and her sister to vaping......thank you Smokeless Image!


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