FDA - IMPORTANT - Your comments needed here

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This link was posted on another thread (see post #314) http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/e-cigarette-news/152108-fda-seizing-new-shipments-32.html

It is extremely important that each one of us take a few minutes to comment with our own success stories.

]How Safe Are E-Cigarettes? « A Public Participation Forum for the FDA Advisory Committee (TPSAC)

On Thursday there was one comment, now it's up to 40. How many comments can we get before Monday?

PLEASE post a comment, you don't have to write a book, just a few lines stating your own experience is sufficient.

This is an opportunity to be heard, lets make sure we take advantage of it.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2010
Kansas, USA
Below is my little spiel on the site:

Most of the vendors that I deal with have either a disclaimer on their site or they have a button to push that will allow those over 18 onto their site. I think the biggest fear is that the internet makes it easier for those under 18 to buy personal vaporizers. Unlike real life where one is carded when buying a pack of cigarettes, this is really tough on the internet. The only way around it that I see is for vendors to keep doing what they are doing. If they have a customer that is a suspected minor, then they can investigate further and if need be cut them off as well as spread the word to other vendors about the individual. You also have to consider that in real life, minors get their hands on the real thing by producing false identification cards, so it is still the same.
Personally, I originally started vaping to replace the cigarettes because my program administrator was allergic to cigarette smoke. Since then, I have dropped the amount of nicotine drastically...but at the same time have also experienced more pain levels with my fibromyalgia. Am I likely to go back to the real cigarettes....NO WAY. Now I can't stand the way they smell.
I think the FDA needs to work with the medical community and reinvestigate exactly what the medical benefits and what doses of nicotine are beneficial and then go from that point.
FDA....you have a long history of jumping before looking, on this issue, before forcing people back to something that is more harmful, please look very closely before jumping.
"Only the dose separates a drug from a toxin and a therapeutic effect from a toxic effect" Be sure you don't rule just because there is a toxic effect of nicotine. If that were the case then almost ALL medications (OTC and prescription) would have to be thrown out and medical drug science would be forced to go back to the dark ages.


Ultra Member
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Mar 15, 2011
Tyler, Tx
This link was posted on another thread (see post #314) http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/e-cigarette-news/152108-fda-seizing-new-shipments-32.html

It is extremely important that each one of us take a few minutes to comment with our own success stories.

]How Safe Are E-Cigarettes? « A Public Participation Forum for the FDA Advisory Committee (TPSAC)

On Thursday there was one comment, now it's up to 40. How many comments can we get before Monday?

PLEASE post a comment, you don't have to write a book, just a few lines stating your own experience is sufficient.

This is an opportunity to be heard, lets make sure we take advantage of it.

I haven't started vaping yet but I put in my two cents. It wasn't a book but it could be classified as an article (hehe).


Vaping Master
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Mar 2, 2011
Saint Louis
There, I contributed. Though, it was a little on the extreme side. But! This is extreme! I don't know about you all, but I REFUSE to allow the banning of e-cigs. This is what I was looking for, for years, to find something that could help me not smoke. I am still brand new to this but it has worked and I'll be damned if they take it from me.

Has the call for action for Missouri come yet?


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Feb 3, 2011
Sometimes I wonder if the FDA just wants to see how many of us will protest so they can get a rough head count as to how badly the big tobacco companies will be affected. As in, if there are not many to make a dent they won't mess with us but if the government sees that we are about to seriously slash their tax revenue, then they will put their foot down. I guess I'll add my sob story but I just have this feeling that the decision has nothing to do with what we want or our health. In the end it will all come down to money.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 2, 2011
North Carolina
I dont know if I am suppose to put this here or not but if not it can be moved to the right thread. I had been smoking analogs for over thirty five years and didnt see no hope in quiting. Over three packs a day. On January 14th I got my first pv and have not looked back If the FDA thinks the pv's are not a help then they are either crazy or blind or just don't care. I think they need to take a bigger look and stop being the money grubbing agency that they are now.


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Nov 27, 2010
Done with the following message:

"I am a former pack a day smoker roped into a nicotine addiction 25 years ago while serving in the US Army. Having spent the last 10 years trying to quit smoking with, to name a few, The Patch, Gum, Zyban, hypnosis, I had nearly given up hope as nothing stuck for more than a day.

Back in mid 2010, one of my friends had quit using an e-cig which got me curious. In late 2010, one of my retired military associates (at age 42) was diagnosed with cancer caused by cigarettes, this to say the least, scared the hell out of me to at least try this new device, the e-cig. I received my first e-cig started kit in Nov. 2010 and have not had a regular cigarette since.

This system to me is a literal life saver. The hypocrisy of a state government to even consider a ban on e-cigs while gladly collecting the taxes on regular cigarettes (a known killer) is reprehensible. Will government actually ever again be “For the People” and not “For the Money”? "


Super Member
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Feb 3, 2011
I dont know if I am suppose to put this here or not but if not it can be moved to the right thread. I had been smoking analogs for over thirty five years and didnt see no hope in quiting. Over three packs a day. On January 14th I got my first pv and have not looked back If the FDA thinks the pv's are not a help then they are either crazy or blind or just don't care. I think they need to take a bigger look and stop being the money grubbing agency that they are now.

That sounds exactly like me. 3 packs a day. My only regret is that I didn't discover pv's sooner. I know it will come down to money.


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Feb 3, 2011
Done with the following message:

"I am a former pack a day smoker roped into a nicotine addiction 25 years ago while serving in the US Army. Having spent the last 10 years trying to quit smoking with, to name a few, The Patch, Gum, Zyban, hypnosis, I had nearly given up hope as nothing stuck for more than a day.

Back in mid 2010, one of my friends had quit using an e-cig which got me curious. In late 2010, one of my retired military associates (at age 42) was diagnosed with cancer caused by cigarettes, this to say the least, scared the hell out of me to at least try this new device, the e-cig. I received my first e-cig started kit in Nov. 2010 and have not had a regular cigarette since.

This system to me is a literal life saver. The hypocrisy of a state government to even consider a ban on e-cigs while gladly collecting the taxes on regular cigarettes (a known killer) is reprehensible. Will government actually ever again be “For the People” and not “For the Money”? "

Good post and thank you, for your service protecting me.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Oct 14, 2009
Outside of the Philadelphia Burbs, NJ & Fla
I posted twice now on this article and I'm really hating Big Tobacco, Big Pharma, The FDA, & how are Govt is running the USA right now, it's starting to seem it is all about them, and there all protecting each other and in each others pants big time. Our Govt needs some serious change today. They have the best of pay, Benefits, retirement programs and by the time some of us retire there will be nothing left to collect from all the years we have paid into social security, it's starting to really sicken me. The first think I would do if I had my say is pass a bill that would put any Govt official in prison for life if they got caught committing a felony of ANY sort, this would make them think twice about what they did and go back to work for the people like they are supposed to be working for instead of themselves.!!!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 15, 2011
Albany NY
oh I couldnt agree more. We have to take back our country.

Try reading the book The Rise of Tyranny and you will find out exactly how all this came to be as it is today.

I posted twice now on this article and I'm really hating Big Tobacco, Big Pharma, The FDA, & how are Govt is running the USA right now, it's starting to seem it is all about them, and there all protecting each other and in each others pants big time. Our Govt needs some serious change today. They have the best of pay, Benefits, retirement programs and by the time some of us retire there will be nothing left to collect from all the years we have paid into social security, it's starting to really sicken me. The first think I would do if I had my say is pass a bill that would put any Govt official in prison for life if they got caught committing a felony of ANY sort, this would make them think twice about what they did and go back to work for the people like they are supposed to be working for instead of themselves.!!!
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