Favorite RTA

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Vaping Master
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Jul 1, 2012
Mallorca, Spain
Hi guys. I'm looking to getting into rta's and I was wanting some advice. I'm not into sub-ohming and I want a single coil build. Besides the Kayfuns, what are your favorite ones? Thanks!
What are you using now?
I'm a HUGE GG Tilemahos fan. I can't think of a day in the last year when I didn't have a Tillie in my hand.
The Spring-o-mizer is SUPER easy to recoil and rewick, even with a full tank.
Love love love them. (yes, all three of them).
imo, flavour wise, they have no equal.

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Nov 25, 2012
I'm a big fan of the GP Spheroid, particularly the v4 that no longer required filler material. It's a 16mm atomizer that is known for great flavor. It looks great on the traditional slanted Provari top cap, although I think it also looks good with a flat top cap. I'm using one on a GMZ Provari Mini v2.5 with a flat P3 top cap right now.


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Oct 10, 2013
Pittsburgh, Pa, USA
I been using the Innokin APEX and Kanger Toptanks.
These tanks are made for Sub Vaping but they do make coils for them that are above 1 ohm.
Kangertech TopTank Mini Tank
Aspire Eigate Triton 2.0 Top Filling Sub Ohm Tank

But these tanks also make RBA Decks that might interest you. :unsure:
Replacement Kangertech Subtank Mini RBA Deck Plus V2
Innokin iSub RBA Rebuildable Atomizer Kit

The nice thing about using these is, if a day comes when you don't feel like building or don't have the time, you could use one of their coils in it.


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Your vaping style sounds pretty similar to mine, and I've tried a lot of different attys that are exactly what you're looking for (Kayfun, Squape, Erlkonigin, Mark Bugs Gem, Calix, Gus Phenonmenon). It's all a matter of budget.

My hands down favorite is the Erlkonigin. It's a little more effort to wick it, although it's quite simple once you do it a couple of times. The flavor just can't be beat and it's a damn fine looking device as well.

A close second for me is the Phenomenon Lite by Gus. Very good flavor, easy to fill with the bottom filling option and easy to wick.

But the best bang for the buck? The Kayfun Lite Plus V2. There's a reason that Svoemesto has them readily available on their website and they're discontinuing the Kayfun V4. It just works. Really well. If it is too tight on the draw it's very easy to take a 5/64" drill bit and open the center post airflow hole - even a klutz like me can do that and I don't have a clue how to operate power tools.


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Glad you started this!!

I've been looking at the Kayfun v4, interesting that they're already discontinuing it. :unsure:

...but have been eyeing (anything) VaporArt...for a LONG time.:drool: :laugh: Seems intimidating though, but looks like there's great help available at every turn!

I've been looking for tanks too, I've only wrapped very simple coils (mainly protank ;) ), but used those exclusively for almost 2 years.


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Mar 17, 2014
Windy City
I have several so I'll post on the one's I own.

The Subtank Mini with the RBA section produces great flavor and vapor. When the flavor is flat it's your build not the tank.

Cthulhu V2
Kayfun V4 - this tank is a little fiddly but I own four and still use them all the time
Tengu - higher price tag and good luck finding one.
OBS Ace - Just got one and it's a nice tank
Merlin - waiting for this tank to be sold in the states


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I've tried two EHPro Bachelors, loved almost everything about it but just couldn't stop either of them from leaking so I can't recommend it.

Funny enough my Bachelor Nano has been flawless and is my fav RTA. Awesome flavor and vapor production, lots room to build on and has some great features like juice flow control, easy top-fill with the hinged top and the (optional) MTL kit.

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